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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Investigation of the Upper Arm Minimal Muscle Strength for Objective Muscle Strength Evaluation by Surface Electromyogram in Patients with Neurological Disorders
Yoshiki Tanaka, Hiroaki Ueshima, Kana Eguchi, Yukiko Mori (Kyoto Univ.), Ryosuke Ikeguchi, Rie Yamawaki, Chinatsu Umaba, Kenta Shigematsu (Kyoto Univ Hosp.), Tomohiro Kuroda (Kyoto Univ.) MBE2024-15
Accurate assessment of muscle strength is crucial for diagnosing musculoskeletal and neuromuscular disorders, ¬ identify... [more] MBE2024-15
VLD, DC, RECONF, ICD, IPSJ-SLDM [detail] 2022-11-30
Kumamoto   (Kumamoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Design and Trial Production of Stochastic Resonance Processor using Differential Input Buffer in FPGA
Akihiko Tsukahara, Sung-Gwi Cho, Keita Tanaka, Akihiko Homma, Yoshinori Uchikawa (Tokyo Denki Univ.) VLD2022-49 ICD2022-66 DC2022-65 RECONF2022-72
Stochastic resonance phenomenon is one of the methods that can detect weak signals buried in noise. In this paper, we pr... [more] VLD2022-49 ICD2022-66 DC2022-65 RECONF2022-72
BioX 2020-11-25
Online Online (Online) A study of facial nerve palsy evaluation using surface electromyogram
Kotaro Yamaguchi, Toshiko Yuji, Akira Ganaha, Tetsuya Tono, Hiroki Tamura (Univ. of Miyazaki) BioX2020-38
The diagnosis of facial nerve palsy consists of some diagnoses. The Yanagihara 40-point method and the ENoG value are us... [more] BioX2020-38
MBE 2019-05-19
Niigata Niigata University (Niigata) Proposition of quantification methods for "the suitable exercise" based on statics and physiological index in the preventive care for elderly
Kenta Ishise, Kou Goto, Takashi Imamura (Niigata Univ.) MBE2019-4
In recent years, the aging of Japanese population has been advancing. And the importance of exercise for elderly
person... [more]
WIT 2018-06-09
Kanagawa (Kanagawa) Identification of Tongue Motion and Silent Vowel based on EMG
Tadahiro Oyama (KCCT), Taisei Watanabe (NAIST) WIT2018-4
In this paper, we propose a method to estimate the tongue motion direction and silent speech based on convolutional neur... [more] WIT2018-4
- 2015-12-18
Toyama Toyama International Conference Center (Toyama) Study using EMG to the effects of onomatopoeia in muscle output
Hideaki Mashimo, Yashuhiro Kawahara (OUJ)
Using the motion auxiliary effect of onomatopoeia, to examine the muscle strength improvement interventions in the rehab... [more]
MBE 2015-05-23
Toyama (Toyama) Determination of the practical placement of Surface Electrode for Measurement EMG Activity during dynamic contraction by 2D Surface Electrode
Yusuke Doi, Hiroki Arai, Tohru Kiryu (Niigata Univ) MBE2015-7
Surface electromyogram has been employed in sports, rehabilitation, and medical engineering. Since generally used small ... [more] MBE2015-7
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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