Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2013] | [2014] | [2015] | [2016] | [2017] | [2018] | [2019] | [Japanese] / [English]
QoS-Awareness in Transaction Models for Streaming Processing
Shinji Kikuchi, Subhash Bhalla (UoA)
pp. 1 - 7
Analyzing Resident Location using Infrared Sensor Array
Yuta Kobiyama, Qiangfu Zhao, Kazuki Omomo (u-aizu)
pp. 9 - 13
[Short Paper]
Optimal allocation algorithms for geo-distributed data center topology
Yuichi Yamada, Wuhui Chen, Paik Incheon (Aizu Univ.)
pp. 15 - 16
A Study on Big-data Framework for Renewable Energies
Jiro Yamazaki (UoA)
pp. 17 - 20
(See Japanese page.)
pp. 21 - 22
Improving Web Service Clustering using Ontology Learning with Machine Learning
Rupasingha Arachchilage Hiruni Madhusha Rupasingha, Incheon Paik (UoA), Banage Thenne Gedara Samantha Kumara (SUSL)
pp. 23 - 28
Construction of Global Social Service Network for Discovery Based on Big Data Infrastructure
Yutaka Koshiba, Incheon Paik, Wuhui Chen (Aizu Univ.)
pp. 29 - 34
Low Cost Line-Following and Load-Picking Robot
Isuru Jayarathne (University of Aizu), Senaka Amarakeerthi (SUSL), Michael Cohen (University of Aizu)
pp. 35 - 38
Big Data Analytic Service Discovery using Social Service Network with Workflow Awareness
Akila Siriweera, Incheon Paik (University of Aizu)
pp. 39 - 44
Evaluation of a Web Page Readability Using Ontology Reasoning
Yui Takeda, Incheon Paik (UOA)
pp. 45 - 49
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.