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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SWIM, SC 2019-08-23
Osaka Osaka Sangyo Univ. (Osaka) [Keynote Address] The current situation and future prospects of Fintech
Naoyuki Iwashita (Kyoto Univ.) SWIM2019-12 SC2019-12
1.Traditionally, the financial industry has maintained a conservative IT response that emphasizes safety and stability. ... [more] SWIM2019-12 SC2019-12
ICM 2018-03-09
Okinawa (Okinawa) An Orchestrator that realizes Coordination Fulfillment among Multiple Service Providers
Kensuke Takahashi, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Nobuo Onai, Hiroyuki Yazaki, Hiroshi Kato (NTT) ICM2017-71
We think that operations corresponding to the business model of B2B2X that provides services to service providers by fle... [more] ICM2017-71
Kagawa (Kagawa) [Encouragement Talk] Implementation and Evaluation of QoS Control Method of Mirror Traffics for OpenStack Tap-as-a-Service
Kazuhiro Suzuki, Hiroyuki Yamashima, Yukihiro Watanabe (Fujitsu Labs.) ICM2017-27
It is proposed to enable capturing packets on a virtual network, named Tap-as-a-Service, TaaS in OpenStack. TaaS provide... [more] ICM2017-27
ICM 2017-03-09
Okinawa Miyakojima Marine Terminal Bldg. (Okinawa) A proposal of solutions for an issue on tracking processing among multiple components in cloud computing systems
Takashi Natsume, Hiroshi Sakai (NTT) ICM2016-58
OpenStack is an open source software for cloud computing systems. OpenStack consists of multiple components and they pro... [more] ICM2016-58
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