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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SANE 2011-07-29
Tokyo Electronic Navigation Research Institute Evaluation of a Calibration Method of Inter-channel Biases on GLONASS Signals
Hideki Yamada (ENRI), Tomoji Takasu (TUMST), Takeyasu Sakai (ENRI), Akio Yasuda (TUMST) SANE2011-45
Inter-channel biases degrade the performance of GLONASS carrier-phase integer ambiguity resolution. The zero-baseline te... [more] SANE2011-45
SANE 2011-06-24
Ibaraki Tsukuba Space Center (JAXA) [Invited Talk] The Role of QZSS in the Era of Multi-GNSS
Akio Yasuda (TUMSAT), Hideki Yamada (ENRI) SANE2011-31
GPS has long been only one existing GNSS after the prostration of GLONASS. However the recent resurrection of GLONASS, c... [more] SANE2011-31
SANE 2008-11-24
Overseas Ba-Da-Guan Hotel, Qingdao [Invited Talk] An Overview of Global Navigation Satellite Systems
Hao Zhang (Ocean Univeristy of China), Aaron Gulliver (Univ.of Victoria) SANE2008-69
The navigation, mapping, surveying and tracking industries have been revolutionized by the Global Navigation Satellite S... [more] SANE2008-69
Oita   [Special Talk] Status and trends of GNSS
Isao Kawano (JAXA) SAT2007-56 RCS2007-122
Satellite positioning is a most useful technology which enables navigation for cars, ships, airplanes and spacecraft, an... [more] SAT2007-56 RCS2007-122
pp.1-6(SAT), pp.61-66(RCS)
SANE 2007-04-16
Overseas ARRC(Perth) [Invited Talk] [Invited] The Future of Global Navigation Satellite Systems
Chris Rizos (Univ. of New South Wales) SANE2007-5
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) involve satellites, ground stations and user equipment, and are now used acr... [more] SANE2007-5
 Results 1 - 5 of 5  /   
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