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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 9 of 9  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HWS, ICD, VLD 2025-03-07
Okinawa (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Miniature Multimodal Olfactory Device with 3D MSS-CMOS Chip Stack
Naru Kato, Kotaro Naruse, Takuma Matsumori, Jun Shiomi, Yoshihiro Midoh, Tetsuya Hirose (Osaka Univ.), Gaku Imamura (Osaka Univ./NIMS), Genki Yoshikawa (Tsukuba Univ./NIMS), Noriyuki Miura (Osaka Univ.)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
CPM 2023-07-31
Hokkaido (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Progress and future perspective of room-temperature bonding technologies for heterogeneous integration
Eiji Higurashi, Kai Takeuchi (Tohoku Univ.) CPM2023-17
In recent years, bonding technology has attracted much attention and has become increasingly important to realize high-p... [more] CPM2023-17
US 2023-05-18
Tokyo Surugadai Campus, Nihon University (Tokyo) Simulation and experimental investigation on effects of cylindrical structure on surface wave phase velocity in body tissue
Yunfeng Lu, Marie Tabaru (Tokyo Tech) US2023-7
Foreign matter detection in meat products, it is not suitable for commonly used methods such as ultrasonic, metal detect... [more] US2023-7
ED 2021-02-22
Online Online (Online) ED2020-39 A surface stress sensor fabricated by MEMS technology can detect biomacromolecules such as protein with label- free mann... [more] ED2020-39
US 2020-12-14
Online Online (Online) Creating Latticed Plane Texture Using Micro Ultrasonic Knurling Technology
Shigeru Aoki (TMCIT), Yasunori Sakai (SIT), Tomohisa Tanaka (TIT) US2020-56
Sliding surface in mechanical system is required to move smoothly and stop at target position. It is necessary to develo... [more] US2020-56
Kyoto Doshisha Univ. (Kyoto) [Poster Presentation] Transient responses of the SPR sensor observed by the sub-nanosecond pump-probe technique -- Effects of the surface coupling medium on the SPR sensor --
Takumi Fukunaga, Hayato Ichihashi, Shoya Ueno, Mami Matsukawa (Doshisha Univ.) US2019-79 EA2019-92
The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor is known to act as an ultrasound sensor which can detect acoustic wave in the... [more] US2019-79 EA2019-92
US 2018-12-10
Tokyo (Tokyo) On application of ultrasonic vibration to manufacturing and future aspects
Shigeru Aoki (TMICT), Yasunori Sakai, Tomohisa Tanaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology) US2018-77
Ultrasonic vibration is applied to many manufacturing fields The authors have applied ultrasonic vibration to manufactur... [more] US2018-77
SDM 2017-10-25
Miyagi Niche, Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) Experimental Investigation of Localized Stress Induced Leakage Current Distribution and its Decrease by Atomically Flattening Process
Hyeonwoo Park, Rihito Kuroda, Tetsuya Goto, Tomoyuki Suwa, Akinobu Teramoto, Daiki Kimoto, Shigetoshi Sugawa (Tohoku Univ) SDM2017-51
Stress Induced Leakage Current (SILC) distributions of a large number of small nMOS transistors with different gate size... [more] SDM2017-51
CPM, ED, SDM 2016-05-19
Shizuoka Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu campus (Joint Research Lab.) (Shizuoka) Fabrication of a thin plasmonic color sheet embedded with Al subwavelength gratings in parylene
Hayato Kumagai (Toyohashi Univ.), Hiroaki Honma (Toyohashi Univ./JSPS), Makoto Ishida, Kazuaki Sawada (Toyohashi Univ./EIIRIS), Kazuhiro Takahashi (Toyohashi Univ.) ED2016-19 CPM2016-7 SDM2016-24
We fabricated a free-standing thin plasmonic color sheet embedded with Al subwavelength gratings for flexible optical tr... [more] ED2016-19 CPM2016-7 SDM2016-24
 Results 1 - 9 of 9  /   
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