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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
PN 2025-03-04
Okinawa (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Experimental Demonstration of L5G Switched RoF with Energy-Efficient Cell Selection Optimization Considering User Mobility in the A-RoF MFH Environment
Kojiro Nishimura, Michiaki Yamamoto, Ryuta Murakami (Keio Univ.), Yoshihiko Uematsu (Keio Univ), Satoru Okamoto, Ryogo Kubo, Naoaki Yamanaka (Keio Univ.)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
Okinawa Okinawa Jichikaikan (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Poster Presentation] A Study on Power Transfer Capability and Interference of Beam-WPT system
Noboru Sekino (DKK)
As part of our research and development on microwave power transmission, we are participating in "R&D on Interference Su... [more]
- 2022-12-06
Kyoto Uji Obaku Plaza Kihada Hall, Uji Campus, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Integrated Design of Ultra-lightweight Active Phased Array for Millimeter Wave Wireless Power Transfer
Wenyi Shao, Bo Yang, Hiroyuki Kamada, Naoki Shinohara (Kyoto Univ.)
We present an integrated design of ultra-lightweight active phased array for millimeter wave wireless power transfer. Th... [more]
Tottori Kenmin-Fureai-Kaikan (Tottori, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Demonstration of Commercial AC Transmission Wireless Power Transfer with Branch and Extension Cord Capability -- Mechanism of Branching and Multi-Connector Transmission with k -notation Block Diagram and Verification of Commercial Sinusoidal Constant Voltage Transfer --
Hideaki Abe (Panasonic) WPT2021-16
Research on magnetically coupled non-contact feeding with resonant circuits has been carried out for a long time. In the... [more] WPT2021-16
AP 2019-10-17
Osaka Osaka Univ. (Osaka) [Poster Presentation] FDD Downlink Beamforming Method for Avoiding Adjacent Channel Interference
Masaki Igarashi, Kentaro Nishimori (Niigata Univ.) AP2019-80
Microwave power transmission systems with high power cause adjacent channel interference. Hence a function is required t... [more] AP2019-80
Nara ATR (Nara) Evaluation of Voltage Stability by Secondary Coil Position of Wireless Power Transfer by Gradient Winding Primary Coil Array
Hideaki Abe (Panasonic) WPT2017-59
Wireless power transfer utilizing magnetic coupling has been practically used for a long time in portable equipment. Fur... [more] WPT2017-59
WPT 2017-06-12
Kagoshima Kagoshima Univ. (Kagoshima) Characteristics of a Folded Spiral Antenna for coupled-resonant Wireless Power Transfer
Kohei Nimura, Hiroshi Hirayama (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) WPT2017-11
Coupled resonant wireless power transfer system has an advantage of high efficient mid-range power transmission where im... [more] WPT2017-11
NS 2016-10-20
Hyogo Himeji Nishi-Harima Area Jibasan Center (Hyogo) [Invited Talk] Energy Saving of Carrier Network Equipment and High Voltage Direct Current Power Supply
Akira Misawa, Toru Okugawa, Kohei Asano, Kenishi Suzuki, Nobuhiko Yamashita, Yuriko Tanaka (NTT) NS2016-97
We describe system solution for energy saving in the network equipment and the “top runner measure” to procure best equi... [more] NS2016-97
PN 2016-09-01
Hokkaido KKR Hakodate (Hokkaido) [Invited Talk] Energy Saving of Carrier Network Equipment and Peripheral Equipment
Akira Misawa, Toru Okugawa, Yuriko Tanaka (NTT) PN2016-18
The bandwidth requirement increase exclusively and this increase pace is faster than a pace of the progress in electric ... [more] PN2016-18
WPT, MW 2015-04-16
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Study of power handling capability of superconducting transmit filter with double-strip resonator
Koki Fujihara, Naoto Sekiya (Yamanashi Univ.) WPT2015-1 MW2015-1
The power handling capability of a high temperature superconducting transmit filter with a double-strip resonator (DSR) ... [more] WPT2015-1 MW2015-1
 Results 1 - 10 of 10  /   
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