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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 13 of 13  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
US 2025-02-19
Tokyo Kindai Tokyo Tech Front, Tokyo Tech (Ookayama Campus(Higashi-osaka) (Tokyo) SAW Excitation by Solid Flat Electrode on Periodically Polarization Inverted ScAlN Thin Film
Satoshi Matsumura, Yohkoh Shimano, Ono Naoki, Takahiko Yanagitani (Waseda Univ.), Yasuo Cho (Tohoku Univ.)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
Okayama Okayama Convention Center (Okayama) [Poster Presentation] Analysis of nano structure biosensor using full-vectorial finite element bidirectional eigenmode propagation method with periodic boundary condition
Masaya Kitani, Akito Iguchi, Yasuhide Tsuji (Muroran Inst. Tech.)
Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) is an optical phenomenon that occurs when light with specific wavelength is i... [more]
MW 2023-11-16
Okinawa Nago City Industrial Support Center (Okinawa) (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Demonstration of Enhanced Nonreciprocity in Curved Metamaterial Transmission Lines by Corrugation Structure
Mikiya Oshima, Tetsuya Ueda (KIT) MW2023-131
In this study, we propose an enhancement technique of nonreciprocal phase shift in curved metamaterial lines loaded with... [more] MW2023-131
CPM, ED, SDM 2023-05-19
Aichi Nagoya Institute of Technology (Aichi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Micro Periodic Structures (LIPSS) Formed on Si Substrates Using Near-Infrared Free Electron Laser Irradiation
Youta Hoshino, Nohira Masayoshi, Nobuyuki Iwata (Nihon Univ.) ED2023-3 CPM2023-3 SDM2023-20
We attempted to create Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSS) by irradiating the Free Electron Laser (FEL) to... [more] ED2023-3 CPM2023-3 SDM2023-20
MWPTHz, PN, EMT, IEE-EMT [detail] 2023-01-23
Osaka (Osaka, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Enhancement of Nonreciprocity in Curved Composite Right/Left-handed Metamaterial Lines with Corrugation Structures
Mikiya Oshima, Takumi Kondo, Takumu Ideguchi, Hiroyuki Kurosawa, Tetsuya Ueda (KIT) PN2022-33 EMT2022-71 MWPTHz2022-59
In this study, we propose an enhancement technique of nonreciprocal phase shift in curved composite right/left-handed me... [more] PN2022-33 EMT2022-71 MWPTHz2022-59
MW 2021-12-17
Kanagawa Kawasaki City Industrial Promotion Hall (Kanagawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Nonreciprocal Metamaterial Transmission Lines with Corrugated Metal Strips
Takumi Kondo, Tetsuya Ueda (KIT) MW2021-98
In this work, an enhancement technique of nonreciprocity by applying corrugated structures to normally magnetized ferrit... [more] MW2021-98
EMT, IEE-EMT 2018-11-17
Tottori Kaike Grand Hotel Tensui(Yonago, Tottori) (Tottori) Study on Spectral-Domain Formulation for Electromagnetic Scattering Problem of Finite Periodic Lamellar Grating
Koki Watanabe (Fukuoka Inst. Technol.) EMT2018-60
The present paper deals with the electromagnetic scattering from lamellar gratings of finite extent, and considers a spe... [more] EMT2018-60
WPT 2017-03-06
Kyoto Kyoto Univ. Uji Campus (Kyoto) A WPT System for Seabed Drilling Based on Periodic Structures Theory
Ryuji Ito, Toshio Ishizaki (Ryukoku Univ), Tomoya Inoue, Junya Ishiwata (JAMSTEC), Ikuo Awai (Ryutech corp) WPT2016-71
We want to send power to the several 100 tips of a 10-meter metal pipe connected each other when carrying out the ultra-... [more] WPT2016-71
EMT, IEE-EMT 2016-11-17
- 2016-11-19
Wakayama Shirahama Coganoi Resort & Spa (Wakayama) Shape optimization of metal periodic structures to localize surface plasmons
Tatsuro Yamamoto, Toru Takahashi, Hiroshi Isakari, Toshiro Matsumoto (Nagoya Univ.)
Using the adjoint method in terms of an isogeometric boundary element method, we develop a shape-optimization system in ... [more]
LQE, EST, OPE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT, PEM [detail] 2016-01-29
Hyogo (Hyogo) FDTD Diakoptics for Partially Periodic Structures -- II. Synthesis of the FDTD Discrete Green's Function --
Tsugumichi Shibata (TCU) PN2015-83 EMT2015-134 OPE2015-196 LQE2015-183 EST2015-140 MWP2015-109
In the report (I) of this series a kind of Green’s function for a 2D FDTD unit cell is defined using an incident pulse w... [more] PN2015-83 EMT2015-134 OPE2015-196 LQE2015-183 EST2015-140 MWP2015-109
AP 2015-10-22
Yamaguchi Yamaguchi Pref. Roufukukyo-kaikan (Yamaguchi) Loss characteristic of transmission line employing periodically arrayed diodes.
Jang-Hyeon Jeong, Jeong-Hoon Kim, Soo-Jeong Kim, Young Yun (Korea Maritime and Ocean Univ.) AP2015-98
In this work, for application to miniaturization of RF passive components on MMIC(Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circui... [more] AP2015-98
AP 2015-10-22
Yamaguchi Yamaguchi Pref. Roufukukyo-kaikan (Yamaguchi) Propagation characteristic of transmission line employing periodical arrayed diodes
Jeong-Hoon Kim, Jang-Hyeon Jeong, Jeong-Hoon Kim, Young Yun (Korea Maritime and Ocean Univ.) AP2015-99
For application to miniaturization of RF passive components on MMIC(Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit), we develop... [more] AP2015-99
EST 2015-09-04
Okinawa Oohama-Nobumoto-Kinenkan, Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan (Okinawa) FDTD Diakoptics for Partially Periodic Structures -- I. The Discrete Green's Function of a Unit Cell for the 2D Problems --
Tsugumichi Shibata (TCU) EST2015-66
Parallel processing of large systems based on diakoptics is a key for increasing the degree of complexity of computation... [more] EST2015-66
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