IEICE Technical Report

Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380

Volume 124, Number 407

Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics

Workshop Date : 2025-03-05 - 2025-03-06 / Issue Date : 2025-02-26


[TOP] | [2018] | [2019] | [2020] | [2021] | [2022] | [2023] | [2024] | [Japanese] / [English]


Table of contents

Velocity estimation method using divided Slow-Time received signals for DDMA-MIMO radar
Yoshiki Takahashi, Tadashi Oshima (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
pp. 1 - 6

Study on SAR imaging of concealed wapon using millimeter wave MIMO radar
Kohei Kawajiri, Tadashi Oshima (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
pp. 7 - 12

An Improved Chirp Scaling Algorithm for High-Resolution Multi-Look SAR Images Using Ultra-Long Observation Data
Satomi Horiuchi, Masayoshi Tsuchida (MELCO)
pp. 13 - 18

Closed-loop system identification and control design for a magnetically levitated rocket sled
Shota (TCU), Hideyuki Inoue (SpaceSled)
pp. 19 - 23

Two-step automatic trimming algorithm for Fixed-Wing UAV using attitude angle control system
Yuya Kato, Sora Haraki, Masazumi Ueba (Muroran IT)
pp. 24 - 29

Drone-based power line tracking algorithm
Hiroki Kurose, Michiya Hayama, Keisei Oh, Toshihiro Ito, Masahiko Kubota (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Masato Saitou, Ryota Ichikawa (Tohoku Electric Power Network Corp.)
pp. 30 - 35

High-Resolution Three-dimensional Imaging by Sparse Array and Synthetic Aperture Process for Millimeter Wave Radar
Seungjae Lee, Shouhei Kidera (UEC)
pp. 36 - 41

Range-Doppler Point Cloud Data Based Pedestrian State Recognition for Millimeter Collision Avoidance Radar
Takeru Matsuoka, Shouhei Kidera (UEC)
pp. 42 - 46

Pedestrian Detection for Automotive Millimeter Wave Radar in Moving Platform
Shunsuke Tanaka, Shouhei Kidera (The University of Electro-Communications)
pp. 47 - 52

Narrowband interference detection method using noise level estimation by median filter
Shinjiro Obata, Masahiro Umehira, Yoshihiko Takeuchi (Nanzan Univ), Xiaoyan Wang (Ibaraki Univ)
pp. 53 - 58

Narrowband Interference Suppression Using Frequency Estimation in CS Radar
Yoshihiko Takeuchi, Shinjiro Obata, Masahiro Umehira (Nanzan Univ.), Xiaoyan Wang (Ibaraki Univ.)
pp. 59 - 64

Vessel Detection by Using DoP Fluctuation and Average Intensity with PolSAR Data
Koki Oketani, Fang Shang, Naoto Kishi (UEC)
pp. 65 - 70

Preliminary Study on the Application of Multi-Antenna Technology to Next-Generation L-band Aeronautical Communications System -- Study on Beamforming Technology by Simulation --
Kazuyuki Morioka, Junichi Naganawa (ENRI), Ayten Guerbuez, Miguel A. Bellido-Manganell (DLR)
pp. 71 - 76

International and domestic situations of electromagnetic interference issue of aircraft radio altimeter due to Sub-6 band mobile communications systems
Shunichi Futatsumori, Noriaki Hiraga (ENRI)
pp. 77 - 82

Electromagnetic Field Simulation of RCS for Metallic Cylinders Thinner Than Wavelength for Runway Foreign Object Debris Detection Systems -- Radar Cross Section Simulation for Runway Foreign Object Debris Detection Systems(1) --
Nobuhiko Shibagaki (KDE)
pp. 83 - 86

Estimation of the Number of Signals Using Extended MEEV Considering Amplitude and Phase Errors of Elements
Yuto Nakajima, Yoshiki Takahashi, Tadashi Oshima (Mitsubishi Electric)
pp. 87 - 92

Formulation of the theoretical error of the direct geolocation method and comparison with conventional methods
Hirofumi Fukushima, Tsubasa Terada, Yuki Takabayashi (MitsubishiElectric)
pp. 93 - 98

Estimation of Interference Source Using GPS Data from Geostationary Satellites
Moeko Hidaka, Makoto Tomitaka, Naoki Miyashita, Yu Nakajima, Toru Yamamoto (JAXA), Satoko Kawakami, Tomoaki Eda, Takahiro Shimizu, Ryo Harada, Susumu Kumagai (NECSpace)
pp. 99 - 104

Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan