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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IE, ITS, ITE-MMS, ITE-ME, ITE-AIT [detail] 2021-02-18
Online Online (Online) Texture Analysis and Evaluation of the Shitsukan Research Database Based on Luminance Information
Norifumi Kawabata (Tokyo Univ. of Science)
One of texture component on objects and graphics is luminance. By strength of luminance, human visual perception for cla... [more]
SIS 2019-12-13
Okayama Okayama University of Science (Okayama) Improvement of Grayscale Conversion Method Using Vertex Coloring Algorithm
Siwen Zhang, Go Tanaka (Nagoya City Univ.) SIS2019-34
Identical gray level is assigned to pixels which have same lightness in usual grayscale conversion and these pixels cann... [more] SIS2019-34
SIS 2019-03-07
Tokyo Tokyo Univ. Science, Katsushika Campus (Tokyo) Expansion of Grayscale Conversion Method Using Vertex Coloring Algorithm
Siwen Zhang, Go Tanaka (Nagoya City Univ.) SIS2018-50
Identical gray level is assigned to regions which have same lightness in usual grayscale conversion and these regions ca... [more] SIS2018-50
ITS, IE, ITE-MMS, ITE-HI, ITE-ME, ITE-AIT [detail] 2019-02-19
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) A Fundamental Study on Laparoscopic Image Region Segmentation Based on Texture Analysis by Regions
Norifumi Kawabata (Nagoya Univ.), Toshiya Nakaguchi (Chiba Univ.)
Most of image region segmentation studies can be divided to both subjective method by assessors and objective method by ... [more]
IMQ 2018-10-19
Kyoto Kyoto Institute of Technology (Kyoto) Classification Method for Texture Types Based on Texture Analysis Results of HEVC Image Quality in the Shitsukan Research Database
Norifumi Kawabata (Nagoya Univ.) IMQ2018-13
As definition of Shitsukan or Texture, there are many kind of meaning and interpretation. Therefore, there were many stu... [more] IMQ2018-13
PRMU, MVE, IPSJ-CVIM [detail] 2018-01-19
Osaka (Osaka) Encoding Scheme for Improving Image Quality and Data Transfer Rate of PVLC Projector
Atsuro Arami, Takefumi Hiraki (UTokyo), Shogo Fukushima (JST), Takeshi Naemura (UTokyo) PRMU2017-141 MVE2017-62
Pixel-level Visible Light Communication (PVLC) projector can superimpose invisible information on each pixel of a visibl... [more] PRMU2017-141 MVE2017-62
SIS 2016-12-08
Hiroshima Hiroshima City Univ. (Hiroshima) Hue-Preserving Color Image Processing with a High Arbitrariness without Gamut Problem
Minako Kamiyama, Akira Taguchi (Tokyo City Univ.) SIS2016-31
Preserving hue is an important issue for color image processing. In order to preserve hue, color image processing is oft... [more] SIS2016-31
SIS 2015-03-05
Tokyo Meiji Univ. Nakano Campus (Tokyo) (Tokyo) Improvement of Color2Gray Algorithm by Consideration of Local Variance
Meng Meng, Shi Bao, Go Tanaka (Nagoya City Univ.) SIS2014-92
In usual color-to-gray conversion of color images, the lightness component of an input color image is assigned to gray l... [more] SIS2014-92
 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
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