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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 51  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Kochi CUL-PORT(Kochi City) (Temporary) (Kochi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Development of Q-band SSPA for Satellite Communications
Shuhei Someya, Kazuhiko Douji, Hidenori Tanaka (NEC Space Technologies) SAT2024-32
In recent satellite communications, Q/V-Band is being used for gateway communications to further increase capacity and a... [more] SAT2024-32
WPT 2024-06-13
Hokkaido Hakodate Citizen Hall (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Study on Miniaturization of High-Efficiency and High-Gain Microwave Amplifier for DC-RF Conversion in SSPS Power Transmitter
Ryo Ishikawa, Kazuhiko Honjo (UEC) WPT2024-10
In the planned Space Solar Power System (SSPS), high-efficiency microwave power amplifiers are expected to be used for h... [more] WPT2024-10
EA 2024-05-22
Online Online (Online) Trends in Sound Source Separation and Enhancement at ICASSP2024
Yoshiki Masuyama (TMU) EA2024-1
ICASSP 2024 was held in Seoul, South Korea, from April 14th to 19th. ICASSP is the IEEE Signal Processing Society's flag... [more] EA2024-1
SCE 2023-10-31
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Characterization and Analysis of TiN Films on MgO Substrate to Clarify the Detection Mechanism of Superconducting Single-Photon Detectors
Tsubasa Ishimura, Hiroki Kutsuma, Taro Yamashita (Tohoku Univ.) SCE2023-22
To clarify the correlation between the crystallinity of the films and detector performance and to establish the guidelin... [more] SCE2023-22
MW 2021-11-18
Kagoshima Kagoshima University (Kagoshima, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
4-way Power Combiner Including Board-to-Board Transition Using Spring Contact Probes
Takuma Nishimura, Hidenori Ishibashi, Yutarou Yamaguchi, Takumi Nagamine, Hidenori Yukawa, Toru Fukasawa, Yoshio Inasawa (MELCO) MW2021-66
Conventional SSPA has a method of synthesizing power by mounting multiple MMIC on the board with flip-chip bonding for h... [more] MW2021-66
Online Online (Online) Investigation of measurement systems for designing RF-DC conversion circuits with maximum conversion efficiency at specific power and load
Kensuke Kobayashi, Kazuhiro Fujimori (Okayama Univ.) WPT2021-9
In space solar power systems, the rectenna is used as an array on the power receiving side, but the microwave power dens... [more] WPT2021-9
SCE 2021-08-06
Online Online (Online) High light absorption efficiency design by FDTD simulation in superconducting nanostrip photon detector
Mai Nishikawa, Kouhei Sawai, Hiroyuki Shibata (Kitami IT) SCE2021-2
An optical simulation using the finite differential time domain (FDTD) method was performed to improve the detection eff... [more] SCE2021-2
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) [Poster Presentation] Comparative Study of Kurtosis-Based FastICA and RobustICA Using Spatial Smoothing Preprocessing
Yuya Sato, Nobuyoshi Kikuma, Kunio Sakakibara (NIT)
With the development of wireless communication systems in recent years, high techniques and functions for radio wave mon... [more]
HIP 2019-08-20
Tokyo Tokyo Woman's Christian University (Tokyo) Effects of relative spatial positions of two Kanji characters on lexical decision performance
Toshiki Ushiroda, Hiro-Fumi Yanai (Ibaraki Univ.) HIP2019-38
When we try to recognize words, we often fail to notice typos. Major factors that underlie such ``noticeability'' would ... [more] HIP2019-38
WPT 2019-03-07
Kyoto Kyoto Univ. Uji Campus (Kyoto) Technology verification of Microwave Power transmission (MWPT) for Vertical direction -- Summary of technology verification --
Shuji Nakamura, Kenji Sasaki, Kazuhiko Maekawa, Shoichiro Mihara (J-spacesystems) WPT2018-71
J-spacesystems has been studying SSPS, Space Solar Power System, as a future alternative energy resources since 1990’s. ... [more] WPT2018-71
Hiroshima ICCH Ran (Hiroshima) Development of a large-scale superconducting nanowire single-photon detector imaging array
Masahiro Yabuno, Shigeyuki Miyajima (NICT), Shigehito Miki (NICT/Kobe Univ.), Hirotaka Terai (NICT)
Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SSPD) imaging array is attracting attention as a single photon camera w... [more]
WBS, IT, ISEC 2018-03-08
Tokyo Katsusika Campas, Tokyo University of Science (Tokyo) Evaluation of Bayes Predictive Distributions under Unknown Parametric Models on Misspecified Models
Hirokazu Kono, Shota Saito, Toshiyasu Matsushima (Waseda Univ.) IT2017-103 ISEC2017-91 WBS2017-84
In this paper, we discuss a problem to estimate the conditional distribution of $Y_{N+1}$ given $x_{N+1}$ and ${(x_t,y_t... [more] IT2017-103 ISEC2017-91 WBS2017-84
WPT 2018-03-02
Kyoto Kyoto Univ. Uji Campus (Kyoto) Technology verification of Microwave Power transmission (MWPT) for Vertical direction -- Summary of technology verification plan --
Kenji Sasaki, Shuji Nakamura, Kazuhiko Maekawa, Shoichiro Mihara (J-spacesystems) WPT2017-69
J-spacesystems has been studying SSPS, Space Solar Power System, as a future alternative energy resources since 1990’s. ... [more] WPT2017-69
SCE 2017-10-05
Miyagi (Miyagi) Fabrication and evaluation of 1 k pixel SSPD imaging array
Masahiro Yabuno, Shigeyuki Miyajima (NICT), Shigehito Miki (NICT/Kobe Univ.), Taro Yamashita (NICT/JST), Hirotaka Terai (NICT) SCE2017-27
Development of a large-scale Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SSPD) imaging system has recently attracte... [more] SCE2017-27
SANE 2016-11-25
Overseas National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) (Overseas) Development of selective DOA estimation algorithm using information of signal correlation
Hirofumi Fukushima, Nobhiro Suzuki (MitsubishiElectric) SANE2016-90
Many methods for a direction of arrival (DOA) estimation have been developed, including MUSIC and ESPRIT. Such methods a... [more] SANE2016-90
Miyagi Tohoku Gakuin University (Miyagi) Characterization of SSPD receiver at optical communication ground station using test equipment and reception of down link photon from a satellite
Hiroo Kunimori, Shigehito Miki, Taro Yamashita, Hirotaka Terai, Hiroyuki Endo, Mikio Fujiwara, Masahide Sasaki (NICT), Takao Aoki (Waseda Univ.), Yusuke Kobayashi, Koichi Gyoda (SIT), Jun-ich Nakazono (EOS), Morio Toyoshima (NICT) SAT2016-39
A SSPD developed in house NICT is applied as one of the promising detector for the deep space optical communication. The... [more] SAT2016-39
WPT 2016-03-07
Kyoto Kyoto Univ. Uji Campus (Kyoto) The evaluation of the influences of antenna deformations and the compensation using phase control for WPT system on the Tethered-SPS
Shotaro Katano (SOKENDAI), Eri Saito (Toyo Univ.), Koji Takeda (TU Delft), Koji Tanaka (JAXA) WPT2015-81
The control technology of microwaves is one of important theme for realization of Tethered-SPS. Especially, the transmit... [more] WPT2015-81
Hiroshima Hiroshima Institute of Technology (Hiroshima) High Power transmitter for X band SAR system on Small satellite
Hiromi Watanabe (UT), Hirobumi Saito (JAXA) SANE2015-109
We are now developing subsystems in order to put our X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar system for 100kg class small satell... [more] SANE2015-109
WPT 2015-03-25
Kyoto Kyoto Univ. Uji Campus (Kyoto) Development of Receiving Section of Microwave Power Transmission Test Model
Yuichiro Ozawa, Naohiro Tanaka, Teruo Fujiwara (IHI AEROSPACE), Naoki Shinohara, Tomohiko Mitani (Kyoto Univ.), Kenji Sasaki, Shuji Nakamura (J-spacesystems) WPT2014-111
The receiving section of microwave power transmission(MPT) test model has been developed since 2009. In this paper, we w... [more] WPT2014-111
SCE 2014-10-15
Miyagi Tohoku University, RIEC (Miyagi) Fabrication of MgB2 nanowire superconducting single-photon detector using Br2-N2 dry etching
Hiroyuki Shibata (NTT) SCE2014-36
For the development of superconducting devices using MgB_2, it is necessary to develop the new nano fabrication process ... [more] SCE2014-36
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