講演抄録/キーワード |
講演名 |
2009-03-27 13:10
[基調講演][4th SWIM'08 Keynote] What does Enterprise Informatics make happen? ○Masao J. Matsumoto(Kyushu Sangyo Univ.) SWIM2008-26 |
抄録 |
(和) |
(まだ登録されていません) |
(英) |
Service computing and SOA allows EIS experts to have smarter way of systems realization and continuous evolu-tions based on underlining business objectives. It is true that they almost solved major technical issues lying for many decades. However huge problems like world economic crisis came up due to the EIS making the loan business model happen. This paper discusses how Information Technology is related to the causes of this crisis and how we should be and what to do. |
キーワード |
(和) |
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(英) |
Service Computing / SOA / Mash up / Cloud Computing / Business (Process) Modeling / Sub Prime Loan Informa-tion Systems / Economic Crisis / EIS Experts Role |
文献情報 |
信学技報, vol. 108, no. 492, SWIM2008-26, pp. 1-8, 2009年3月. |
資料番号 |
SWIM2008-26 |
発行日 |
2009-03-20 (SWIM) |
Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380 |
著作権に ついて |
技術研究報告に掲載された論文の著作権は電子情報通信学会に帰属します.(許諾番号:10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034) |
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SWIM2008-26 |