Committee |
Date Time |
Place |
Paper Title / Authors |
Abstract |
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2021-12-03 10:00 |
Ishikawa |
Kanazawa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Ishikawa, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
On the average shortest path length of Host-Switch graphs with diameter 4 Daiki Shimizu, Yosuke Kikuchi (NIT, Tsuyama College) COMP2021-21 |
In recent research on network topology, there are some studies that deal with graphs more faithful to real-world network... [more] |
COMP2021-21 pp.1-8 |
2021-09-07 13:05 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Examination about the usefulness of 5G NR based C-V2X congestion control method for information sharing among vehicles Takaaki Ueno (KDDI Research), Yosuke Kikuchi, Akira Ito (KDDI), Tomohiko Ogishi (KDDI Research) ITS2021-5 |
Currently, in Japan, the 700MHz band safe driving support system (ITS Connect) is used as a communication method among v... [more] |
ITS2021-5 pp.1-6 |
2019-09-02 15:25 |
Okayama |
Tsushima Campus, Okayama University (Okayama) |
On the number of complete k-ary trees of height h Yosuke Kikuchi (NIT, Tsuyama College), Yume Ikeda (NTTEast-Minamikanto) COMP2019-15 |
We give the number of complete $k$-ary trees of height $h$.
It is known that the number of complete binary trees of hei... [more] |
COMP2019-15 pp.27-32 |
2018-12-12 17:05 |
Miyagi |
Tohoku University (Miyagi) |
Experimental evaluation of an approach based on de Bruijn graphs for Order/Degree problem Tamami Okada, Hiroki Kanda, Yosuke Kikuchi (NIT, Tsuyama College) COMP2018-41 |
In 1946, de Bruijn digraphs was proposed by mathematician de Bruijn.
This paper describes the smallest diameter graph c... [more] |
COMP2018-41 pp.61-67 |
2018-12-12 17:25 |
Miyagi |
Tohoku University (Miyagi) |
Distance 2-domination number of Hypercubes Nana Kawamura, Yosuke Kikuchi (NIT, Tsuyama College) COMP2018-42 |
A dominating set is a subset of vertices of a graph such that any vertex is adjacent to a vertex in the dominating set o... [more] |
COMP2018-42 pp.69-72 |
2018-04-24 09:55 |
Yamaguchi |
Hotel New Tanaka, Yuda Onsen (Yamaguchi) |
Propagation Characteristic of V2V Communications in Right-Turn Accident Prevention Scenario Yosuke Kikuchi, Yasushi Yamao (UEC) RCS2018-16 |
One of the scenarios that vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication is highly expected to prevent car accident is right-tur... [more] |
RCS2018-16 pp.79-84 |
2015-11-26 15:50 |
Fukushima |
AIST, Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute (Fukushima) |
On Evaluation of Android Markets Based on Maliciousness and Impact of Registered Applications Yosuke Kikuchi, Katsunari Yoshioka, Tsutomu Matsumoto (YNU) ICSS2015-40 |
With the spread of Android devices, the number of malware targeting Android has been rapidly increasing in recent years.... [more] |
ICSS2015-40 pp.31-36 |
2011-11-17 10:05 |
Kyoto |
Katsura Hall,Kyoto Univ. (Kyoto) |
AlN/GaN Short-Period Superlattice Coherently Grown on 6H-SiC (0001) Substrates by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Ryosuke Kikuchi, Hironori Okumura, Tsunenobu Kimoto, Jun Suda (Kyoto Univ.) ED2011-73 CPM2011-122 LQE2011-96 |
Recently, we have successfully reduced the threading dislocation density in AlN layer on SiC substrates to 10$^8$ cm$^{-... [more] |
ED2011-73 CPM2011-122 LQE2011-96 pp.1-4 |
2008-12-03 11:30 |
Gunma |
Gunma Univ. (Gunma) |
A Simple Generation of Multi-dimensional Partitions Yosuke Kikuchi (Tsuyama National Coll. Tech.), Katsuhisa Yamanaka (The University of Electro-Communications), Shin-ichi Nakano (Gunma Univ.) COMP2008-49 |
This paper gives a simple algorithm to generate all multi-dimensional partitions of a positive integer N. The problem is... [more] |
COMP2008-49 pp.23-29 |
2006-09-26 10:30 |
Ishikawa |
JAIST (Ishikawa) |
Bipancyclicity and edge-bipancyclicity of Cayley graphs generated by transpositions Yuuki Tanaka (Gunma Univ.), Yosuke Kikuchi (Tsuyama National College of Tech.), Toru Araki (Iwate Univ.), Yukio Shibata (Gunma Univ.) |
Cycle is the most fundamental graph class. For a given graph, it is
interest to find cycles of various length as subgr... [more] |
COMP2006-25 pp.1-8 |
2005-10-18 14:30 |
Miyagi |
Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) |
Hamiltonian laceability of bubble-sort graphs with edge faults Toru Araki (Iwate Univ.), Yosuke Kikuchi (JST) |
It is known that the $n$-dimensional bubble-sort graph $B_n$ is bipartite, $(n-1)$-regular, and has $n!$ vertices.
We f... [more] |
COMP2005-40 pp.29-35 |
2005-10-19 09:00 |
Miyagi |
Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) |
A quantum protocol to win the graph colouring game on all Hadamard graphs David Avis (McGill Univ.), Jun Hasegawa (Univ. of Tokyo/JST), Yosuke Kikuchi (JST), Yuuya Sasaki (Univ. of Tokyo) |
This paper deals with graph colouring games, an example of pseudo-telepathy,
in which
two provers can convince a verif... [more] |
COMP2005-44 pp.1-6 |
2005-09-15 09:25 |
Osaka |
Osaka Univ., Toyonaka Campus (Osaka) |
Edge-bipancyclicity and edge-fault-tolerant bipancyclicity of bubble-sort graphs Yosuke Kikuchi (JST), Toru Araki (Iwate Univ.) |
A bipartite graph $G$ is bipancyclic if $G$ has a cycle of length
$l$ for every even $4 \leq l \leq |V(G)|$.
For a... [more] |
COMP2005-28 pp.1-7 |