IEICE Technical Report

Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685      Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380

Volume 118, Number 78

Well-being Information Technology

Workshop Date : 2018-06-09 - 2018-06-10 / Issue Date : 2018-06-02


[TOP] | [2015] | [2016] | [2017] | [2018] | [2019] | [2020] | [2021] | [Japanese] / [English]


Table of contents

Development of a tracking sound game system for exercise support of visually impaired using Kinect v2 -- System improvement and evaluation --
Kazuki Miyamoto, Michiko Ohkura (SIT)
pp. 1 - 5

Error Correction Algorithm for Braille Data Read by Sensors
Yuma Koide, Shoichi Ito, Yoshinori Fujisawa (NITNC)
pp. 7 - 10

A proposal of color discrimination support system by smart glass for dichromats
Kiori Miyata, Yasushi Kanazawa (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.), Naoya Ohta (Gunma Univ.)
pp. 11 - 16

Identification of Tongue Motion and Silent Vowel based on EMG
Tadahiro Oyama (KCCT), Taisei Watanabe (NAIST)
pp. 17 - 20

Usage status analysis of web-based versatile communication support system VCAN
Hinako Sugiyama, Toyohiko Hayashi, Mieko Iriyama (Niigata Univ.), Nariyasu Fujikawa, Satoru Kawabe, Takashi Goto (Ginzado Ltd.)
pp. 21 - 26

A Survey of Published Information on Barrier-Free Campus Maps of National Universities in Japan
Rin Masubuchi, Yui Segawa, Yuko Hoshino, Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ.)
pp. 27 - 30

Development of a Learning Support System for Fingerspelling by Augmented Reality
Yoshinori Fujisawa, Shoichi Ito (NITN)
pp. 31 - 34

A Study on Information Support for Hearing Impaired Teachers in School
Sinobu Okuzawa (Tsukuba takenishi E.S.)
pp. 35 - 40

Comparison of Text Entry Methods on the Touch Interface when using a Screen Reader
Tomohiro Konta, Tetsuya Watanabe (Niigata Univ.)
pp. 41 - 46

An experiment on touch screen input by Inventive tactile cover of tablet computer for visually impaired people -- a comparative experiment of Perkins braille typing and Japanese kana typing on iPadmini --
Xin Wang (Tsukuba Univ.), Sumiko Matsuzaki (NRCD)
pp. 47 - 51

Development screen-reader a built-in automatic braille translating server for Visually impaired
Masamitsu Misono (Shisyou Senta), Aki Sugano, Yutaka Takaoka (Koube Univ.), Yasushi Nakano (Kei Univ.)
pp. 53 - 58

Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan