Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2007] | [2008] | [2009] | [2010] | [2011] | [2012] | [2013] | [Japanese] / [English]
Step-by-step ontology building support and its applications
Shotaro Yasunaga, Mitsunori Nakatsuka, Kazuhiro Kuwabara (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
pp. 1 - 6
An Implementation of Goal-Oriented Recipe Recommendation System with Nourishment Information
Masashi Iwakami, Satoshi Ando, Takayuki Ito (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Masaaki Tanaka (Suzuka Jr. Coll.)
pp. 7 - 12
[Invited Talk]
The Improvement of Banner Ad by Optimized Algorithm and Crowdsourcing Platform
-- About the Approach of“C-TEAM”in Recruit Co.,LTD. --
Hiroshi Hirose (RECRUIT)
pp. 13 - 18
Developing an automatic negotiating agents based on compromising strategy for the ANAC2010.
Shogo Kawaguchi, Katsuhide Fujita, Takayuki Ito (NIT)
pp. 19 - 24
A Methodology of Multi-agent Systems introducing Human Subject Experiments to Analyze Social Interactions
Nariaki Nishino (The Univ. of Tokyo), Sobei H. Oda (Kyoto Sangyo Univ), Kanji Ueda (AIST)
pp. 25 - 30
An Implementation of A Public Space Design System based on Multi-Agent Automated Negotiation
Mikoto Okumura, Nobuyasu Mizutani, Hiroki Nakagawa, Katsuhide Fujita, Takayuki Ito (NIT)
pp. 31 - 36
Issue Clustering and Distributed Genetic Algorithms for Searching Agreement Point
Nobuyasu Mizutani, Katsuhide Fujita, Takayuki Ito (NIT)
pp. 37 - 42
On Implementing Fast Runtime Engine of Combinatorial Auctions for Practical Applications
Naoki Fukuta (Shizuoka Univ.), Takayuki Ito (Nagoya Inst. Tech.)
pp. 43 - 48
A method for generation of complex network based on self-organization
Keisuke Terayama, Yukari Yamauchi (NU)
pp. 49 - 54
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.