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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ITE-BCT, OCS, IEE-CMN, OFT 2022-11-11
Miyagi Forest-Sendai (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Numerical Study on Hilbert Transform Used in Direct-Detection Coherent Reception Using Kramers-Kronig Relation -- Comparison between Frequency Domain and Time Domain Realization --
Ryo Tamura (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Kariyawasam Amila (Kyushu Univ.), Joji Maeda (Tokyo Univ. of Science) OCS2022-46
As a candidate for high capacity optical links for data center interconnect, direct-detection self coherent heterodyne r... [more] OCS2022-46
IA, ICSS 2017-06-09
Kochi Kochi University of Technolo, Eikokuji Campus (Kochi) Analysis of First Meeting Time of Two Random Walkers toward Understanding Information Dissemination and Gathering with Mobile users
Yusuke Sakumoto (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Hiroyuki Ohsaki (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) IA2017-9 ICSS2017-9
In this paper, we derive the the first meeting time formula of random walkers toward understanding information dissemina... [more] IA2017-9 ICSS2017-9
NS 2016-05-20
Kanagawa Yokohama-shi kyouikukaikan (Kanagawa) Rice Cultivation Support System Equipped with Water Level Sensor
Yuta Kawakami, Takashi Furuta, Hideto Nakagawa, Taichi Kitamura, Kiyokazu Kurosawa, Kazuma Kogami, Naoto Tajino, Mikiko Sode Tanaka (KIT) NS2016-22
In Japan, aging of farmers has progressed. We must leave the wisdom of farmers to posterity to protect the safety of eat... [more] NS2016-22
ASN 2016-05-13
Tokyo   (Tokyo) Development of agricultural support system for rice paddy field equipped with short-range wireless communication system
Kiyokazu Kurosawa, Takashi Furuta, Hideto Nakagawa, Taichi Kitamura, Yuta Kawakami, Kazuma Kogami, Mikko Sode Tanaka (KIT) ASN2016-14
esearch of rice cultivation management utilizing a field server has been widely made [1, 2, 3]. Fujitsu “akisai” [1] is ... [more] ASN2016-14
Tokyo Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo) An Overhead-Reducing Channel Estimation Sequences Design for Millimeter-Wave Short-Range MIMO Wireless Communication Systems
Doohwan Lee, Ken Hiraga, Kazumitsu Sakamoto, Tadao Nakagawa (NTT) SRW2015-75
The number of necessary channel estimation sequences (CES) slots linearly increase as the number of transmission antenna... [more] SRW2015-75
AP 2016-01-14
Tokyo Takushoku University, Hachiouji Campus (Tokyo) [Invited Lecture] Advantage of Using the Millimeter-Wave Band Triage Tag in Disaster Phase
Mark Kanae (YOU), Susumu Hoshino (Ad-Sol Nissin), Yoshiki Oozono, Kazuki Hirasawa, Yasuhiro Tsunemitsu (Takushoku Univ.) AP2015-175
The triage tag is a patient condition status identification tag in disaster phase. The triage is need in the disaster ph... [more] AP2015-175
AP 2015-02-20
Hyogo Chusho-kigyou center at Amagasaki-City (Hyogo) [Invited Lecture] Proposal of fast weight generation method for hand jiggling compensation in short-range MIMO transmission
Kazumitsu Sakamoto, Ken Hiraga, Maki Arai, Tomohiro Seki, Toshimitsu Tsubaki, Hideki Toshinaga, Tadao Nakagawa (NTT) AP2014-203
In non-contact high speed data transfer applying short-range multiple-input multiple-output (SR-MIMO) transmission in mi... [more] AP2014-203
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