Committee |
Date Time |
Place |
Paper Title / Authors |
Abstract |
Paper # |
MW |
2025-03-07 10:55 |
Shimane |
Taisha Urara-kan Culrural Hall (Shimane, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
RF Energy-Harvesting Diode Rectifiers Using One-Port CRLH Transmission Lines for Frequency Characteristics Control Shuji Matsumoto, Shinichi Tanaka (SIT) |
(To be available after the conference date) [more] |
EE |
2025-01-23 16:15 |
Kanagawa |
(Kanagawa, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Design of a Single Receiver Compatible with Wireless Power Transmitters of Different Frequencies Yinchen Xie, Yutaro Komiyama, Ayano Komanaka, Akihiro Konishi, Kien Nguyen, Hiroo Sekiya (Chiba Univ.) |
In this study, a design for a single receiver capable of supporting Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) systems with transmitt... [more] |
AP, WPT (Joint) |
2025-01-24 11:10 |
Shimane |
Rokan, Matsue (Shimane, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Development of a 5.75GHz 5W Rectenna System Using a Slot-Coupled Feed Antenna Kazuhiro Ishihara, Yasuaki Hasegawa, Lianchong Yan, Motoki Oshima (Nippon Antenna), Naoki Sakai, Kenji Itoh (Kanazawa IT.) WPT2024-36 |
In this report, we show that we have developed a new rectenna system using a highly efficient rectenna configuration tha... [more] |
WPT2024-36 pp.17-20 |
2024-12-12 11:05 |
Ishikawa |
Ohgigaoka Campus, Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Ishikawa, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
5.8 GHz band multi-stage stacked type double voltage rectifier MMIC Yuya Hirose, Naoki Sakai, Masaomi Tsuru, Kenji Itoh (Kanazawa IT.) WPT2024-27 |
Lower output DC voltage of rectifiers is important to improve efficiencies of DC/DC converters that are connected to out... [more] |
WPT2024-27 pp.17-21 |
2024-12-12 11:30 |
Ishikawa |
Ohgigaoka Campus, Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Ishikawa, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Integrated System of Millimeter Wave Communication and Wireless Power Transfer Using Image-Based Position Estimation Yuta Nakamoto, Naoki Hasegawa, Kosuke Takeda, Masaya Ogino, Kiyotaka Imai, Takashi Hirakawa, Yuki Takagi, Yoshichika Ohta (SoftBank) WPT2024-28 |
In the Beyond 5G/6G era, various IoT sensors are expected to be connected to the network to realize a digital twin.
How... [more] |
WPT2024-28 pp.22-26 |
WPT, EE (Joint) |
2024-10-11 14:20 |
Kyoto |
Wood Composite Hall, Kyoto Univ. (Kyoto, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A 28GHz band GaAs rectenna array with a wire-loop antenna Akinobu Kobayashi, Yudai Tondokoro, Keisuke Noguchi, Naoki Sakai, Kenji Itoh (Kanazawa IT) WPT2024-23 |
In this report, a 28 GHz-band highly efficient GaAs rectenna array is demonstrated for the migrated system with the B5G/... [more] |
WPT2024-23 pp.44-49 |
AP, MW (Joint) |
2024-09-20 14:20 |
Kagawa |
Takamatsu Chamber of commerce (Kagawa, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A highly efficient small-sized wire-loop antenna for a highly sensitive 28 GHz band SOI-CMOS rectenna MMIC Yudai Tondokoro, Akinobu Kobayashi, Naoki Sakai, Masaomi Tsuru, Keisuke Noguti, Kenji Itoh (KIT) MW2024-88 |
In our previous report, the 28 GHz band high sensitive 45nm SOI-CMOS rectenna MMIC was demonstrated. It is consisting of... [more] |
MW2024-88 pp.31-36 |
2024-05-31 11:50 |
Tokyo |
(Tokyo, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Analysis of Conducted Electromagnetic Interference in Bridgeless Flyback Rectifier Sihoon Choi, Ryosuke Ui, Shunki Hashimoto (Nagoya Univ.), Jong-won Shin (Seoul national Univ.), Yu Yonezawa, Jun Imaoka, Masayoshi Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ.) EE2024-3 |
This paper analyses a conducted electromagnetic interference of conventional and proposed bridgeless power factor correc... [more] |
EE2024-3 pp.12-17 |
2024-05-24 16:15 |
Hokkaido |
(Hokkaido, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Performance Analysis of Wide Band-gap Semiconductor SBD for Microwave Power Transmission Yasuo Ohno, Hiroko Itoh, Tomomi Hiraoka (Laser Systems), Masataka Higashiwaki (Osaka Metropolitan Univ.) ED2024-10 CPM2024-10 SDM2024-17 |
Circuit characteristics of Schottky barrier diodes used in microwave power receiving circuits were analyzed. In high-fre... [more] |
ED2024-10 CPM2024-10 SDM2024-17 pp.33-36 |
2024-03-15 15:00 |
Kyoto |
Kyoto-Univ. (Uji campus) (Kyoto, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Design and Performance Comparison of Single-Shunt and Single-Series Rectifier Circuits Katsumi Kawai, Naoki Shinohara, Tomohiko Mitani (Kyoto Univ.) WPT2023-56 |
In the microwave power transmission system, the rectifier circuit is a crucial component. There are two types of rectifi... [more] |
WPT2023-56 pp.103-106 |
MW |
2024-02-29 13:25 |
Okayama |
Okayama Prefectural University (Okayama, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
High Dynamic Range 920 MHz Band Low Power Rectenna with Low Threshold voltage GaAs GADs Taiki Hirase, Yuya Hirose, Tsukasa Hirai (Kanazawa IT.), Gaku Kato, Takamasa Kono (Nisshinbo Micro Devices), Naoki Sakai, Kenji Itoh (Kanazawa IT.) MW2023-179 |
In In this paper, the 920 MHz band low power rectifiers with low threshold voltage GaAs gated anode diodes (GADs) are de... [more] |
MW2023-179 pp.25-30 |
MW |
2024-03-01 14:30 |
Okayama |
Okayama Prefectural University (Okayama, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
[Special Talk]
A 2.4-GHz 10 W-Class Bridge Rectifier and Its Efficiency Analysis With the Behavioral Model Koichi Kikkawa, Tsunehiro Saen, Naoki Sakai, Kenji Itoh (KIT) MW2023-195 |
This paper presents a 2.4 GHz band 10 W-class bridge rectifier that achieves a high measured efficiency of 90.2%. To cla... [more] |
MW2023-195 pp.104-109 |
2023-12-08 16:35 |
Tokyo |
Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
LLC Resonant Converter Considering Leakage Inductance of Current Doubler Rectifier Koki Mori, Akito Tabata, Yoichi Ishizuka (Nagasaki Univ.) EE2023-34 CPM2023-90 OME2023-61 |
LLC resonant converters are widely used in various applications because of their relatively simple structure and high ef... [more] |
EE2023-34 CPM2023-90 OME2023-61 pp.53-57 |
MW |
2023-11-17 10:45 |
Okinawa |
Nago City Industrial Support Center (Okinawa) (Okinawa, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A 28 GHz band SOI-CMOS highly sensitive rectenna MMIC with an impedance transformed loop antenna Yuudai Tondokoro, Naoya Kakutani, Akinobu Kobayashi, Tukasa Hirai, Naoki Sakai, Kenji Itoh (KIT) MW2023-141 |
In this report, A 28 GHz band SOI-CMOS highly sensitive rectenna MMIC is demonstrated for millimeter wave WPT systems in... [more] |
MW2023-141 pp.81-86 |
AP, RCS (Joint) |
2023-11-15 14:05 |
Kumamoto |
Kumamoto Prefectural Workers' Welfare Hall (Kumamoto, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A Compact Rectenna Integrating Double Voltage Rectifier for Large-Scale Rectenna Arrays Takuma Miyamoto, Eisuke Nishiyama, Ichihiko Toyoda (Saga Univ.) AP2023-135 |
This paper proposes a compact rectenna integrating a double voltage rectifier to realize large-scale rectenna arrays. In... [more] |
AP2023-135 pp.31-36 |
EE, WPT (Joint) |
2023-10-06 14:25 |
Osaka |
(Osaka, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Double Voltage Rectifier Duty Cycle Controlontrolled Resonant Converter
-- Comparison of Primary and Secondary Side Resonance -- Himawari Adachi, Sato Terukazu (Oita Univ.) EE2023-23 |
This paper presents the results of a study of LLC current resonant converter with a double voltage rectifier circuit on ... [more] |
EE2023-23 pp.35-39 |
MW, AP (Joint) |
2023-09-29 11:05 |
Kochi |
Kochi Castle Museum of History (Kochi, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
28GHz band highly efficient GaAs rectenna MMIC with an impedance transformed small loop antenna AkinobuKobayashi, Tsukasa Hirai, Yuya Hirose, Naoki Sakai, Kenji Itoh (KIT) MW2023-87 |
In this report, design and evaluation results of 28 GHz band highly efficient GaAs rectenna MMIC is described for utiliz... [more] |
MW2023-87 pp.34-39 |
2023-07-20 15:55 |
Hyogo |
(Hyogo, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Common-Mode Noise Reduction of Bridgeless Flyback PFC Rectifier with Balance Technique Sihoon Choi (Nagoya Univ.), Jong-Won Shin (Chung-Ang Univ.), Imaoka Jun, Masayoshi Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ.) EE2023-13 |
This paper proposes a novel balanced bridgeless flyback power factor correction (PFC) rectifier to reduce common-mode no... [more] |
EE2023-13 pp.67-72 |
MW |
2023-05-19 10:50 |
Kyoto |
Ritsumeikan University (Kyoto, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
5.8 GHz band 10 W rectenna on the aluminum nitride antenna for thermal dispersion Naoki Sakai, Naoki Furutani, Yuya Hirose, Kaito Uchiyama, Fumiya Komatsu, Kenji Itoh (KIT) MW2023-15 |
This paper presents the 5.8 GHz band 10W rectenna with GaAs E-pHEMT gated anode diode (GAD) on the aluminum nitride (AlN... [more] |
MW2023-15 pp.33-37 |
2023-04-13 13:40 |
Tokyo |
Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
[Invited Talk]
High-power rectennas for microwave power transfer systems Kenji Itoh, Keisuke Noguchi, Naoki Sakai (Kanazawa IT) WPT2023-2 MW2023-2 |
In this report, our research activities on rectennas for microwave power transfer (MPT) systems are demonstrated. For th... [more] |
WPT2023-2 MW2023-2 pp.2-9 |