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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ICTSSL, CAS 2024-01-26
Kanagawa (Kanagawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Attempts to I dentification of the Probability of Target D etection in Gaze Position Model of Visual S earch
Kodai Hatta, Yuxuan Wang (Niigata Univ.), Akira Tsukada (NIT Toyama Col.), Yosinubu Maeda (Niigata Univ.) CAS2023-105 ICTSSL2023-58
At first glance, "Where's Wally?" looks difficult, but it is surprisingly easy to find Wally.
Thus, visual search is ef... [more]
CAS2023-105 ICTSSL2023-58
ICTSSL, CAS 2023-01-27
Tokyo TBD (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Tendencies of search behavior in visual search
Honami Hashimoto, Yuxuan Wang (Niigata Univ), Taishin Nomura (Osaka Univ), Akira Tsukada (NITTC), Yoshinobu Maeda (Niigata Univ) CAS2022-77 ICTSSL2022-41
We daily use vision to explore and quickly find the needed information. What contributes to finding needed information ... [more] CAS2022-77 ICTSSL2022-41
CAS, NLP 2022-10-20
Niigata (Niigata, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Experimental investigation of the probability of target detection during character search
Kodai Hatta (Niigata Univ.), Honami Hashimoto, Yuxuan Wang (Niigata Univ..), Taishin Nomura (Osaka Univ), Akira Tsukada (NIT Toyama Col.), Yoshinobu Maeda (Niigata Univ.) CAS2022-22 NLP2022-42
Just as we can quickly find a friend in a group photograph, we can use visual function to quickly find a specific target... [more] CAS2022-22 NLP2022-42
ICTSSL 2021-07-08
Online Online (Online) Day and night situational awareness of irrigation canals and rivers using microbolometer array sensors and transfer learning
Yuxuan Wang, Yuta Miura, Naoshi Eshita, Tsubasa Saito, Yuichi Sato (Akita Univ.) ICTSSL2021-8
It is important to monitor the conditions of irrigation canals and rivers under the same conditions and recognize their ... [more] ICTSSL2021-8
ICTSSL 2021-07-08
Online Online (Online) Imaging of snow accretion with various infrared sensors and detection by machine learning when the LED traffic light is on/off and the day and night
Yuta Miura, Yukino Seki, Hiroki Kawasaki, Yuxuan Wang, Tsubasa Saito, Yuichi Sato (Akita Univ.) ICTSSL2021-10
In recent years, with the spread of light emitting diodes (LEDs), the use of LEDs for road indicators is progressing. Ho... [more] ICTSSL2021-10
CAS, ICTSSL 2021-01-29
Online Online (Online) Day and night imaging of irrigation canals and rivers using a semiconductor microbolometer array
Yuxuan Wang, Naoshi Eshita, Yuta Miura, Tsubasa Saito, Yuichi Sato (Akita Univ.) CAS2020-70 ICTSSL2020-55
 [more] CAS2020-70 ICTSSL2020-55
CAS, ICTSSL 2021-01-29
Online Online (Online) Imaging and recognition by various infrared sensors of snow accretion when the LED traffic light is on and off and day and night
Yuta Miura, Hiroki Kawasaki, Yuxuan Wang, Tsubasa Saito, Yuichi Sato (Akita Univ.) CAS2020-71 ICTSSL2020-56
 [more] CAS2020-71 ICTSSL2020-56
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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