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2021-06-01 16:50 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Recognition of the hardness of objects when using a white cane
-- Comparison between visually impaired users and sighted university students wearing an eye mask -- Kiyohiko Nunokawa (TIU), Takeshi Tanabe (AIST), Kouki Doi (NISE), Shinji Sako (NIT), Yoshikazu Seki, Shuichi Ino (AIST) WIT2021-12 |
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WIT2021-12 pp.59-62 |
2019-03-09 17:40 |
Ibaraki |
Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki) |
[Special Talk]
International Standardization of accessibility on Information Technology Yoshikazu Seki (AIST) WIT2018-78 |
This address explains the trends of international standardization of accessibility on information technology for multige... [more] |
WIT2018-78 p.111 |
2017-05-27 13:00 |
Tokyo |
RION Co., LTD. (Tokyo) |
Examination on the Swallowing Signal of the Thickened Water Using an Acoustic-Emission Microphone Manabu Chikai, Yoshikazu Seki, Kenta Kimura, Hiroshi Endo (AIST), Nobuyuki Ohmori (Nagano Prefecture General Industrial Technology Center), Shuichi Ino (AIST) WIT2017-1 |
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the swallowing functions of people with dysphagia using an acoustic microphone ... [more] |
WIT2017-1 pp.1-4 |
2015-10-07 14:30 |
Osaka |
Osaka University Nakanoshima Center (Osaka) |
Design of X Shape Dipole Antenna with Human Head Model for the Mobile Terminal of Satellite/Terrestrial Integrated Mobile Communication System Yoshiyuki Fujino (NICT), Tatsuya Sato, Makoto Yamaguchi (Toyo University), Yoshikazu Seki, Amane Miura, Teruaki Orikasa (NICT) SAT2015-30 |
Research and development of satellite/terrestrial integrated mobile communication system (STICS) is performed to achieve... [more] |
SAT2015-30 pp.61-64 |
2014-09-13 10:15 |
Hyogo |
Kobe Univ. Kusunoki Campus (Hyogo) |
An analysis of the sounds created by tapping a white cane for judging hardness of an object Kiyohiko Nunokawa (Tokyo International Univ.), Yoshikazu Seki, Manabu Chikai (AIST), Kouki Doi (NISE), Shuichi Ino (AIST) WIT2014-26 |
This experimental study examined the ability of people to perceive the hardness of an object solely through the tapping ... [more] |
WIT2014-26 pp.39-44 |
ITS, IE, ITE-AIT, ITE-HI, ITE-ME [detail] |
2014-02-17 14:05 |
Hokkaido |
Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) |
Fundamental study II and Game-related considerationabout the move source localization ability assessment adapting a virtual auditory display Takamichi Nakano, Kadoaki Izuta (TPU), Makoto Oh-uchi, Asumi Seino, Kazuhumi Omuro (TFU), Yukio Iwaya (TGU), Yoshikazu Seki (AIST), Hisaki Nate (TPU) |
[more] |
MVE, IE, WIT, IMQ, CQ (Joint) [detail] |
2013-03-11 09:45 |
Fukuoka |
Fukuoka Institute of Technology (Fukuoka) |
Roles of a Talking Navigation Aid in Walking with a Long Cane and Guide Dog
-- Towards Training Support of Orientation and Mobility -- Takeshi Kurata, Yoshikazu Seki, Masakatsu Kourogi (AIST), Jun Ishikawa (Univ. of Shizuoka) IMQ2012-35 IE2012-139 MVE2012-96 WIT2012-45 |
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IMQ2012-35 IE2012-139 MVE2012-96 WIT2012-45 pp.5-10 |
ITS, IE, ITE-AIT, ITE-HI, ITE-ME [detail] |
2013-02-18 11:20 |
Hokkaido |
Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) |
Research of move source localization capability training of the visually impaired person adapting a virtual auditory display Takamichi Nakano (Tokyo Polytechnic University), Makoto Ohuchi, Asumi Seino, Hiroki Akaizawa, Kazuhumi Omuro (Touhoku Fukushi University), Yukio Iwaya (Touhoku Gakuin University), Yoshikazu Seki (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Yuichirou Kume (Tokyo Polytechnic University) |
[more] |
2011-05-21 13:00 |
Niigata |
Niigata Univ. (Niigata) |
[Special Talk]
Transition of Assistive Technologies for Mobility of Blind People Yoshikazu Seki (AIST) WIT2011-16 |
[more] |
WIT2011-16 pp.87-90 |
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