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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ET 2024-03-03
Miyazaki Miyazaki University (Miyazaki) Boccia system with digital fab for use in special needs
Hiroto Yamaguchi, Aki Kato, Mutsuhiro Nakashige (SIT) ET2023-71
We are developing a button-operated boccia system that can be used as a practical teaching aid in special needs educatio... [more] ET2023-71
- 2023-12-13
Fukuoka Asia pacific Import Mart (Kitakyushu) (Fukuoka, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Study of Special Fraud Training Tools Utilizing Generated AI
Megumi Chikano, Hina Ikeda, Kenta Ide, Sho Iwasaki, Shuji Awai, Takeshi Konno (Fujitsu Ltd.), Masayuki Kiriu (Toyo Univ.)
The number of elderly victims continues to increase as new and sophisticated fraud schemes are introduced. To prevent su... [more]
WIT 2023-06-17
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Development of A Boccia System for On-site Use in Special Needs Education
Hong Zhang (KGU), Kazuki Hamada (KU), Mutsuhiro Nakashige (Shonan Inst. of Tech.), Michiya Yamamoto (KGU) WIT2023-9
Boccia has been introduced into many special needs schools, but commercially available boccia systems are difficult to u... [more] WIT2023-9
WIT 2023-06-17
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Radio-Controlled Vacuum Cleaner as a Learning Material for Binary Relationships
Mutsuhiro Nakashige, Futo Ito (Shonan Inst. of Tech.), Ryota Shibusawa (Daiichi Inst. of Tech.), Katsutoshi Oe (NBU) WIT2023-10
With the declining birthrate, the number of children and students receiving special-needs education is increasing every ... [more] WIT2023-10
WIT 2023-06-17
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Development of visual field measurement and visual field experience applications.
Yusei Kuba, Shihoko Kamisato, Chikatoshi Yamada, Hiroki Kamehama, Osamu Makishi (NIT, Okinawa College) WIT2023-11
In this study, we are developing a visual field measurement system and a visual field experience application for the pur... [more] WIT2023-11
ET 2022-03-04
Online Online (Online) An Analysis of the International Study on Citizenship Education from the Perspective of ICT Application and Its Promotion through Teacher Education -- Focusing on the Potential of Extra-curricular Activities and Integrated Learning --
Satoru Fujitani (Mejiro Univ.), Motoko Fujitani (Joetsu Univ. Educ.), Ikuko Komiyama (Mejiro Univ.) ET2021-77
IEA-ICCS 2016 is an international comparative study consisting of the cognitive test and the student questionnaire surve... [more] ET2021-77
ICTSSL 2021-05-28
Online Online (Online) Development of an Analysis Tool for Pre-evacuation in the Event of Special Early Warning Information for Nankai Megathrust Earthquake -- Based on an Interview of Local Government Officials --
Takashi Sugiyama, Katsuya Yamori (Kyoto Univ.), Kenshin Urabe (GK Kyoto), Takahiro Nishino (R2), Hiromitsu Nakamura, Yuji Dohi (NIED) ICTSSL2021-6
“Special early warning information” is information released when the possibility of a Nankai Trough earthquake is assess... [more] ICTSSL2021-6
- 2020-12-17
Online Online (Online) Application and Effects of Interactive Large-Scale Floor Projection in Special-Needs Education
Mika Oki, Kenji Suzuki (Univ. of Tsukuba)
We investigated an interactive floor projection system featuring image projecting and capturing capabilities implemented... [more]
ET 2020-03-07
Kagawa National Institute of Technology, Kagawa Collage (Kagawa)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
e-Portfolio based on ICF-CY including Objective Information to support Self-Advocacy
Masahito Nagamori, Akira Shionoya (NUT), Masaki Nagasawa (NU), Tatuya Susukida (Lorem), Hitoshi Miyake (TMC) ET2019-76
This report describes the development of an ICF-CY compliant e-portfolio system that supports self-advocacy in a reasona... [more] ET2019-76
- 2019-12-13
Hiroshima Hiroshima-ken Joho Plaza (Hiroshima) (Hiroshima) Support of Procedure Acquisition in Cleaning Tasks by using Sequential Visual Instructions by Floor Projection
Mika Oki (Univ. of Tsukuba), Shuichi Akizuki (Chukyo Univ.), Bourreau Baptiste, Kenji Suzuki (Univ. of Tsukuba)
By leveraging the large-scale interactive floor projection system installed in a special-needs school gymnasium (FUTUREG... [more]
ET 2019-09-06
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki) A Study of Special Education Technology Research from the Viewpoint of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: ICF
Tetsuya Munekata (NISE) ET2019-29
The author summarized trends and definitions of the terms on the research papers and published books on special needs ed... [more] ET2019-29
ET 2018-05-19
Kanagawa National Institute of Special Needs Education (Kanagawa) What the school teachers want to know when they teach the children with special education needs using iPads and other tablet PCs in elementary and secondary education classrooms -- Focusing on the role of teachers of special needs education schools --
Shun Nimura (IIYAMA Special Needs Education School), Tetsuya Munekata, Yosuke Araya, Shun Yokoo, Tsutomu Kamiyama, Toru Sugiura (NISE) ET2018-10
The authors conducted focus group discussions which focused on the teachers’ needs when they teach the children with spe... [more] ET2018-10
ET 2018-05-19
Kanagawa National Institute of Special Needs Education (Kanagawa) Case study of Interactive Environment for Structure of Arithmetic Word Problem in Special Needs Classroom
Sho Yamamoto (Kindai Univ.), Tsukasa Hirashima (Hiroshima Univ.) ET2018-11
There are many students who are difficult to read sentences in special needs classroom. We are working on a development ... [more] ET2018-11
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2017-12-07
Tokyo AIST Tokyo Waterfront (Tokyo) Development of Remote Articulation Test System
Ikuyo Masuda-katsuse (Kindai Univ.) WIT2017-63
A remote articulation test system with multimedia communication has been developed in order that outside speech-language... [more] WIT2017-63
WIT, SP 2017-10-19
Fukuoka Tobata Library of Kyutech (Kitakyushu) (Fukuoka) Design of a universal music toy for students with disabilities in upper limbs
Yuya Nakayama, Yuta Ichinohe, Naoaki Shibata, Yushi Miyashita, Yutaro Ohashi (NIT) SP2017-44 WIT2017-40
In many Japanese schools for special needs education, students with disabilities use toys for hand exercise. However, i... [more] SP2017-44 WIT2017-40
ET 2017-01-28
Kanagawa National Institute of Special Needs Education (Kanagawa) Study on a Virtual Resource Room for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Children in an Inclusive Educational Environment
Yasushi Ishihara, Masayuki Sato, Shigeki Miyoshi, Tomoyuki Nishioka (NTUT) ET2016-87
Based on the study carried out in 2009-2012, we started the research on a virtual resource room from 2013. A virtual res... [more] ET2016-87
ET 2016-12-10
Osaka Kindai University (Osaka) Development of a Self-Learning Teaching Material for Information Moral Education based on Disorder Traits in Deaf -- Sign Language Movies and PowerPoint Slides based on Reasonable Accommodation for Students with Impaired Hearing --
Tomohito Uchino (School for the Deaf, University of Tsukuba) ET2016-75
The purpose of this study developments a self-learning teaching material for information moral education in special need... [more] ET2016-75
ET, SITE, IPSJ-CE, IPSJ-CLE [detail] 2015-12-05
Fukui Community Hall & AOSSA Mall, Fukui (Fukui) Practical Study on Programming Lessons for Students with Impaired Hearing -- Creating Digital Contents for Multiple Devices Using Bootstrap --
Tomohito Uchino (School for the Deaf, University of Tsukuba) SITE2015-53 ET2015-81
The purpose of the practical study is to report teaching method for creating digital contents in special needs educatio... [more] SITE2015-53 ET2015-81
ET 2015-10-31
Oita Nippon Bunri Univ. (Yufuin Training Institute) (Oita) Implementation of monitoring tool with DAISY in special needs education
Kohei Kitagawa, Mizue Kayama, Masami Hashimoto (Shinshu Univ.), Tatsuo Nishizawa, Yusuke Tashiro (Shinanokenshi Co., Ltd) ET2015-49
Nowadays, learning with ICT devices has been promoted in many educational institutions. Especially for students with sp... [more] ET2015-49
WIT, ASJ-H 2015-02-13
Ehime Ehime University, Johoku Campus (Ehime) Research about Disaster Prevention Education with Digital Teaching Materials in Japanese Special Schools
Misaki Ryu, Tomonori Karita, Nagako Kashiki, Toshie Ishimaru (Ehime Univ.) WIT2014-73
The life the people who don't know crowd a child with disabilities person sensitive to environmental change by an easter... [more] WIT2014-73
 Results 1 - 20 of 20  /   
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