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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
KBSE, SC 2023-11-17
Miyagi Sento Kaikan (Miyagi) [Poster Presentation] Utilizing Large Language Models for Automating Test Scenario Design
Komichi Takezawa, Takuma Hashimoto, Koichi Motohashi, Naoto Hoshikawa (Tsukuba Univ.) KBSE2023-40 SC2023-23
Software development is follows a sequence of planning, design, implementation, testing, and release.The evolution of au... [more] KBSE2023-40 SC2023-23
- 2019-12-13
Hiroshima Hiroshima-ken Joho Plaza (Hiroshima) (Hiroshima) Visualization of conceptual model of cooking workspace
Ryutaro Hama, Azusa Saito, Yukari Takaku (LIXIL), Atsushi Hashimoto (Omron Sinic X)
This paper proposes a method for visualizing and analyzing conceptual models of cooking space in kitchen.
We hypothesi... [more]

Tokyo Fukutake Learning Theater, Hongo Campus, Univ. Tokyo (Tokyo) [Invited Lecture] Implementation and evaluation of Automatic system failure cause specification and restoration by using configuration management data from automatic building script
Shinsaku Numata, Shoji Hashimoto, Dai Kashiwa (NTTCommunications)
In operation scene of the information system, an operation procedure manual and RCA (RouteCauseAnalysis) tool are prepar... [more]
MSS, SS 2019-01-15
Okinawa (Okinawa) A Case Study of Process Improvement on an Application Development with Test Design
Takumi Tsujihara, Naoki Fukuyasu, Naruki Mitsuda, Takuo Matsunobe, Tsuneo Ajisaka (Wakayama Univ.) MSS2018-62 SS2018-33
It is said that performing the test design in early phase of software development process improves software quality and ... [more] MSS2018-62 SS2018-33
ICM 2017-07-06
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) Development and evaluation of fully automatic ChatOps system by utilizing configuration management information
Norimasa Kamiya, Shinsaku Numata, Shoji Hashimoto, Dai Kashiwa (NTT.Com) ICM2017-6
Automation of information system operation by ChatOps has been spreading. However, in order to operate the information s... [more] ICM2017-6
ICM 2017-03-10
Okinawa Miyakojima Marine Terminal Bldg. (Okinawa) Includes infrastructure information using automatic construction script Implementation and evaluation of configuration management information
Norimasa Kamiya, Shinsaku Numata, Shoji Hashimoto, Dai Kashiwa (NTT.Com) ICM2016-69
Although the configuration management data is indispensable in the operation of the system, it is difficult to create it... [more] ICM2016-69
ICM 2017-03-10
Okinawa Miyakojima Marine Terminal Bldg. (Okinawa) [Encouragement Talk] Implementation and Evaluation of understanding relationship of servers in system using configuration management data with platform information from automation scripts
ShinsakuNumata, NorimasaKamiya, ShojiHashimoto, DaiKashiwa (NTT.Com) ICM2016-70
The information system serves some function for users, and the system is constructed by several servers and several func... [more] ICM2016-70
ICM, LOIS 2017-01-19
Nagasaki The Nagasaki Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Nagasaki) [Encouragement Talk] Implementation and evaluation of Automatic system failure cause specification and restoration by using configuration management data from automatic building script
Shinsaku Numata, NorimasaKamiya, ShojiHashimoto, DaiKashiwa (NTT.Com) ICM2016-44 LOIS2016-53
On operating IT system, the tools for troubleshooting, such as operation procedure documents and RCA(Route Cuase Analysi... [more] ICM2016-44 LOIS2016-53
ICM 2016-07-07
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) A study of system change management using configuration management data from automatic building script
ShinsakuNumata, Norimasa Kamiya, ShojiHashimoto, DaiKashiwa (NTT.Com) ICM2016-16
Generally a system that contains servers and programs are changed such as version up and change setting when the functio... [more] ICM2016-16
Shimane (Shimane) A study of a system configuration management using an automatic building script
Shinsaku Numata, Shoji Hashimoto, Dai Kashiwa (NTTCom) ICM2016-5
Conventional system configuration management has been conducted by using document, such as Design Document and Environme... [more] ICM2016-5
ET 2016-03-05
Kagawa Kawaga Univ. (Saiwai-cho Campus) (Kagawa) Design and Implementation of Programming on Electrical Power System as an E-learning Subject Course at University of Sam Ratulangi Indonesia
Sumenge Godion Kaunang, Sary Paturusi (Kumamoto Univ.), Glanny Mangindaan (Samratulangi Univ.), Yoshifumi Chisaki, Tsuyoshi Usagawa (Kumamoto Univ.) ET2015-99
Delivering of programming subject course on e-learning platform is going to become unique when it can be uploaded and ab... [more] ET2015-99
WIT 2015-03-14
Ibaraki Kasuga Campus, Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki) Document color modification with hatching for color vision defectives
Takaaki Koshi, Naotaka Hashimoto, Naoya Ohta (Gunma Univ.), Yasushi Kanazawa (Toyohashi Univ.) WIT2014-113
Image processing methods for color vision defectives have been proposed. These methods modify images so that color visio... [more] WIT2014-113
KBSE, SS, IPSJ-SE [detail] 2014-07-11
Hokkaido Furano-Bunka-Kaikan (Hokkaido) Traceability Construction and Utilization in Model Based Testing
Xiaojing Zhang, Haruto Tanno, Morihide Oinuma (NTT) SS2014-24 KBSE2014-27
This paper focuses on traceability related problems in software testing. By extending an existing model based testing te... [more] SS2014-24 KBSE2014-27
SS, IPSJ-SE 2013-10-25
Ishikawa   (Ishikawa) Test Case Generation Based on Design Document: Can We Integrate the Technology into Traditional Development Process?
Xiaojing Zhang, Haruto Tanno, Takashi Hoshino (NTT) SS2013-46
This paper introduce an improvement method to an existing model based test case extraction approach, our improved method... [more] SS2013-46
ICM 2012-03-16
Okinawa Dan-jo Kyoudou Sankaku Center (Okinawa) Study on Supporting Method for Operation Design of Data Center
Hiroaki Shikano, Machiko Asaie, Junji Yamamoto, Tatsuya Saito, Shunsuke Ota, Keitaro Uehara (Hitachi) ICM2011-54
Data center is now widely used and its size and number are increasing. Meanwhile, its operation cost is rapidly increas... [more] ICM2011-54
ET 2012-03-10
Kagawa (Kagawa) Use Evaluation of the Support Sysmtem for Designing Blended Learning
Hayato Shimizu, Isao Miyaji (Okayama Univ. Sci.) ET2011-113
Blended learning where lectures and e-learning are combined is conducted in higher education institutions such as univer... [more] ET2011-113
KBSE 2011-11-11
Nagano Shinshu Univ. (Nagano) Research Issues on Systems Development Document Quality
Shuichiro Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ.), Taro Kurita (Felica Networks), Yoshikazu Yamamoto (Denso Create Inc) KBSE2011-45
The quality of document is important to develop successfully systems. Many researches were proposed to evaluate the qual... [more] KBSE2011-45
ICM, LOIS 2011-01-21
Nagasaki (Nagasaki) A Study on a Framework for Designing
Teruaki Suzuki (Niigata Univ. of Mngmnt) ICM2010-45 LOIS2010-56
The framework (fundamental view) for designing is "(1)input - (2)processing - (3)output". If levels are decided accordin... [more] ICM2010-45 LOIS2010-56
RECONF, VLD, CPSY, IPSJ-SLDM [detail] 2011-01-17
Kanagawa Keio Univ (Hiyoshi Campus) (Kanagawa) Design and check a ROHM 0.18μm chip with Alliance VHDL toolset -- Trial the layout and netlist check tools --
Tatsuya Hosokawa, Hiroshi Imai, Naohiko Shimizu (Tokai Univ.) VLD2010-93 CPSY2010-48 RECONF2010-62
In this paper, We describe about LSI design with an Alliance CAD tools. An alliance CAD tools is not
enough description... [more]
VLD2010-93 CPSY2010-48 RECONF2010-62
SS 2010-10-15
Iwate Iwate Prefectural Univ. (Iwate) Automatic Test Case Generation for Integration Testing
Haruto Tanno, Xiaojing Zhang, Takashi Hoshino (NTT) SS2010-34
Our research focuses on automatic test case generation for web applications, to test the
integration of three-layer, w... [more]
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