Committee |
Date Time |
Place |
Paper Title / Authors |
Abstract |
Paper # |
2025-03-06 14:55 |
Okinawa |
(Okinawa) |
An Approximate Solution Using K-Shortest Path and Deep Q-Network for the Unsplittable Flow Edge Load Factor Balancing Problem Himeno Takahashi, Norihiko Shinomiya (Soka Univ.) |
(To be available after the conference date) [more] |
PN |
2025-03-03 11:10 |
Okinawa |
(Okinawa, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A Link Capacity Design Methodology Based on Edge-Betweenness Centrality in SDM-EON Koichi Morita, Kenichi Baba (Kogakuin Univ) |
(To be available after the conference date) [more] |
CQ, CBE (Joint) |
2025-01-30 14:50 |
Fukuoka |
(Fukuoka, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Study on the Important Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Based on Low-Rank Approximation with Graph Spectrum Shift Koki Kampu, Mikihiro Yasuda, Yusuke Sakumoto (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) CQ2024-75 |
The matrices representing network structures are utilized in various graph algorithms. In many cases, the graph algorith... [more] |
CQ2024-75 pp.33-38 |
CQ, CBE (Joint) |
2025-01-30 15:10 |
Fukuoka |
(Fukuoka, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Considerations on Parameter Setting for Anomaly Detection Method eLAD Based on Graph Spectrum Shift JungWon Wi, Mikihiro Yasuda, Yusuke Sakumoto (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) CQ2024-74 |
We have previously proposed eLAD (extended Laplacian Anomaly Detection) as a method for detecting anomalies in temporal ... [more] |
CQ2024-74 pp.27-32 |
CQ, CBE (Joint) |
2025-01-30 15:30 |
Fukuoka |
(Fukuoka, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Study on Designing of Network Metric Based on Low-Rank Matrices Obtained through GSS and Discussing its Applicability to Brain Connectome Analysis Chisaki Yoneda, Mikihiro Yasuda, Yusuke Sakumoto (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) CQ2024-76 |
The analysis of the brain connectome at the macroscale contributes to understanding the brain’s characteristics. Previou... [more] |
CQ2024-76 pp.39-44 |
2025-01-23 15:30 |
Tokyo |
(Tokyo, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Analyzing the Impact of Graph Structures on Suppressing the Spread of False Information on Social Media Sota Kawashima, Norihiko Shinomiya (Soka Univ.) CAS2024-89 ICTSSL2024-47 |
In recent years, social media has become increasingly popular. While it has advantages such as high advertising effectiv... [more] |
CAS2024-89 ICTSSL2024-47 pp.61-64 |
IA |
2025-01-23 14:05 |
Tokyo |
NICT Innovation Center (Tokyo, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Preliminary Study on Constructing a Method for Estimating Important Eigenvalues of Graph Matrices Using Degree-Biased Random Walk Ryosuke Ozaki, Yusuke Sakumoto, Hiroyuki Ohsaki (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) IA2024-62 |
Important eigenvalues of network matrices such as adjacency matrices, Laplacian matrices, and walk matrices have been ut... [more] |
IA2024-62 pp.3-9 |
EA, US (Joint) |
2024-12-20 16:00 |
Oita |
OITAUniv (Oita) |
EA2024-71 |
In multichannel acoustic signal processing, sensor placement is often based on spatial sampling theory. However, this re... [more] |
EA2024-71 pp.44-49 |
EST, MW, EMCJ, IEE-EMC [detail] |
2024-10-17 09:00 |
Akita |
Akita Art Village Onsen Yupopo (Akita, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Integrating Circuits and Graph Neural Networks for Circuit Constants Optimization Yusuke Yamakaji (Mitsubishi Electric/Univ. of Electro-Communications), Hayaru Shouno (The University of Electro-Communications), Kunihiko Fukushima (Fuzzy Logic Systems Inst.) EMCJ2024-36 MW2024-89 EST2024-60 |
Circuit design requires empirical rules based on trial and error through prototyping and simulation because each compone... [more] |
EMCJ2024-36 MW2024-89 EST2024-60 pp.1-6 |
CQ (2nd) |
2024-08-28 16:20 |
Fukushima |
Tenjin-Misaki Sports Park (Fukushima) |
[Poster Presentation]
Investigation of WSD-Based Metrics for Brain Network Analysis: Comparative Analysis of Alzheimer's Disease Subjects and Healthy Subjects Mikihiro Yasuda, Yusuke Sakumoto (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) |
We have proposed metrics based on the Weighted Spectral Distribution (WSD) to understand complex brain functions by anal... [more] |
CQ (2nd) |
2024-08-28 16:20 |
Fukushima |
Tenjin-Misaki Sports Park (Fukushima) |
[Poster Presentation]
Study on a Method Appling the Low-Rank Approximation with Graph Spectrum Shift to Brain Connectome Analysis Chisaki Yoneda, Mikihiro Yasuda, Yusuke Sakumoto (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) |
The analysis of the brain connectome on a macroscopic scale has contributed to understanding brain character- istics, an... [more] |
CQ (2nd) |
2024-08-28 16:20 |
Fukushima |
Tenjin-Misaki Sports Park (Fukushima) |
[Poster Presentation]
Study on the Characteristics of the Graph Spectrum Shift for Low-Rank Approximation Koki Kampu, Yusuke Sakumoto (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) |
The matrices (e.g., adjacency matrix and Laplacian matrix) representing graph structures are utilized in various graph a... [more] |
CQ (2nd) |
2024-08-29 11:00 |
Fukushima |
Tenjin-Misaki Sports Park (Fukushima) |
[Poster Presentation]
Preliminary Study on Constructing an Efficient Method for Estimating Important Graph Spectral Components Using Random Walks Ryosuke Ozaki, Yusuke Sakumoto (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) |
In recent years, social networks have attracted a great deal of attention, and have become increasingly important for el... [more] |
IT |
2024-08-06 15:55 |
Okayama |
Okayama University, Tsushima campus (Okayama, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A Note of Strongly Asymmetric Public Key Agreement and Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Yuri Kagata, Satoshi Iriyama, Koki Jimbo (TUS) IT2024-15 |
Public key agreement is a method of generating a shared secret key between two communicating parties using an insecure c... [more] |
IT2024-15 pp.7-12 |
QIT (2nd) |
2024-05-28 13:00 |
Ibaraki |
AIST Tsukuba (Ibaraki) |
[Poster Presentation]
Analysis of interaction networks of qubits and quantum feature maps in a quantum machine learning model Aoi Hayashi (SOKENDAI/OIST/NII), Akitada Sakurai, William J. Munro (OIST), Kae Nemoto (OIST/NII) |
In this presentation, we introduce our investigations about the relation between learning performance of a quantum machi... [more] |
2024-05-16 14:45 |
Tokyo |
NEXCO-EAST ENGINEERING (Tokyo, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
On Some results on extended distance coloring of graphs Hiroshi Tamura (Chuo Univ.), Kazuyuki Miyakita, Keisuke Nakano (Niigata Univ.) ICTSSL2024-4 |
Channel assignment in wireless communications and coloring problems in graph theory have long been shown to be related, ... [more] |
ICTSSL2024-4 pp.17-20 |
2024-03-14 16:20 |
Okinawa |
(Okinawa) |
An Approximate Solution Using K-Shortest Path and Reinforcement Learning for a Load Balancing Problem in Communication Networks Himeno Takahashi, Norihiko Shinomiya (Soka Univ.) CAS2023-123 CS2023-116 |
In recent years, the amount of data traffic in information and communication networks has been increasing and the risk o... [more] |
CAS2023-123 CS2023-116 pp.70-73 |
2024-03-14 11:15 |
Misc. |
Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Misc.) |
Parallelization of a Search Algorithm for Regular Graphs with Minimum Average Shortest Path Length Taku Hirayama, Tsuyoshi Migita, Norikazu Takahashi (Okayama Univ.) MSS2023-89 NLP2023-141 |
Computer networks in data centers are modeled as regular graphs, and the average shortest path length (ASPL) of such a g... [more] |
MSS2023-89 NLP2023-141 pp.87-92 |
SIP, SP, EA, IPSJ-SLP [detail] |
2024-02-29 16:20 |
Okinawa |
(Okinawa, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
EA2023-77 SIP2023-124 SP2023-59 |
In this paper, we consider a dynamic sensor placement problem where sensors can move within a network over time. Sensor ... [more] |
EA2023-77 SIP2023-124 SP2023-59 pp.97-102 |
2024-03-01 15:30 |
Okinawa |
(Okinawa, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A Pipelined NTT Transformer and its Extension Scheme Designed for the Digital Signature Scheme Crystals-Dilithium Pengfei Sun, Makoto Ikeda (Tokyo Univ.) VLD2023-130 HWS2023-90 ICD2023-119 |
As quantum computing advances, it threatens the security of current encryption algorithms, making Post-Quantum Cryptogra... [more] |
VLD2023-130 HWS2023-90 ICD2023-119 pp.161-166 |