Committee |
Date Time |
Place |
Paper Title / Authors |
Abstract |
Paper # |
AP, WPT (Joint) |
2025-01-24 11:10 |
Shimane |
Rokan, Matsue (Shimane, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Development of a 5.75GHz 5W Rectenna System Using a Slot-Coupled Feed Antenna Kazuhiro Ishihara, Yasuaki Hasegawa, Lianchong Yan, Motoki Oshima (Nippon Antenna), Naoki Sakai, Kenji Itoh (Kanazawa IT.) WPT2024-36 |
In this report, we show that we have developed a new rectenna system using a highly efficient rectenna configuration tha... [more] |
WPT2024-36 pp.17-20 |
MW |
2024-11-15 11:00 |
Okinawa |
JA Kume-jima Yuntaku house (Okinawa, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Broadband X-Band GaN MMIC High Power Amplifier and Driver Amplifier Chipset Kento Saiki, Jun Kamioka, Shintaro Shinjo (Mitsubishi Electric) MW2024-136 |
An X-band GaN MMIC amplifier chipset consists of high-power amplifier (HPA) and driver amplifier (DA) is presented. Ampl... [more] |
MW2024-136 pp.65-68 |
MW |
2024-06-14 10:10 |
Tokyo |
Hachijomachi-shoko-kai (Tokyo, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A Ka-band 15 W Output Power, High Efficiency GaN MMIC Power Amplifier for Wideband Multi-carrier Satellite Communication Keigo Nakatani, Yutaro Yamaguchi, Ko Kanaya, Akihito Hirai (Mitsubishi electric corp.) MW2024-24 |
This paper presents the design and measurement of a Ka-band 15 W output power and 30% power added efficiency (PAE) GaN m... [more] |
MW2024-24 pp.28-33 |
MW |
2024-02-29 13:25 |
Okayama |
Okayama Prefectural University (Okayama, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
High Dynamic Range 920 MHz Band Low Power Rectenna with Low Threshold voltage GaAs GADs Taiki Hirase, Yuya Hirose, Tsukasa Hirai (Kanazawa IT.), Gaku Kato, Takamasa Kono (Nisshinbo Micro Devices), Naoki Sakai, Kenji Itoh (Kanazawa IT.) MW2023-179 |
In In this paper, the 920 MHz band low power rectifiers with low threshold voltage GaAs gated anode diodes (GADs) are de... [more] |
MW2023-179 pp.25-30 |
MW |
2024-03-01 09:00 |
Okayama |
Okayama Prefectural University (Okayama, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
An Anti-parallel Diode 100GHz GaN Frequency Tripler for Beyond 5G Using Terahertz Band Shimpei Yamashita, Yoshifumi Kawamura, Keigo Nakatani, Yoshitaka Kamo, Koji Yamanaka (MELCO) MW2023-186 |
In this report, we present an anti-parallel diode frequency tripler GaN MMIC for the 100GHz band, which utilizes the ter... [more] |
MW2023-186 pp.62-65 |
MW |
2024-03-01 10:15 |
Okayama |
Okayama Prefectural University (Okayama, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
28-GHz-Band GaN HEMT Outphasing Amplifier MMIC Designed by Considering Insertion Loss at Dual-Power-Level Optimization Taiki Kobayashi, Kazuhiko Honjo, Ryo Ishikawa (UEC) MW2023-189 |
The development of the fifth generation mobile communications (5G) will use higher frequencies such as millimeter wave b... [more] |
MW2023-189 pp.74-77 |
MW, AP (Joint) |
2023-09-28 10:10 |
Kochi |
Kochi Castle Museum of History (Kochi, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
C-Ku-band GaN MMIC Low Noise Amplifier Using Frequency Selective Parallel Feedback Circuit Ken Kudara, Jun Kamioka, Eigo Kuwata, Yutaro Yamaguchi, Yoshitaka Kamo, Shintaro Shinjo (Mitsubishi Electric) MW2023-81 |
This paper represents a C-Ku band GaN MMIC low noise amplifier (LNA) for a transmitter and receiver module. In order to ... [more] |
MW2023-81 pp.7-10 |
MW |
2023-05-19 10:50 |
Kyoto |
Ritsumeikan University (Kyoto, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
5.8 GHz band 10 W rectenna on the aluminum nitride antenna for thermal dispersion Naoki Sakai, Naoki Furutani, Yuya Hirose, Kaito Uchiyama, Fumiya Komatsu, Kenji Itoh (KIT) MW2023-15 |
This paper presents the 5.8 GHz band 10W rectenna with GaAs E-pHEMT gated anode diode (GAD) on the aluminum nitride (AlN... [more] |
MW2023-15 pp.33-37 |
2023-04-13 13:40 |
Tokyo |
Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
[Invited Talk]
High-power rectennas for microwave power transfer systems Kenji Itoh, Keisuke Noguchi, Naoki Sakai (Kanazawa IT) WPT2023-2 MW2023-2 |
In this report, our research activities on rectennas for microwave power transfer (MPT) systems are demonstrated. For th... [more] |
WPT2023-2 MW2023-2 pp.2-9 |
MW |
2023-03-02 14:30 |
Tottori |
Tottori Univ. (Tottori, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Quasi millimeter wave high-power rectifier with GaAs E-pHEMT GADs Naoya Kakutani, Yuya Hirose, Naoki Sakai, Kenji Itoh (KIT) MW2022-165 |
In this report, quasi-millimeter wave 1 W-class double-voltage rectifier MMIC with 0.18 μm GaAs E-PHEMT gated anode diod... [more] |
MW2022-165 pp.48-53 |
ED, MW |
2022-01-27 15:30 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
[Invited Lecture]
A 28GHz-Band GaN HEMT Doherty Amplifier MMIC Based on Dual-Power-Level Design Technique Ryo Ishikawa, Takuya Seshimo, Yoichiro Takayama, Kazuhiko Honjo (UEC) ED2021-67 MW2021-109 |
In the 5G wireless communication system, a quasi-millimeter wave band such as the 28 GHz band is also used. Doherty powe... [more] |
ED2021-67 MW2021-109 pp.28-31 |
OPE, MW, IEE-EMT, MWP, EST, EMT, THz [detail] |
2021-07-15 11:30 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Design of 94GHz High Efficiency Rectifier MMIC Ren Furumoto, Hayato Shimizu, Kenjiro Nishikawa (Kagoshima Univ.) EMT2021-10 MW2021-15 OPE2021-4 EST2021-11 MWP2021-12 |
This paper presents a 94 GHz band high-efficiency rectifier MMIC using a GaAs Schottky diode. The diode used here is a c... [more] |
EMT2021-10 MW2021-15 OPE2021-4 EST2021-11 MWP2021-12 pp.16-21 |
ED, THz [detail] |
2019-12-23 16:20 |
Miyagi |
(Miyagi) |
InP Wafer-level Backside Process for Future Tera-hertz Operation Takuya Tsutsumi, Hiroshi Hamada, Hiroki Sugiyama, Hideyuki Nosaka, Hideaki Matsuzaki (NTT) ED2019-82 |
The sub-millimeter-wave band would be utilized in future mobile networks to cope with increasing data rates. InP-based S... [more] |
ED2019-82 pp.23-28 |
MW |
2019-11-14 15:10 |
Okinawa |
Minami Daido Villa. Tamokuteki Koryu Center (Okinawa) |
A Ka-Band CW 15.5W 15.6% Fractional Bandwidth GaN Power Amplifier MMIC Using Wideband BPF Inter-stage Matching Network Keigo Nakatani, Yutaro Yamaguchi, Masatake Hangai, Shintaro Shinjo (MitsubishiElectric) MW2019-105 |
This paper has reported a Ka-band 15.5W power amplifier Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) using 0.15m Gall... [more] |
MW2019-105 pp.29-34 |
MW |
2019-11-14 16:40 |
Okinawa |
Minami Daido Villa. Tamokuteki Koryu Center (Okinawa) |
2.5-10 GHz GaN MMIC HPA utilizing distributed amplifier with band-pass filter configuration Jun Kamioka, Masatake Hangai, Shinichi Miwa, Yoshitaka Kamo, Shintaro Shinjo (Mitsubishi Electric) MW2019-108 |
2.5-10 GHz GaN MMIC HPA utilizing distributed amplifier with band-pass filter configuration and its design method are re... [more] |
MW2019-108 pp.47-51 |
MW, EST, OPE, MWP, EMT, IEE-EMT, THz [detail] |
2019-07-18 17:05 |
Hokkaido |
Hakodate City Central Library (Hokkaido) |
Study on Broadband All-Pass Networks Phase-Shifter MMIC Ryota Komaru, Masatake Hangai, Shinichi Miwa, Yoshihiro Tsukahara, Shintaro Shinjo (Mitsubishi Electric) EMT2019-19 MW2019-32 OPE2019-23 EST2019-21 MWP2019-19 |
An ultra broadband MMIC phase shifter has been developed. The phase shifter based on series all-pass networks and more s... [more] |
EMT2019-19 MW2019-32 OPE2019-23 EST2019-21 MWP2019-19 pp.81-84 |
EST, MW, OPE, MWP, EMT, IEE-EMT, THz [detail] |
2018-07-19 15:00 |
Hokkaido |
(Hokkaido) |
A 26-W X-band high efficiency GaN MMIC power amplifier with compact spurious suppression filters Jun Kamioka, Eigo Kuwata, Kazuhiko Nakahara, Yoshitaka Kamo, Masatake Hangai, Shintaro Shinjo (Mitsubishi Electric) EMT2018-29 MW2018-44 OPE2018-32 EST2018-27 MWP2018-28 |
A 26-W X-band high efficiency GaN MMIC power amplifier with compact spurious suppression filters is presented. GaN MMIC ... [more] |
EMT2018-29 MW2018-44 OPE2018-32 EST2018-27 MWP2018-28 pp.119-124 |
2018-04-27 14:50 |
Tokyo |
Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Building (Tokyo) |
S-band Tx Module with Cu Pillar Interconnection Si/GaN 3D Chip Embedding Substrate Kengo Kawasaki, Eigo Kuwata, Hidenori Ishibashi, Tomohiro Yao, Kiyoshi Ishida, Kazuhiro Maeda, Hironobu Shibata, Masaomi Tsuru, Kazutomi Mori, Mitsuhiro Shimozawa, Hiroshi Fukumoto (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.) WPT2018-5 MW2018-5 |
A SiGe chip and GaN chip packaged Tx module in S-band is represented. SiGe and GaN with Redistribution Layer (RDL) are i... [more] |
WPT2018-5 MW2018-5 pp.19-23 |
ED, MW |
2018-01-26 09:55 |
Tokyo |
Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) |
UHF-C Band Broadband Power Amplifier with Series Connected SiGe HBT and GaN HEMT Eigo Kuwata, Kengo Kawasaki, Daisuke Tsunami, Kazuhiro Maeda, Koji Yamanaka (MELCO) ED2017-98 MW2017-167 |
This paper reports on a multi chips amplifier consists of Gallium Nitride High Electron Mobility Transistor (GaN HEMT) a... [more] |
ED2017-98 MW2017-167 pp.25-29 |
MW, EMCJ, EST, IEE-EMC [detail] |
2017-10-19 13:55 |
Akita |
Yupopo (Akita) |
Study of Via Hole on MMIC using Nickel Layer Takahiro Tsushima, Masayuki Kimishima (AT Lab.) EMCJ2017-33 MW2017-85 EST2017-48 |
In MMIC (Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit) and PCB (Printed Circuit Board), nickel plating is widely used. Howeve... [more] |
EMCJ2017-33 MW2017-85 EST2017-48 pp.41-44 |