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 Results 1 - 6 of 6  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MSS, CAS, IPSJ-AL [detail] 2020-11-26
Online Online (Online) Improvement of learning accuracy and efficiency in determining element value of analog circuit using Q-Learning.
Yuichi Yamazaki, Takahide Sato, Satomi Ogawa (Yamanashi Univ.) CAS2020-30 MSS2020-22
 [more] CAS2020-30 MSS2020-22
SCE 2020-09-02
Online Online (Online) Design and Evaluation of Compact Interfaces between Adiabatic Quantum-Flux-Parametron Logic and Rapid Single-Flux-Quantum Logic
Yuichi Yamazaki, Naoki Takeuchi, Nobuyuki Yoshikawa (Yokohama Natl., Univ.) SCE2020-5
In superconducting circuits, adiabatic quantum flux parametron (AQFP) circuits with high energy efficiency and fast sing... [more] SCE2020-5
SCE 2020-01-17
Kanagawa (Kanagawa) [Poster Presentation] Design and Evaluation of Interfaces between Adiabatic Quantum Flux Parametron Circuits and Rapid Single Flux Quantum Circuits
Yuichi Yamazaki, Naoki Takeuchi, Nobuyuki Yoshikawa (Yokohama Natl., Univ.) SCE2019-54
 [more] SCE2019-54
SCE 2019-08-09
Ibaraki National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Ibaraki) Study of a Five-input Majority Gate using Adiabatic Quantum Flux Parametron Logic
Yuichi Yamazaki, Taiki Yamae, Naoki Takeuchi, Nobuyuki Yoshikawa (YNU) SCE2019-20
 [more] SCE2019-20
SDM 2015-03-02
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg (Tokyo) [Invited Talk] CNT Via Integration with Highly Dense and Selective CNT Growth
Atsunobu Isobayashi, Makoto Wada, Ban Ito, Tatsuro Saito, Daisuke Nishide, T. Ishikura, Masayuki Katagiri, Yuichi Yamazaki, Takashi Matsumoto, Masayuki Kitamura, Masahito Watanabe, Naoshi Sakuma, Akihiro Kajita, Tadashi Sakai (LEAP) SDM2014-167
In this study, a highly selective carbon nanotube (CNT) via process was developed using a sacrificial spin-on carbon (SO... [more] SDM2014-167
ICD, SDM 2012-08-03
Hokkaido Sapporo Center for Gender Equality, Sapporo, Hokkaido (Hokkaido) [Invited Talk] Nanocarbon Interconnects -- Aiming to replace ultra-fine metal interconnects --
Akihiro Kajita, Makoto Wada, Tatsuro Saito, Masayuki Kitamura, Yuichi Yamazaki, Masayuki Katagiri, Ban Ito, Daisuke Nishide, Takashi Matsumoto, Atsunobu Isobayashi, Mariko Suzuki, Atsuko Sakata, Masahito Watanabe, Naoshi Sakuma, Tadashi Sakai (LEAP) SDM2012-78 ICD2012-46
The width of interconnects has been shrinking toward 10nm in accordance with LSI devices shrinkage. The resistivity of s... [more] SDM2012-78 ICD2012-46
 Results 1 - 6 of 6  /   
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