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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
NLP, MSS 2023-03-17
Nagasaki (Nagasaki, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Chaotic Response of Hardware Small World Neural Network with STDP
Takuto Yamaguchi, Katsutoshi Saeki, Yoshiki Sasaki (Nihon Univ.) MSS2022-106 NLP2022-151
The role of chaotic activity in the brain function is still unclarified. However, it is possible to estimate the role by... [more] MSS2022-106 NLP2022-151
NC, IBISML, IPSJ-BIO, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2020-06-29
Online Online (Online) Mobile Neuron (1) -- Why Dr. Pavlov Repeatedly Removed the Neocortex of Dogs? --
Kumon Tokumaru (Writer) NC2020-1 IBISML2020-1
Neural Network Computation Model in information processing is quite different from biological organism of living creatur... [more] NC2020-1 IBISML2020-1
CCS 2016-11-04
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) (Kyoto) Suppression of Pathological Synchronization in Cortical Networks
Isao Tokuda, Hisashi Kada (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Jun-nosuke Teramae (Osaka Univ.) CCS2016-30
In cortical networks, it has been known that neurons generate self-sustained low-frequency firings even in the absence o... [more] CCS2016-30
NC, IPSJ-BIO, IBISML, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2016-07-05
Okinawa Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (Okinawa) Global structure of the clusters in local cortical circuit with receptive field correlation
Kohei Watanabe (Osaka Univ.), Jun-nosuke Teramae, Naoki Wakamiya (Osaka Univ./CiNet) NC2016-8
Synaptic connections in local cortical circuit are highly heterogeneous and nonrandom. A few strong synaptic connections... [more] NC2016-8
NC 2012-10-05
Fukuoka Kyushu Institute of Technology (Wakamatsu Campus) (Fukuoka) The modulation of long-term depression affecting distance-dependent synaptic weight distribution and directional spike propagation in a recurrent network
Toshikazu Samura, Eriko Sugisaki, Yutaka Sakai (Tamagawa Univ.), Hatsuo Hayashi (KYUTECH), Takeshi Aihara (Tamagawa Univ.) NC2012-49
A recurrent network where excitatory and inhibitory neurons are mutually connected causes spike propagation when excitat... [more] NC2012-49
NC 2012-01-26
Hokkaido Future University Hakodate (Hokkaido) Storage capacity of the associative memory model with the zero-order synaptic decay
Ryota Miyata (Tokyo Tech.), Jun Tsuzurugi (Okayama Univ. Sci.), Toru Aonishi (Tokyo Tech.), Koji Kurata (Univ. Ryukyu.) NC2011-97
It has been reported that synaptogenesis, formation of synaptic connection, continues to take place in certain regions o... [more] NC2011-97
NLP 2010-03-10
Tokyo (Tokyo) Discrete Time Inverse Function Delayed Network with Higher-Order Connections
Takahiro Sota, Koji Kurose (Tohoku Univ.), Yoshihiro Hayakawa (Sendai Nat Coll. of Tech.), Shigeo Sato, Koji Nakajima (Tohoku Univ.) NLP2009-181
The Inverse function Delayed network with higher-order connection (HCID network) has been proposed to solve combinatoria... [more] NLP2009-181
NC 2006-05-26
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) Statistical testing of neuronal connectivity based on spike correlation analysis
Norihiro Katayama, Osamu Kikuchi, Akihiro Karashima, Mitsuyuki Nakao (Tohoku Univ.)
Cross-correlation histogram (CCH) of simultaneously recorded multiple neuronal activities has widely been used to decide... [more] NC2006-1
MBE 2005-10-14
Osaka (Osaka) Modeling of the suprachiasmatic nucleus based on the reduced cellular clock mechanisms
Kazufumi Aoki, Mitsuyuki Nakao, Norihiro Katayama (Tohoku Univ.)
It is believed that the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) plays an important role in circadian regulation of biological syst... [more] MBE2005-77
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