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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
DC 2021-12-10
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Study on Detection Method of the Level Crossing Rod Breakage using the Machine Learning
Hiroshi Shida (NESCO), Noriyuki Shiraishi (JR Shikoku), Hiroshi Takahashi (Ehime Univ) DC2021-62
The level crossing is the only part, which public road intersects a railroad. The level crossing rod is an important equ... [more] DC2021-62
DC 2019-12-20
Wakayama   Study on Condition-Based Maintenance of Railway Signal Equipment using the Machine Learning
Hiroshi Shida (JR West), Akihiro Tamura, Takashi Ninomiya, Hiroshi Takahashi (Ehime Univ) DC2019-83
Dependable systems are required high safety and reliability. Recently, condition-based maintenance(CBM) is expected to m... [more] DC2019-83
DC 2009-12-11
Shimane   Reliability of Network Signaling System and Integrated logical controller
Yoshinori Saiki, Satoshi Masutani, Takashi Kunifuji, Masayuki Matsumoto (JR East) DC2009-59
East Japan Railway Company introduced the Network Signaling System which controls signaling equipment in the station yar... [more] DC2009-59
DC 2006-12-08
Yamaguchi   Dependability and Safety on Railway Signalling
Masanori Yamamoto (NUT.), Sei Takahashi, Hideo Nakamura (Nihon Univ.)
First of all, the railway signaling system has to consider the safety, then it has ensured the necessary dependability.
... [more]
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