IEICE Technical Report

Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685      Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380

Volume 111, Number 363

Social Implications of Technology and Information Ethics

Workshop Date : 2011-12-17 / Issue Date : 2011-12-10


[TOP] | [2008] | [2009] | [2010] | [2011] | [2012] | [2013] | [2014] | [Japanese] / [English]


Table of contents

On Electronic Government System for Overcoming Contradiction between Protection and Utilization of Personal Information and Privacy -- Part 1 --
Shigeo Tsujii, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Masahito Gotaishi (Chuo University), Yukiyasu Tsunoo (NEC), Mikio Ihori (IOG), Takuma Yamamoto (Kanamic)
pp. 19 - 24

A study for the change of anonymous nature of data from individuals with development of information processing techniques
Soichiro Morishita (Univ. of Tokyo), Hiroshi Yokoi (UEC)
pp. 25 - 28

Study on Consciousness and Behavior under Computer Virus Infection
Shun-ichi Kurino, Kazumi Ito, Yuki Ikeda, Noriaki Yoshikai (Nihon Univ.)
pp. 29 - 34

About "swarm intelligence parameters" as a "mirror of an act" for "good life"
Tetsuya Morizumi (TNSi), Kazuhiro Suzuki (Kochi University), Masato Noto, Hirotsugu Kinoshita (KU)
pp. 35 - 40

Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan