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 Results 1 - 20 of 91  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
EA, SIP, SP, IPSJ-SLP [detail] 2025-03-03
Okinawa (Okinawa) [Poster Presentation] Evaluation of Sound Field and Multizone Reproduction Performance in Loudspeaker Arrays with Different Enclosures
Tong Zhou, Kana Itahashi, Akitoshi Kataoka (Ryukoku Univ.)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
Oita OITAUniv (Oita) Evaluation of the effect of horn loudspeaker shapes on directivity and sound quality
Manabu Okamoto (Sojo Univ.) EA2024-74
Horn loudspeakers have long been used as a means of transmitting sound over long distances or radiating sound with direc... [more] EA2024-74
RECONF 2024-09-18
Niigata (Niigata, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Consideration of floorplan of DSP block in FPGA-IP for MEC device
Kodai Takeno, Zhan Yan, Morihiro Kuga, Masahiro Iida (Kumamoto Univ.) RECONF2024-56
The authors are developing FPGA-IP to be embedded in chips as part of their research on MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing... [more] RECONF2024-56
EA, ASJ-H 2024-08-01
Miyagi (Miyagi) Consideration of Distance and Direction Estimation of Reflecting Object for Reflected Sound Analysis in the Three-Dimensional Acoustic Playback Evaluation Method
Ryuya Enomoto, Ryu Kato, Takahiro Yoshida (TUS) EA2024-31
In this study, to realize a method for analyzing the effect of reflected sound on music playback by audio equipment, we ... [more] EA2024-31
EA, ASJ-H, ASJ-MA, ASJ-SP 2024-07-07
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) A study on playback sound and power consumption of a vehicle speaker system for preventing deer-vehicle collisions using super-directional sound
Hiroki Matsuzaki (HUS) EA2024-21
There are warning whistles that alert deer and prevent collisions with vehicles. The sound must be loud enough for the d... [more] EA2024-21
Fukuoka (Fukuoka) [Poster Presentation] Performance evaluation of Multizone Sound Field Reproduction considering radiation toward the floor in real environments
Rino Fujioka (Ryukoku Univ.), Kazuya Yasueda (THCU), Tong Zhou, Akitoshi Kataoka (Ryukoku Univ.) EA2023-50
Multizone sound field reproduction, which aim to create both audible and quiet areas within a specific zone, hasbeen stu... [more] EA2023-50
Fukuoka (Fukuoka) [Poster Presentation] Measurement of directional characteristics of a small end-fire loudspeaker array structured with a horn loudspeaker and ordinary loudspeakers
Mio Shibata, Manabu Okamoto (Sojo Univ.) EA2023-52
We are studying a small, low-cost directional loudspeaker system. A horn loudspeaker mainly has strong directivity in th... [more] EA2023-52
LQE, OPE, OCS 2023-11-24
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] [Invited Talk] Report on ECOC2023 -- Optical Interconnects --
Hideyuki Nasu (Furukawa Electric) OCS2023-52 OPE2023-102 LQE2023-49
The author reviews optical interconnect-related topics reported at ECOC2023. It seems that there was a lot of interest i... [more] OCS2023-52 OPE2023-102 LQE2023-49
EMM, EA, ASJ-H 2023-11-24
Toyama (Toyama) [Invited Talk] Unified Framework of Sound Field Reproduction and Its Perceptial Quality Enhancement
Shoichi Koyama (NII) EA2023-47 EMM2023-78
Sound field reproduction is aimed at synthesizing a desired sound field in a target area using multiple loudspeakers. By... [more] EA2023-47 EMM2023-78
EE, IEE-SPC 2023-07-20
Hyogo (Hyogo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Trends in high-power digital control that has entered the practical phase and the latest power supply controllers
Yuichi Ishihama, Etsuo Hotoda, Thierry Moreau (MCHP) EE2023-10
With the expansion of large power conversion equipment such as solar power generation and electric vehicles, various dem... [more] EE2023-10
SP, IPSJ-SLP, EA, SIP [detail] 2023-02-28
Okinawa (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Multiple sound spot synthesis meets multilingual speech synthesis -- Implementation is really all we need --
Takuma Okamoto (NICT) EA2022-87 SIP2022-131 SP2022-51
A multilingual multiple sound spot synthesis system is implemented as a user interface for real-time speech translation ... [more] EA2022-87 SIP2022-131 SP2022-51
EA, EMM, ASJ-H 2022-11-21
Online Online (Online) [Poster Presentation] Sound image localization using two parametric loudspeakers and HRTF
Satoshi Homma, Takeru Yamamoto, Kentarou Todoroki, Kazuki Sakurai, Shigeaki Aoki, Suehiro Simauti (KIT) EA2022-42 EMM2022-42
Parametric loudspeakers have sharp directivity characteristics. In recent years, studies have been conducted on the use ... [more] EA2022-42 EMM2022-42
OPE, LQE, OCS 2022-11-18
Online Online (Online) [Special Invited Talk] Polarization Insensitive Self-Homodyne Detection Receiver for 360 Gb/s Data Center Links -- Review of ECOC 2022 Postdeadline Paper Presentation --
Budsara Boriboon, Ruben S. Luis, Georg Rademacher, Benjamin J. Puttnam, Satoshi Shinada, Hideaki Furukawa (NICT) OCS2022-56 OPE2022-91 LQE2022-54
This technical report reviews the presentation of the ECOC2022 Postdeadline paper Th3A.2. We demonstrate a self-homodyne... [more] OCS2022-56 OPE2022-91 LQE2022-54
EA, ASJ-H 2022-08-05
Miyagi (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A study of arrangement pattern selection method for directivity generation in speaker array
Mio Shibata, Manabu Okamoto (Sojo Univ.) EA2022-37
We are studying a speaker system that can generate strong unidirectionality by using the principle of boundary surface c... [more] EA2022-37
EA, ASJ-H 2022-08-05
Miyagi (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Study of parameters for one-case stereo playback method by phase inversion
Manabu Okamoto (Sojo Univ.), Takuma Ftawatari (MEITEC FIELDERS) EA2022-38
When the phases of audio signals are inverted and input to two speakers installed close to each other, sound may be hear... [more] EA2022-38
Online Online (Online) Location-Resolved PDL Monitoring for Optical Network tomography
Motohiko Eto, Kazuyuki Tajima, Setsuo Yoshida, Shoichiro Oda, Takeshi Hoshida (Fujitsu) OCS2022-12
In the optical network tomography that captures network status based on DSP in coherent receivers, we present a novel mo... [more] OCS2022-12
HIP 2021-12-23
Online Online (Online) Comparison of frisson and ASMR focusing on the differences of playback methods
Naoyuki Sasaki, Shuta Maekawa, Shuichi Sakamoto, Nobuyuki Sakai (Tohoku Univ.) HIP2021-51
This study aimed to clarify the difference of mechanisms between frisson and ASMR focusing on in the way of listening to... [more] HIP2021-51
PN 2021-08-30
Online Online (Online) [Invited Lecture] Optical Link Diagnosis Technology that Applies Deep Learning to DSP Data and its Implementation on an Open Platform
Takafumi Tanaka, Tetsuro Inui, Shingo Kawai (NTT) PN2021-16
In order to reduce the operational expenditure (OPEX) of optical networks, researches on autonomous optical network oper... [more] PN2021-16
EA, ASJ-H 2021-07-15
Online Online (Online) A study of a small directional loud-speaker array that combines a horn loud-speaker and ordinary loud-speakers
Manabu Okamoto (Sojo Univ.), Ryotaro Sato, Kenta Niwa, Kazunori Kobayashi (NTT) EA2021-4
We propose a speaker array that combines multiple speakers with one small horn speaker. The horn speaker is mainly good ... [more] EA2021-4
EA, ASJ-H 2021-07-15
Online Online (Online) Beam Control Based on Multi-phased Array for Parametric Array Loudspeaker
Yuting Geng, Haonan Wang (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Masato Nakayama (Osaka Sangyo Univ.), Takanobu Nishiura (Ritsumeikan Univ.) EA2021-5
Parametric array loudspeaker (PAL) can achieve a super directivity utilizing the straightness of ultrasounds. How- ever,... [more] EA2021-5
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