IEICE Technical Report

Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685

Volume 106, Number 253

ME and Bio Cybernetics

Workshop Date : 2006-09-25 / Issue Date : 2006-09-18


[TOP] | [2006] | [2007] | [2008] | [2009] | [2010] | [2011] | [2012] | [Japanese] / [English]


Table of contents

A study on ground impedance of the root in plants
Itsuo Yamaura, Kyoko Tanaka, Nobuhide Takahashi, Masao Yajima (Shinshu Univ.)
pp. 1 - 4

Application of Laser Speckle method to Water Flow measurement in plant body
Tsukasa Matsuo, Hisashi Hirabayashi, Hiroaki Ishizawa, Hiroyuki Kanai, Toyonori Nishimatsu (Shinshu Univ.)
pp. 5 - 8

Application to the clinical site of an optical noninvasive blood test system
Kentaroh Suzuki, Tomotaka Morikawa, Fujio Saiki, Hiroaki Ishizawa, Toyonori Nishimatsu (Shinshu Univ)
pp. 9 - 12

Attempt to suppress scattering for transillumination imaging of biological body
Kazuto Takagi, Genta Bettoyashiki, Yuji Kato, Koichi Shimizu (Hokkaido Univ.)
pp. 13 - 16

Pulsatile Flow of Blood Analog Fluid and Deformation in Stenosis Models of Arterial Disease
Susumu Sato, Shunichi Kobayashi, Hirohisa Morikawa, Shinji Isii, Toshihiro Fujii (Shinshu Univ.), Dalin Tang (WPI), David N. Ku (Georgia Tech)
pp. 17 - 20

A basic study on the eye transfer communication system using a virtual transparent display panel.
Daiki Mizutani, Masami Hashimoto, Kazunori Itoh, Yoshimichi Yonezawa (Shinshu Univ.)
pp. 21 - 24

GUI Support System for Blind Computer Users using Auditory Display and a Pen Input Tactile Guide
Kazunori Itoh, Takeshi Senda, Masahiko Sugimoto (Shinshu Univ.), Michio Shimizu (Nagano-ken College), Masami Hashimoto (Shinshu Univ.), Yoshimichi Yonezawa (shinshu Univ.), Hiromasa Kaneko (Shinshu Univ.)
pp. 25 - 28

Total estimation method using psychometric logistic functions for discriminating and sequentializing events in perception
Masayuki Kobayashi, Kenji Furihata (Shinshu Univ.)
pp. 29 - 32

Estimation using psychometric logistic functions for discriminating and sequentializing temporally separate perceptual events in auditory perception of ultrasonic bone conduction
Shuhei Komatsu, Kenji Furihata (Shinshu Univ.)
pp. 33 - 36

Estimation using psychometric logistic functions for discriminating and sequentializing events in visual perception.
Takuya Sugawara, Kenji Furihata (Shinshu Univ)
pp. 37 - 40

Development of tremor biofeedback system by pure tone
Nobukazu Yamada, Yoshinobu Matsumoto, Takahiro Yoshii, Shinya Hirakawa (Nagaoka Uni of Tech.), Yasuhiro Kawase (Kawase Neurology Clinic), Ichiro Fukumoto (Nagaoka Uni of Tech.)
pp. 41 - 44

Comparison between Amount of Gustatory Sense and Nasal skin temperature
Toru Furuichi, Akio Nozawa, Hideto Ide (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)
pp. 45 - 48

Automatic classification algorithm of the mammary gland structure in Mammogram
Arisa Koki, Tomoharu Kaeriyama (Nagaoka Univ Of Tech.), Toshiteru Sato (Nagaoka Chuo Hospital), Ichiro Fukumoto (Nagaoka Univ Of Tech.)
pp. 49 - 52

Research on relation between sleep state and breath rhythm
Yuuki Yanagisawa, Yoshiaki Arai (Nagano National Colleges of Technology)
pp. 53 - 55

Basic Research of Awakening Comfort -- alarm clock sound pressure difference influence on awakening condition --
Jin Soga, Yohei Soma, Kum Ken-chee, Tomoharu Kaeriyama, Hisashi Uchiyama, Ichiro Fukumoto (Nagaoka Uni of Tech.)
pp. 57 - 60

Development of the new overlay futon and evaluation of the feeling in bed
Masao Sakaguchi (SKINOS), Tokuyuki Komatsu, Toshiji Nakamura (Maruhachi), Toshio Ohhashi (Shinshu Univ.)
pp. 61 - 64

Development of the new ventilation cupsule type sweating-evaporation ratemeter -- Measurements of local sweating rates and evaporateion rates --
Masao Sakaguchi (SKINOS), Kunihiro Kuroda, Kohji Nakashima, Kazuyuki Ohe, Yoshitaka Togari (SUKIKEN), Toshio Ohhashi (Shinshu Univ.)
pp. 65 - 68

Development and Evaluation of stress measuring mouse
Yuuichi Hamanaka, Ryo Nomura, Yoshimi Nakazono, Jun-ichi Mizusawa (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)
pp. 69 - 72

Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan