Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2014] | [2015] | [2016] | [2017] | [2018] | [2019] | [2020] | [Japanese] / [English]
Fundamental study of high-resolution acoustic impedance analysis for soft tissue
Tamaki Honda, Kazuyo Ito, Kenji Yoshida, Tadashi Yamaguchi (Chiba Univ.)
pp. 1 - 5
Non-contact measurement of body-surface displacement by breathing and heart beat using airborne acoustic images
Taiki Hayashi, Shinnosuke Hirata, Hiroyuki Hachiya (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
pp. 7 - 12
A Study on Parametric Loudspeaker with Random Element Arrangement
Shota Kinjo, Yoshifumi Nagata, Toyota Fujioka, Masato Abe (Iwate Univ.)
pp. 13 - 18
Distortion-Free AGC/ALC for Fetal Doppler Audio Signal Envelop
Seiji Matsumoto (Asahikawa Med. Univ. Hospital), Manabu Koda (Akibagaoka Lab.), Yasuhito Takeuchi (Asahikawa Med. Univ.)
pp. 19 - 21
Ultrasonic welding by complex vibration source consisting of longitudinal and torsional vibration transducers
-- Study of varying shape of vibration locus --
Takuya Asami, Yosuke Tamada, Yusuke Higuchi, Hikaru Miura (Nihon Univ.)
pp. 23 - 26
Experimental Investigation on High Intensity Ultrasound Source System using Cylindrical Acoustic Waveguide and Concave Type Transducer for Calibration of Hydrophone
Shigeru Igarashi (Polytechnic Univ.), Takeshi Morishita (TOIN Univ. of Yokohama), Takeyoshi Uchida (AIST), Shinichi Takeuchi (TOIN Univ. of Yokohama)
pp. 27 - 32
Beamforming using phase aberration correction on the basis of cross-correlation (2nd report)
-- Using correlation for determining effective aperture width and method application --
Chikayoshi Sumi, Takumi Takeda (Sophia Univ)
pp. 33 - 37
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.