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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SC 2022-03-11
Online EventIn (Online) A Study of Case Sharing System for Efficient Software Upcycle
Takuya Nakata, Sinan Chen, Masahide Nakamura (Kobe Univ.) SC2021-47
In the maintenance and updating of software, the technical debt accumulated from past development has become a significa... [more] SC2021-47
SS 2022-03-07
Online Online (Online) Extracting Optimal Query Keywords from Bug Report for IR-based Bug Localization
Kazuki Hayashi, Takashi Kobayashi (Tokyo Tech.) SS2021-56
Bug Localization is a field that is researched to support locating bugs in software programs. Recent research created op... [more] SS2021-56
SR 2021-05-20
Online Online (Online) [Invited Lecture] A prototype of business support tool for wireless system utilizing software defined radio technology
Yu Ono, Tatsuya Nakatani, Toshifumi Miyagi (NTT) SR2021-8
NTT has many types of wireless systems, so that improvement of work efficiency is an important issue.
NTT access networ... [more]
R 2020-10-16
Online Online (Online) The Estimation of Optimal Maintenance Time Considering GUI Based on Deep Learning
Yanagisawa Taku, Tamura Yosinobu (Tokyo City Univ), Yamada Sigeru (Tottori Univ) R2020-21
Almost all software reliability models have been proposed for the testing phase in software projects. The open source so... [more] R2020-21
ET 2020-07-10
Aomori Aomori Tourist Information Center ASPAM (Aomori) A Study on Improvement of Learning Environment for Visually Impaired Spreadsheet Learners -- To Support Independent Learning and Teaching Materials Maintenance --
Isao Hiramatsu (TUAT), Kousuke Mouri (Kyoto Univ.), Keiichi Kaneko (TUAT) ET2020-5
When visually impaired people work on problem-solving exercises in order to acquire their computer skills, their teacher... [more] ET2020-5
SS, IPSJ-SE 2020-07-02
Online Online (Online) A Proposal for a SaaS-based Code Clone Analysis Environmentwith an Extensible Architecture
Kazuki Matsushima, Katsuro Inoue (Osaka Univ.) SS2020-1
Many studies on tools for efficient code clone analysis have been conducted in the past. However, thesetools have some i... [more] SS2020-1
SS, IPSJ-SE 2020-07-02
Online Online (Online) SS2020-3 (To be available after the conference date) [more] SS2020-3
KBSE, SS, IPSJ-SE [detail] 2019-07-14
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) A Method for Comparison and Visualization of Code Clone Detection Results
Kazuki Matsushima, Katsuro Inoue (Osaka Univ.) SS2019-12 KBSE2019-22
Many techniques for automatic code clone detection have been proposed and implemented as clone detection in the past. Ho... [more] SS2019-12 KBSE2019-22
SS 2019-03-05
Okinawa (Okinawa) A system for visualizing clone evolution to support clone maintenance
Hirotaka Honda, Shogo Tokui, Kazuki Yokoi (Osaka Univ.), Eunjong Choi (NAIST), Norihiro Yoshida (Nagoya Univ.), Katsuro Inoue (Osaka Univ.) SS2018-71
Clone Notifier, a code clone change management system, notifies developers about the evolution of code clones such as ad... [more] SS2018-71
SS 2019-03-05
Okinawa (Okinawa) An Approach of Sharing Software Modification to Adopt Library Evolution
Noritoshi Atsumi (Kyoto Univ.), Hiroaki Kuwabara (Nanzan Univ.) SS2018-78
In software development, the software maintenance task to update library version tends to be negligible because it is no... [more] SS2018-78
NLC, IPSJ-IFAT 2019-02-08
Kyoto Ryukoku University Omiya Campus (Kyoto) [Special Talk] Morphological Analyzer for Business "Sudachi": the Present and Future
Yoshitaka Uchida (Works Applications) NLC2018-46
Morphological analysis is a fundamental and important technology for processing a Japanese text, especially for industri... [more] NLC2018-46
KBSE, SS, IPSJ-SE [detail] 2018-07-19
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) SS2018-12 KBSE2018-22 (To be available after the conference date) [more] SS2018-12 KBSE2018-22
KBSE, SS, IPSJ-SE [detail] 2018-07-19
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) SS2018-13 KBSE2018-23 (To be available after the conference date) [more] SS2018-13 KBSE2018-23
SS, KBSE, IPSJ-SE [detail] 2017-07-19
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) A Domain Model Approach using Normalized Class and Existence Dependency
Shigeo Kaneda, Akio Ida, Yusuke Morimoto (Doshisha Univ.) SS2017-7 KBSE2017-7
Object-oriented modeling is a major approach to requirement analysis and object-oriented software development. In an ide... [more] SS2017-7 KBSE2017-7
SS, KBSE, IPSJ-SE [detail] 2017-07-19
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) Influence of Partial History Extraction of Change Guide Method based on the Interaction Data
Takumi Fujiwara, Takashi Kobayashi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) SS2017-14 KBSE2017-14
In this paper, we validate the effectivity of the change guide method based on interaction histories proposed in our pre... [more] SS2017-14 KBSE2017-14
MSS, SS 2017-01-26
Kyoto Kyoto Institute of Technology (Kyoto) Towards Move Method Refactoring Recommendation using Change Task Context
Naoya Ujihara, Ali Ouni, Takashi Ishio, Katsuro Inoue (Osaka Univ.) MSS2016-58 SS2016-37
Move Method Refactoring is an effective technique to improve software quality. In this research, we have developed a ref... [more] MSS2016-58 SS2016-37
KBSE, SS, IPSJ-SE [detail] 2016-07-14
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) Investigating the effectiveness of function clone detection tool for simultaneous fixing of defects
Seiya Numata (Osaka Univ.), Norihiro Yoshida (Nagoya Univ.), Eunjong Choi (NAIST), Katsuro Inoue (Osaka Univ.) SS2016-7 KBSE2016-13
Code clone (i.e., code fragment that has identical or similar fragment in source code) is one of the factors that makes... [more] SS2016-7 KBSE2016-13
SS 2016-03-11
Okinawa (Okinawa) An Empirical Study of the Severity of Code Smell Using a Refactoring Dataset
Tsubasa Saika, Eunjong Choi (Osaka Univ.), Norihiro Yoshida (Nagoya Univ.), Shusuke Haruna, Katsuro Inoue (Osaka Univ.) SS2015-91
Code smells are structures in the code that suggest the possibility of refactoring. To prioritize code smells in large-s... [more] SS2015-91
IA, SITE, IPSJ-IOT [detail] 2016-03-03
Saga Nijino-Matsubara Hotel (Karatsu-shi, Saga-prefecture) (Saga) Implementing Multicasting Openflow Controller Based on Heuristic algorithm
Alaa Allakany, Koji Okamura (Kyushu Univ.) SITE2015-60 IA2015-92
Many group communication applications require multipoint communication, in order to reduce network traffic rates. Multic... [more] SITE2015-60 IA2015-92
DC, SS 2015-10-14
Nara Todaiji Culture Center (Nara) (Nara) Towards Comprehension of Refactoring Tasks with Arbitrary-Granularity-Model Code Clone Detection
Toshihiro Kamiya (Fun) SS2015-42 DC2015-32
Abstract This study describes an extended method of AGM code-clone detection for understanding refactroing. The proposed... [more] SS2015-42 DC2015-32
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