Committee |
Date Time |
Place |
Paper Title / Authors |
Abstract |
Paper # |
2023-01-11 13:30 |
Osaka |
(Osaka, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A formal description of a functional language with exception handling, and constrained dependency pairs for the termination proofs Takeshi Hamaguchi, Masahiko Sakai (Nagoya Univ.) MSS2022-56 SS2022-41 |
This paper proposes a termination-proof method for functional programs with exception handling. First, we give a small s... [more] |
MSS2022-56 SS2022-41 pp.66-71 |
IT |
2022-07-21 14:55 |
Okayama |
Okayama University of Science (Okayama, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A Data Compression Method Where The Codeword Is a Computer Program Generating The Data Mitsuharu Arimura (Shonan Inst. Tech.) IT2022-19 |
The Kolmogorov complexity of a string is defined as the shortest length of the program on a Turing machine used to repre... [more] |
IT2022-19 pp.18-23 |
SS |
2019-03-05 15:25 |
Okinawa |
(Okinawa) |
Automatic Repair of Conditional Expressions for Functional Programs by Using Counterexamples Ken Matsui, Ryosuke Sato, Naoyasu Ubayashi, Yasutaka Kamei (Kyushu Univ.) SS2018-80 |
In software development, manual bug fixing consumes much time and effort. Therefore, automated program repair methods ha... [more] |
SS2018-80 pp.169-174 |
KBSE, SS, IPSJ-SE [detail] |
2018-07-19 16:55 |
Hokkaido |
(Hokkaido) |
Concurrent Execution Semantics of the Functional Programming Language in Continuation Passing Style Based on the Actor Model Nagisa Kojima, Kazuyuki Shima, Akio Nakata (Hiroshima City Univ.) SS2018-14 KBSE2018-24 |
In our study so far, we have proposed the notation which expresses lambda calculus in Continuation-Passing Style (CPS) s... [more] |
SS2018-14 KBSE2018-24 pp.161-166 |
SS, DC |
2017-10-19 14:45 |
Kochi |
Kochi City Culture-plaza CUL-PORT (Kochi) |
Towards a behavioral model of Yampa programs in a discrete runtime environment Tomoki Ichihashi, Shouji Yuuen (Nagoya Univ.) SS2017-24 DC2017-23 |
We propse an operational model for discrete executions of Yampa programs whose behavior are defined in the dense time. Y... [more] |
SS2017-24 DC2017-23 pp.19-24 |
KBSE, SS, IPSJ-SE [detail] |
2016-07-14 13:10 |
Hokkaido |
(Hokkaido) |
A Behavioral Model for Executing Yampa Programs Tomoki Ichihashi, Yuuen Shouji (Nagoya Univ.) SS2016-11 KBSE2016-17 |
In this paper, we propose differences-embedded automata as a behavioral model of Yampa programs which is a domain-specif... [more] |
SS2016-11 KBSE2016-17 pp.99-104 |
2016-02-26 13:05 |
Tokyo |
Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) |
Learning Support Environment for Functional Programming using Swift Language Yuiitsu Aoki, Hiroki Suguri (Miyagi Univ.) SWIM2015-21 |
We have designed, developed and evaluated a learning support system for functional programming using web browser as user... [more] |
SWIM2015-21 pp.17-22 |