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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 56  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Okinawa Nago Civic Hall 【Tour in March 7th】 (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Electromagnetic Field Simulation of RCS for Metallic Cylinders Thinner Than Wavelength for Runway Foreign Object Debris Detection Systems -- Radar Cross Section Simulation for Runway Foreign Object Debris Detection Systems(1) --
Nobuhiko Shibagaki (KDE)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
SANE 2024-12-20
Tokyo ENRI (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Near-Field to Far-Field Transformation and its Limitations by Using Radar Images in the Case of Constant Bistatic Angle
Yoshihiko Akamine, Kenichi Hayashi (ATLA) SANE2024-49
In this paper, we propose a bistatic near-field (NF) to far-field (FF) transformation (NFFFT) based on the existing mono... [more] SANE2024-49
EMT, IEE-EMT 2024-11-28
Shizuoka Shizuoka Convestion & Arts Center (Shizuoka) RCS Estimation of Chaff Cloud from Rectangular Metal Pieces
Hirokazu Kobayashi (Electromagnetic Wave System Lab.), Yousuke Aoi (Sogo Electronics) EMT2024-84
Many chaff clouds traditionally use long and narrow rectangular pieces of aluminium. The region of the chaff cloud has a... [more] EMT2024-84
Ishikawa   (Ishikawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Bistatic RCS Estimation Method for Reflectarray With Effectives Area by Various Incident Angle
Keiji Sawairi, Hiroshi Hashiguchi, Naobumi Michishita (National Defense Academy) AP2024-151
Reflectarrays are expected to be used to reduce coverage holes. Reflectarrays are evaluated using radar cross section (R... [more] AP2024-151
SANE 2024-10-17
Toyama University of Toyama (Toyama, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Study on ISAR Images and Near-Field to Far-Field Transformation Using Ray Tracing Method Combined with Physical Optics
Yasuhiro Tada, Rei Furukwawa, Gilbert Siy Ching, Kenshi Horihata, Yukiko Kishiki (KKE) SANE2024-34
In recent years, the use of radar-based sensing technology has expanded and it has become important to predict Radar Cro... [more] SANE2024-34
Kagoshima AmaHome PLAZA (Amami City Shimin Koryu Center) (Kagoshima, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Scattered Field Transformation with Planar Scan Applicable for Differences in Radar Ranges of Transmitter and Receiver
Yoshihiko Akamine, Takashi Tomura, Jiro Hirokawa (Tokyo Tech) SANE2023-104
This paper proposes a new scattered field transformation method with a two-dimensional planar scan. The new method is ba... [more] SANE2023-104
Wakayama Kiboukan (Nanki Shirahama) (Wakayama) Simple Measurement Method for Reflectarray Using Monostatic-Bistatic Equivalence Theorem
Keiji Swairi, Hiroshi Hashiguchi, Naobumi Michishita (National Defense Academy)
In fifth-generation mobile communications, coverage holes are concerned due to the use of millimeter-wave bands. Reflect... [more]
SANE 2023-11-13
Chiba Chiba Univ. (Nishi-Chiba Campus) (Chiba, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Scattered Field Transformation with Spherical Scan Applicable for Differences in the Radar Ranges of Transmitter and Receiver
Yoshihiko Akamine, Takashi Tomura, Jiro Hirokawa (Tokyo Tech) SANE2023-47
This paper proposes a new scattered field transformation method with a two-dimensional spherical scan. The new method is... [more] SANE2023-47
SANE 2023-08-18
Hokkaido   (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Analysis of Radar Cross-Section for Chaff Cloud Consisting of Rectangular Metal Piece etc.
Hirokazu Kobayashi (Electromagnetic Wave System Lab.), Yousuke Aoi, Hirohisa Oda (SOGO) SANE2023-40
Traditionally, many chaff clouds use long and thin aluminum rectangular pieces. The volume of the cloud is electrically ... [more] SANE2023-40
SANE 2023-06-30
Kanagawa JAXA Sagamihara Campus (Kanagawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Study on 3-D Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Reconstruction
Takuma Watanabe (Univ. of Toyama) SANE2023-19
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has been widely utilized in various research fields such as near-field radar cross sectio... [more] SANE2023-19
SANE 2023-05-23
Kanagawa Information Technology R & D Center, MITSUBISHI Electric Corp. (Kanagawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Radar Cross-Section of Point Source Groups Envisaging Chaff Clouds Using Near-Field to Far-Field Transformation
Hirokazu Kobayashi (Electromagnetic Wave System Lab.), Yousuke Aoi, Hirohisa Oda (SOGO) SANE2023-13
A theoretical study for the radar cross sections (RCS) of chaff clouds is discussed using a software code that incorpora... [more] SANE2023-13
AP 2023-02-16
Miyagi Tohoku University, Aobayama Campus (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Lecture] Measurement of Human Body's RCS for Interior Monitoring System using mm-wave Radar
Takuro Mamiya, Yasunori Hoshihara (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Nobuhiro Hosoe (Mitsubishi Electric Engineering Comp.), Maiko Iwatani, Takayuki Nakanishi, Yasuhiro Nishioka, Yoshio Inasawa (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.) AP2022-218
An interior monitoring system using a millimeter wave radar in 60GHz band is an effective method to detect human. This r... [more] AP2022-218
SANE 2022-12-16
Nagasaki Nagasaki Public Hall (Nagasaki, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Radar Target Modeling by Employing Directional Point Source
Hirokazu Kobayashi (Electromagnetic Wave System Lab.), Hirohisa Oda (SOGO) SANE2022-76
Electromagnetic scattering analysis using the point source is the most useful and simple method to evaluate radar perfor... [more] SANE2022-76
EMT, IEE-EMT 2022-11-17
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Lecture] On fundamental of electromagnetic scattering analysis using characteristic basis function method
Tai Tanaka, Shinichi Yamamoto (Mitsubishi Electric) EMT2022-50
Characteristic basis function method (CBFM), one of the domain decomposition method for the method of moments, can solve... [more] EMT2022-50
SANE 2022-11-10
Chiba Chiba Univ. (Nishi-Chiba Campus) (Chiba, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Radar Cross-Section Measurement of a Resin-made Scaled Model Coated with Conductive Paste
Takuma Watanabe (FSI), Yoshihiko Akamine (Titech) SANE2022-50
Radar cross-section (RCS) is an essential quantity in characterizing a target to be measured using radar systems. As rad... [more] SANE2022-50
SANE 2022-07-01
Ibaraki (Ibaraki, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
EM Simulation of Radar Cross Section for non-rotationally Symmetric Shapes in the THz-band -- Study for the Realization of THz-band Radar and Communication System (1) --
Nobuhiko Shibagaki, Takeru Nemoto, Yosuke Sato, Ryotaro Manabe, Kenichi Kashima (Hitachi Kokusai Electric) SANE2022-18
A radar system using the frequency range from 300 GHz to 1 THz is being considered an advanced type of runway foreign ob... [more] SANE2022-18
EMT, IEE-EMT 2022-06-23
Tokyo The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (Tokyo) 1-D Circular Near Field to Far Field Radar Cross Section Transformation by Using a Weight Function Based on Cylindrical Wave Expansion
Yoshihiko Akamine, Takashi Tomura, Joro Hirokawa (Titech) EMT2022-2
This paper proposes a new near field to far field transformation method for radar cross section measure ments with a one... [more] EMT2022-2
SANE 2022-01-19
Tokyo ENRI (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Radar Cross-Section Measurement by 3-D Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
Takuma Watanabe (FSI), Hiroyoshi Yamada (Niigata Univ.) SANE2021-90
Radar cross-section (RCS) measurement for an electrically large object is often difficult owing to the spatial limitatio... [more] SANE2021-90
SANE 2022-01-19
Tokyo ENRI (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Multiscale Scattering Cross-Section Measurement Based on Synthetic Aperture Radar with an Arbitrary Trajectory
Takuma Watanabe (FSI), Hiroyoshi Yamada (Niigata Univ.) SANE2021-93
Radar cross-section (RCS) is an important physical parameter in characterizing the scattering of a target. However, beca... [more] SANE2021-93
SANE 2021-12-16
Chiba Chiba University (Chiba, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Theory of Radar Cross-Section Measurement by 3-D Synthetic Aperture Imaging with an Arbitrary Antenna Scanning Surface
Takuma Watanabe (Fujitsu), Hiroyoshi Yamada (Niigata Univ.) SANE2021-65
Radar cross-section (RCS) is an important physical parameter in characterizing the scattering of an object or target mea... [more] SANE2021-65
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