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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
COMP 2021-12-03
Ishikawa Kanazawa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Ishikawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
On the average shortest path length of Host-Switch graphs with diameter 4
Daiki Shimizu, Yosuke Kikuchi (NIT, Tsuyama College) COMP2021-21
In recent research on network topology, there are some studies that deal with graphs more faithful to real-world network... [more] COMP2021-21
ITS, IEE-ITS, IPSJ-ITS 2021-09-07
Online Online (Online) Examination about the usefulness of 5G NR based C-V2X congestion control method for information sharing among vehicles
Takaaki Ueno (KDDI Research), Yosuke Kikuchi, Akira Ito (KDDI), Tomohiko Ogishi (KDDI Research) ITS2021-5
Currently, in Japan, the 700MHz band safe driving support system (ITS Connect) is used as a communication method among v... [more] ITS2021-5
COMP 2019-09-02
Okayama Tsushima Campus, Okayama University (Okayama) On the number of complete k-ary trees of height h
Yosuke Kikuchi (NIT, Tsuyama College), Yume Ikeda (NTTEast-Minamikanto) COMP2019-15
We give the number of complete $k$-ary trees of height $h$.
It is known that the number of complete binary trees of hei... [more]
COMP 2018-12-12
Miyagi Tohoku University (Miyagi) Experimental evaluation of an approach based on de Bruijn graphs for Order/Degree problem
Tamami Okada, Hiroki Kanda, Yosuke Kikuchi (NIT, Tsuyama College) COMP2018-41
In 1946, de Bruijn digraphs was proposed by mathematician de Bruijn.
This paper describes the smallest diameter graph c... [more]
COMP 2018-12-12
Miyagi Tohoku University (Miyagi) Distance 2-domination number of Hypercubes
Nana Kawamura, Yosuke Kikuchi (NIT, Tsuyama College) COMP2018-42
A dominating set is a subset of vertices of a graph such that any vertex is adjacent to a vertex in the dominating set o... [more] COMP2018-42
RCS 2018-04-24
Yamaguchi Hotel New Tanaka, Yuda Onsen (Yamaguchi) Propagation Characteristic of V2V Communications in Right-Turn Accident Prevention Scenario
Yosuke Kikuchi, Yasushi Yamao (UEC) RCS2018-16
One of the scenarios that vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication is highly expected to prevent car accident is right-tur... [more] RCS2018-16
ICSS 2015-11-26
Fukushima AIST, Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute (Fukushima) On Evaluation of Android Markets Based on Maliciousness and Impact of Registered Applications
Yosuke Kikuchi, Katsunari Yoshioka, Tsutomu Matsumoto (YNU) ICSS2015-40
With the spread of Android devices, the number of malware targeting Android has been rapidly increasing in recent years.... [more] ICSS2015-40
LQE, ED, CPM 2011-11-17
Kyoto Katsura Hall,Kyoto Univ. (Kyoto) AlN/GaN Short-Period Superlattice Coherently Grown on 6H-SiC (0001) Substrates by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy
Ryosuke Kikuchi, Hironori Okumura, Tsunenobu Kimoto, Jun Suda (Kyoto Univ.) ED2011-73 CPM2011-122 LQE2011-96
Recently, we have successfully reduced the threading dislocation density in AlN layer on SiC substrates to 10$^8$ cm$^{-... [more] ED2011-73 CPM2011-122 LQE2011-96
COMP 2008-12-03
Gunma Gunma Univ. (Gunma) A Simple Generation of Multi-dimensional Partitions
Yosuke Kikuchi (Tsuyama National Coll. Tech.), Katsuhisa Yamanaka (The University of Electro-Communications), Shin-ichi Nakano (Gunma Univ.) COMP2008-49
This paper gives a simple algorithm to generate all multi-dimensional partitions of a positive integer N. The problem is... [more] COMP2008-49
COMP 2006-09-26
Ishikawa JAIST (Ishikawa) Bipancyclicity and edge-bipancyclicity of Cayley graphs generated by transpositions
Yuuki Tanaka (Gunma Univ.), Yosuke Kikuchi (Tsuyama National College of Tech.), Toru Araki (Iwate Univ.), Yukio Shibata (Gunma Univ.)
Cycle is the most fundamental graph class. For a given graph, it is
interest to find cycles of various length as subgr... [more]
COMP 2005-10-18
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) Hamiltonian laceability of bubble-sort graphs with edge faults
Toru Araki (Iwate Univ.), Yosuke Kikuchi (JST)
It is known that the $n$-dimensional bubble-sort graph $B_n$ is bipartite, $(n-1)$-regular, and has $n!$ vertices.
We f... [more]
COMP 2005-10-19
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) A quantum protocol to win the graph colouring game on all Hadamard graphs
David Avis (McGill Univ.), Jun Hasegawa (Univ. of Tokyo/JST), Yosuke Kikuchi (JST), Yuuya Sasaki (Univ. of Tokyo)
This paper deals with graph colouring games, an example of pseudo-telepathy,
in which
two provers can convince a verif... [more]
COMP 2005-09-15
Osaka Osaka Univ., Toyonaka Campus (Osaka) Edge-bipancyclicity and edge-fault-tolerant bipancyclicity of bubble-sort graphs
Yosuke Kikuchi (JST), Toru Araki (Iwate Univ.)
A bipartite graph $G$ is bipancyclic if $G$ has a cycle of length
$l$ for every even $4 \leq l \leq |V(G)|$.
For a... [more]
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