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 Results 1 - 20 of 46  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SC, KBSE 2024-11-09
Kochi Kochi-City Culture Plaza CUL-PORT (Kochi) Project FMEA for Identifying Difficulties in Implementing DX in Local Governments
Yu Otsuka (Waseda Univ), Kenji Tei (Science Tokyo), Hironori Washizaki (Waseda Univ) KBSE2024-34 SC2024-37
While individual difficulties in realizing Digital Transformation (DX) in local governments across Japan have been menti... [more] KBSE2024-34 SC2024-37
ICM 2022-07-07
Hokkaido Tokachi Plaza (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Zero Trust Architecture and Risk Management
Yuki Unno (Fujitsu Research) ICM2022-14
This paper describes what zero-trust architecture is, what are the threats to zero-trust architecture, and the risk mana... [more] ICM2022-14
KBSE 2022-03-10
Online Online (Zoom) (Online) Safety risk analysis and evaluation method for DNN system in autonomous driving
Tomoko Kaneko, Yuji Takahashi (NII), Shinichi Yamaguchi (SDM), Junji Hashimoto (GREE), Nobukazu Yoshioka (Soudai) KBSE2021-51
There is a great concern about the quality of current AI, especially DNN (deep learning), especially about its safety an... [more] KBSE2021-51
ICTSSL 2021-07-08
Online Online (Online) Management model of taking seats for restaurant considering COVID-19 infection risk
Yohei Kakimoto, Yuto Omae, Jun Toyotani, Kazuyuki Hara (Nihon Univ.), Hirotaka Takahashi (Tokyo City Univ.) ICTSSL2021-11
By an epidemic of COVID-19, many restaurants have been operated following the guidelines for infection prevention. To re... [more] ICTSSL2021-11
ET 2021-03-06
Online Online (Online) Development of a VR Learning System to Promote Participation in Local Communities -- Development of Support Functions for Voluntary Disaster Prevention Activities in Virtual Communities --
Hiroki Fukuda, Daichi Higaki, Yusuke Kometani (Kagawa Univ.), Teruhiko Unoki (Photron), Masanori Yatagai (Kyoritsu Women's Univ), Naka Gotoda, Takayuki Kunieda, Rihito Yaegashi (Kagawa Univ.) ET2020-64
In order to solve the problems of local communities, it is necessary for local residents to support each other. Therefor... [more] ET2020-64
KBSE, SC 2020-11-14
Online Online + Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Online, Tokyo)
(Primary: Online, Secondary: On-site)
Risk prediction in software development project course with real clients
Fumihiro Kumeno (NIT) KBSE2020-23 SC2020-27
We have conducted a software development project course with real clients; non-profit organizations of local community, ... [more] KBSE2020-23 SC2020-27
HCS 2020-01-25
Oita Room407, J:COM HorutoHall OITA (Oita) (Oita) An Estimation Method of Heat Stress Risk for Workers using Wearable Sensor Data and Information of Lifestyle
Mami Saito, Takashi Sudo, Yasuhiro Kanishima (Toshiba) HCS2019-57
The heat index WBGT only using environmental information such as temperature and humidity, is used as a heat stress risk... [more] HCS2019-57
SSS 2019-09-24
Tokyo (Tokyo) Evaluator ethical of the safety standard -- Exploring of impartiality risk management --
Eihiro Hiranuma (SPC) SSS2019-19
This paper defines identification and the evaluator ethics of the company-regulations rule about use of the safety stand... [more] SSS2019-19
NC, IBISML, IPSJ-MPS, IPSJ-BIO [detail] 2019-06-17
Okinawa Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (Okinawa) MCMC for Value-at-Risk estimation
Igor Zavialov, Kazushi Ikeda (NAIST) NC2019-11
Value-at-Risk models (VaR) are powerful tools for financial risk management and are widely used by regulating authoritie... [more] NC2019-11
ICTSSL 2018-07-17
Tokyo NTT Musashino R&D Center (Tokyo) Consideration on how to summarize data registered in Information Sharing System in Crisis Management
Tsuneko Kura, Naoko Kosaka, Akira Koyama, Yoshihiro Yoshida, Kouji Kishi (NTT) ICTSSL2018-16
We have developed a comprehensive emergency management support system “KADAN®” and have conducted some verification and ... [more] ICTSSL2018-16
ICTSSL 2017-07-13
Kagawa Kagawa Univ. (Kagawa) Establishment of incident response system and operation of information sharing system for large scale international sports events -- Efforts of Joint Experiment on incident response in SAPPORO Asian Winter Games --
Akira Koyama, Naoko Kosaka, Tsuneko Kura, Yoshihiro Yoshida, Koji Kishi (NTT), Tadayoshi Maruyama, Koichi Takamatsu (SAWGOC) ICTSSL2017-21
Ahead of the 2020Tokyo Olympic Games&Paralympics, various crises such as terrorism, cyber attacks and natural disasters ... [more] ICTSSL2017-21
ICTSSL 2017-07-13
Kagawa Kagawa Univ. (Kagawa) Discussion about Configuration and Operation of Information Sharing System in Crisis Management of a Large-scale International Sports Event
Tsuneko Kura, Naoko Kosaka, Akira Koyama, Yoshihiro Yoshida, Koji Kishi (NTT), Tadayoshi Maruyama, Koichi Takamatsu (SAWGOC) ICTSSL2017-22
We have developed a comprehensive emergency management support system “KADAN” and have conducted some verification and v... [more] ICTSSL2017-22
KBSE 2017-03-04
Ishikawa (Ishikawa) Structural analysis of psychological disincentives with a questionnaire -- For the improvement of risk management in development projects --
Hideki Hara, Takeo Tatsumi (OUJ), Yuko Murakami (TU), Takako Nakatani (OUJ) KBSE2016-50
PMBOK has a chapter of risk management to prevent problems of development projects. But, we rarely discuss the psycholog... [more] KBSE2016-50
LOIS 2017-03-03
Okinawa N.Ohama Memorial Hall (Okinawa) A Study of Knowledge Extraction for Managing Incident Response
Megumi Uesu, Tomohiro Kokogawa, Naoko Kosaka (former NTT), Kentaro Inui, Kenshi Yamaguchi (Tohoku Univ.), Yuji Maeda (former NTT) LOIS2016-95
When unexpected situations occur, managers’ management ability is important. However, it is difficult to master this abi... [more] LOIS2016-95
SSS 2016-03-10
Tokyo (Tokyo) Survey on the Consciousness of Personnel Concerning Machine Safety
Takabumi Fukuda, Toshiro hoshi (NUT), Shigeo Umezaki (JNIOSH) SSS2015-35
It is required to develop machine safety. And, as a measure, it is considered that (1) the machine manufacture assess t... [more] SSS2015-35
SWIM 2016-02-26
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) A Method to Systematic Risk Management Watch Dog
Akihiro Hayashi (ISM) SWIM2015-19
Recently we can see the growing interest on Risk Management Process. The main purpose of Risk Management is to succeed s... [more] SWIM2015-19
IN 2015-06-18
Tokyo Toyama International Conference Center (Tokyo) [Invited Talk] A study on security in the age of the Internet of Things (IoT)
Yuichi Shimamura, Fumiaki Ichinose, Yasuo Ishigure (NTT) IN2015-18
An arrival of the Internet of Things(IoT) age which the ICT dependence of the social infrastructure advanced to more is ... [more] IN2015-18
LOIS 2015-03-05
Okinawa (Okinawa) A Behavior Model of mobile work with personal device -- A preliminary study on Shadow IT as exceptional case of BYOD --
Takashi Hatashima, Yasuhisa Sakamoto (NTT) LOIS2014-64
We are studying on information security risk due to behaviors that parties takes into account the advantages and disadva... [more] LOIS2014-64
(Joint) [detail]
Kanagawa Tokyo Institute of Technology (Suzukakedai Campus) (Kanagawa) The Trial Analysis of the Response Words to the Stimulus Word "Radiation" -- Based on the Result of the Association Test Given to the 6th Graders of Elementary School Children Before and After the Radiation Class --
Hiroko Miyuki (Kyoto Univ.) NLC2014-36
After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in March 2011, the danger of the NPP and radiation, the issue o... [more] NLC2014-36
SSS 2014-03-13
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg (Tokyo) HOW to catch Medical Commonplace must-be Quality
Hirotaka Shimizu (Hitachi Kokusai Electric) SSS2013-37
When we analyze medical accidents, we can find common ill factors from medical work-flow parts. Systematic management pr... [more] SSS2013-37
 Results 1 - 20 of 46  /  [Next]  
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