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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 18 of 18  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SIS 2025-03-07
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Study of Lossless compression of Image for Hardware processing
Hiroki Terasaki (KAIT), Takashi Suzuki (MicroTechnica), Tomoaki Kimura (KAIT)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
NLP, CAS 2024-10-17
Tottori Information Center, Tottori University (Tottori) Hierarchical lossless RGB color image coding by CNN predictors with color difference prediction
Yoshiki Nimi, Shuichi Tajima (Chukyo Univ.), Hideharu Toda (Tohoku Bunka Gakuen Univ.), Tsuyoshi Otake (Tamagawa Univ.), Hisashi Aomori (Chukyo Univ.) CAS2024-33 NLP2024-63
We are developing a hierarchical lossless image coding scheme using cellular neural networks (CNNs) as image predictors.... [more] CAS2024-33 NLP2024-63
NLP, CCS 2024-06-06
Fukuoka West Japan General Exhibition Center AIM (Fukuoka) Hierarchical lossless depth image compression based on depth map colorization by cellular neural networks
Tasuku Kuroda, Seiya Kushi, Shungo Saizuka (Chukyo Univ), Tsuyoshi Otake (Tamagawa Univ), Hisashi Aomori (Chukyo Univ) NLP2024-27 CCS2024-14
The widespread of compact and inexpensive RGB-D sensors has recently led to the increased utilization of RGB-D images in... [more] NLP2024-27 CCS2024-14
NLP 2024-05-10
Kagawa Kagawa Prefecture Social Welfare Center (Kagawa) Lossless Color Image Compression Based on Colorization by Cellular Neural Networks
Shungo Saizuka, Seiya Kushi, Tasuku Kuroda (Chukyo Univ.), Tsuyoshi Otake (Tamagawa Univ.), Hisashi Aomori (Chukyo Univ.) NLP2024-13
Colorization is the process that restores colors on a grayscale image.
Recently, various colorization-based encoding me... [more]
(Joint) [detail]
Tokushima Naruto University of Education (Tokushima) Hierarchical lossless compression of high dynamic range images using predictors based on cellular neural networks
Seiya Kushi, Kazuki Nakashima, Hideharu Toda (Chukyo Univ.), Tsuyoshi Otake (Tamagawa Univ.), Hisashi Aomori (Chukyo Univ.) NLP2023-85 MICT2023-40 MBE2023-31
We have been developing a scalable lossless coding method using cellular neural networks (CNN) as predictors. This metho... [more] NLP2023-85 MICT2023-40 MBE2023-31
IE, ITS, ITE-MMS, ITE-ME, ITE-AIT [detail] 2023-02-21
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) [Special Talk] Study of Probability Modeling for Lossless Image Coding Using Example Search and Adaptive Prediction
Hiroki Kojima (KDDI), Yasuyo Kita, Ichiro Matsuda (Tokyo Univ. of Science) ITS2022-46 IE2022-63
Many efficient lossless image coding methods predict the next pel value to be coded from the pels already coded, and rem... [more] ITS2022-46 IE2022-63
CAS, NLP 2022-10-20
Niigata (Niigata, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Hierarchical Lossless Coding with Arithmetic Coders for Each CNN Predictor
Kazuki Nakashima, Ryo Nakazawa, Hideharu Toda, Hisashi Aomori (Chukyo Univ.), Tsuyoshi Otake (Tamagawa Univ.), Ichiro Matsuda, Susumu Itoh (TUS) CAS2022-23 NLP2022-43
We have been developing a scalable lossless coding method using the cellular neural networks (CNN) as predictors.
This ... [more]
CAS2022-23 NLP2022-43
IT, EMM 2022-05-17
Gifu Gifu University (Gifu, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Note on Time-Varying Two-Dimensional Autoregressive Models and the Bayes Codes
Yuta Nakahara, Toshiyasu Matsushima (Waseda Univ.) IT2022-2 EMM2022-2
This paper proposes a two-dimensional autoregressive model with time-varying parameters as a stochastic model for explai... [more] IT2022-2 EMM2022-2
(Joint) [detail]
Online Online (Zoom) (Online) [Special Talk] Lossless Image Coding using Inpainting-Oriented Deep Pixel Predictor
Keita Takahashi (Nagoya Univ.) IMQ2021-31 CQ2021-122 IE2021-93 MVE2021-60
I will be presenting our previous paper that received IE special Award 2020 to encourage discussions for future directio... [more] IMQ2021-31 CQ2021-122 IE2021-93 MVE2021-60
p.114(IMQ), p.124(CQ), p.114(IE), p.114(MVE)
IE, SIP, BioX, ITE-IST, ITE-ME [detail] 2021-06-03
Online Online (Online) Fast Implementation of the Lossless Image Coding Method Based on Example Search and Probability Model Optimization
Hiroki Kojima, Yusuke Kameda, Yasuyo Kita, Ichiro Matsuda, Susumu Itoh (Tokyo Univ of Science.) SIP2021-3 BioX2021-3 IE2021-3
We previously proposed a lossless image coding method based on example search and probability model optimization. In the... [more] SIP2021-3 BioX2021-3 IE2021-3
IE 2021-01-21
Online Online (Online) Comparing Pixel Predictors with Different Coding Order for Lossless Image Coding
Aki Kunieda, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii (Nagoya Univ.) IE2020-34
The efficiency of lossless image coding depends on the pixel predictors, with which unknown pixels are predicted from al... [more] IE2020-34
IE 2021-01-21
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] Lossless Image/Video Coding Method Based on Probability Model Estimation and Optimization
Kyohei Unno (KDDI Research) IE2020-36
In this talk, the lossless image/video coding method that is proposed by the author is introduced. The proposed method e... [more] IE2020-36
SIP, IT, RCS 2021-01-22
Online Online (Online) An Image Generative Model with Various Auto-regressive Coefficients Depending on Neighboring Pixels and the Bayes Code for It
Masahiro Takano, Yuta Nakahara, Toshiyasu Matsushima (Waseda Univ.) IT2020-108 SIP2020-86 RCS2020-199
In this papar, we propose an expanded model of an autoregressive stochastic generative model for images. This model cont... [more] IT2020-108 SIP2020-86 RCS2020-199
IT, EMM 2020-05-28
Online Online (Online) An Autoregressive Image Generative Model and the Bayes Code for It
Yuta Nakahara, Toshiyasu Matsushima (Waseda Univ.) IT2020-4 EMM2020-4
In this paper, we propose an autoregressive stochastic generative model for images.
This model should be one of the mos... [more]
IT2020-4 EMM2020-4
NLP 2018-08-08
Kagawa Saiwai-cho Campus, Kagawa Univ. (Kagawa) Hierarchical Lossless Image Coding Using CNN Predictors Optimized by Adaptive Differential Evolution
Yuki Kawai, Yuki Nagano, Hideharu Toda, Hisashi Aomori (Chukyo Univ.), Tsuyoshi Otake (Tamagawa Univ.), Ichiro Matsuda, Susumu Itoh (TUS) NLP2018-59
We have been proposed on hierarchical lossless image coding using predictors composed of Cellular Neural Network(CNN).Th... [more] NLP2018-59
NLP 2017-03-14
Aomori Nebuta Museum Warasse (Aomori) Hierarchical Lossless Image Coding using Inheritance of Predictor-Prototypes and Designing of CNN Predictors based on Estimate of Coding Bits
Hideharu Toda (Chukyo Univ.), Tsuyoshi Otake (Tamagawa Univ.), Ichiro Matsuda, Susumu Itoh (TUS), Hisashi Aomori (Chukyo Univ.) NLP2016-109
We proposed a hierarchical lossless image coding method using cellular neural network (CNN). It performs adaptive multi ... [more] NLP2016-109
PRMU, IE, MI, SIP 2016-05-20
Aichi (Aichi) Multi-hypothesis Pixel Predictor using Cartesian Genetic Programming
Yiding Zhao, Seishi Takamura (NTT) SIP2016-33 IE2016-33 PRMU2016-33 MI2016-33
In lossless image coding, pixel prediction plays an important role in utilizing adjacent pixel values to reduce residual... [more] SIP2016-33 IE2016-33 PRMU2016-33 MI2016-33
EMM 2016-03-02
Kagoshima Yakushima Environ. and Cultural Vill. Center (Kagoshima) [Poster Presentation] A Perceptual Encryption Scheme for Lossless Image Coding Based on Visual Difficulty
Yuya Nakao, Shoko Imaizumi, Naokazu Aoki (Chiba Univ.) EMM2015-85
We propose an extended perceptual encryption scheme for lossless image coding in this paper. The proposed method improve... [more] EMM2015-85
 Results 1 - 18 of 18  /   
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