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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
RCC, ISEC, IT, WBS 2024-03-13
- 2024-03-14
Osaka Osaka Univ. (Suita Campus) (Osaka) Efficient Key-Value Commitments with batch update and verification
Toshiyuki Mineta, Atsuko Miyaji (OU) IT2023-112 ISEC2023-111 WBS2023-100 RCC2023-94
As Blockchain grows in size, the resources to validate that a transaction is true increase linearly. Key-value commitme... [more] IT2023-112 ISEC2023-111 WBS2023-100 RCC2023-94
ISEC, SITE, LOIS 2019-11-01
Osaka Osaka Univ. (Osaka) Technology Trends on Payment System using Virtual Currency and Electronic Money based on Patent Applications
Norihiko Shiota, Hirofumi Seki, Takashi Midorikawa, Yosuke Kiho (JPO) ISEC2019-72 SITE2019-66 LOIS2019-31
We made a survey of the technology trends on Payment System using Virtual Currency and Electronic Money based on patent ... [more] ISEC2019-72 SITE2019-66 LOIS2019-31
SWIM, SC 2019-08-23
Osaka Osaka Sangyo Univ. (Osaka) [Keynote Address] The current situation and future prospects of Fintech
Naoyuki Iwashita (Kyoto Univ.) SWIM2019-12 SC2019-12
1.Traditionally, the financial industry has maintained a conservative IT response that emphasizes safety and stability. ... [more] SWIM2019-12 SC2019-12
SITE, IPSJ-CE, IPSJ-CLE 2017-12-08
Ehime (Ehime) A Study of Diffusion of Virtual Currency -- Observations from Multi-Agent Simulation --
Shiro Uesugi (Matsuyama Junior Col.) SITE2017-59
This study presents an observation from simulated models of Diffusion of Virtual Currency using artisoc4.0 MAS. Virtual... [more] SITE2017-59
EMM 2015-03-12
Okinawa (Okinawa) [Invited Talk] The structure of decentralized virtual currency and its institutional design -- The control regulation and applied approach of the coreless currency --
Hitoshi Okada (NII) EMM2014-77
Bitcoin is a decentralized virtual currency based on P2P technology, which enables the unique distribution of electronic... [more] EMM2014-77
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