IEICE Technical Report

Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685

Volume 106, Number 21

Signal Processing

Workshop Date : 2006-04-21 / Issue Date : 2006-04-14


[TOP] | [2006] | [2007] | [2008] | [2009] | [2010] | [2011] | [2012] | [Japanese] / [English]


Table of contents

On Area to Compute Statistics for the Reversible Data Hiding Scheme
Shuji Sato (Tsukuba Univ.), Hong Lin Jin, Masaaki Fujiyoshi, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
pp. 1 - 6

Gray-scale Image Hiding Method for Plural Halftone Images Based on Error Diffusion Technique
Emi Myodo, Koichi Takagi, Shigeyuki Sakazawa, Yasuhiro Takishima (KDDI R&D Labs.)
pp. 7 - 12

A Complexed Camera System Utilized for Shadow Detection and Multiple Object Tracking
Masahiko Asami, Hitoshi Kitazawa, Jun Umezawa (TUAT)
pp. 13 - 18

Experimental Study of Motion Deblurring based on Exposure Modulation
Tomoyuki Fujiwara, Yeh Yi-Chih, Kazuki Nishi (UEC)
pp. 19 - 24

Optimal Design of Interpolation Kernel
Tian-Bo Deng (Toho Univ.)
pp. 25 - 30

Novel Self-Fourier Images
Tomonori Suzuki, Kazuki Nishi (UEC)
pp. 31 - 36

Intra Mode Prediction of H.264/AVC using DCT Coefficients
Takamitsu Hattori, Koichi Ichige (Yokohama National Univ.)
pp. 37 - 42

H.264 Video Encoder Using a Low Power DSP
Kenji Goto, Atsushi Hatabu, Hirofumi Nishizuka (NEC), Katsumasa Matsunaga, Ryoichi Nakamura, Yoji Mochizuki (NECEL), Takashi Miyazaki (NEC)
pp. 43 - 48

A Feedback Approach and Its Learning Algorithm for Overcomplete Blind Source Separation
Haruo Katou, Kenji Nakayama, Akihiro Hirano (Kanazawa Univ.)
pp. 49 - 54

A Noise Reduction Method in Calculating Correlation of FFT Type GPS
Masayuki Hata, Kenji Nakayama, Akihiro Hirano (Kanazawa Univ.)
pp. 55 - 60

Estimation of the Signal-To-Interference Ratio Based on Normalized Cross-Correlation with Symmetric Leaky Blocking Matrices in Adaptive Microphone Arrays
Thanh Phong Hua (Univ. de Rennes/NEC), Akihiko Sugiyama (NEC), Regine Le Bouquin Jeannes, Gerard Faucon (Univ. de Rennes)
pp. 61 - 66

Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan