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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
(Joint) [detail]
Okinawa Okinawa Jichikaikan (Okinawa) Generation of exact eigen-modes by using auto-cloning photonic crystal for mode division multiplexing
Hibiki Satoyoshi, Hiroshi Takahashi (Sophia Univ.) OCS2019-82 OFT2019-65 OPE2019-105
As a kind of mode-division multiplexing, a method using exact eigen-modes in few mode optical fiber for transmission cha... [more] OCS2019-82 OFT2019-65 OPE2019-105
pp.23-28(OCS), pp.29-34(OFT), pp.35-40(OPE)
(Joint) [detail]
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Observation of eigen-mode propagation by selective mode excitation
Yasuo Kokubun, Takuto Yamaguchi, Seiya Miura (Yokohama Nat'l Univ.) OCS2017-24
LP mode is widely used to describe the light propagation in few mode fibers. Since an LP mode is a quasi-degenerate mod... [more] OCS2017-24
IT, SIP, RCS 2017-01-20
Osaka Osaka City Univ. (Osaka) Switched Eigen-mode transmission in multi-hop MIMO OFDM System
Suguru Yasuraoka, Yusuke Dohi, Tetsushi Ikegami (Meiji Univ.) IT2016-83 SIP2016-121 RCS2016-273
Recently, many researches on multiple relay nodes for multihop MIMO transmission have been done.
In this paper, we comp... [more]
IT2016-83 SIP2016-121 RCS2016-273
Overseas Telecommunications University, Nha Trang, Vietnam (Overseas) Small-Scale and Large-Scale Propagation Characteristics for Eigen-Mode Transmission of Spatial Polarized MIMO in Street Cell
Nguyen Quang Ha, Hiroaki Nakabayashi (Chiba Tech.)
In this study, we clarified propagation characteristics for the adaptive scheduling designs on an spatial polarized MIMO... [more]
MW 2015-12-17
Tokyo Tokyo Univ. of Science (Tokyo) Analysis on Broadband Characteristics for Planar Antenna with consideration for high order modes
Jin Long, Akira Saitou, Ryo Ishikawa, Kazuhiko Honjo (UEC) MW2015-135
Broadband characteristics are usually shown on wide-angle antennas. In this paper, the mechanism of this feature are ana... [more] MW2015-135
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