講演抄録/キーワード |
講演名 |
2011-10-18 15:00
[ポスター講演]Evaluation of ASTER GDEM data as the input factor of USLE model ○Masashi Kasuya・Chiharu Hongo(Chiba Univ.)・Gunardi Sigit(Regional Office of Food Crops Service West Jawa Province)・Koshi Yoshida(Ibaraki Univ.)・Masayasu Maki・Koki Honma(Kyoto Univ.)・Handarto(UNPAD)・Kazuo Oki(Tokyo Univ.)・Hiroaki Shirakawa(Nagoya Univ.) SANE2011-98 |
抄録 |
(和) |
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(英) |
In Indonesia, agricultural fields have the problem of soil loss. The USLE model can estimate annual soil loss and it’s composed five factors. There are two purposes in this study. First is to evaluate accuracy of ASTER GDEM comparing ground observation data for calculate topographic coefficient (LS) which requires watershed area data and slope angle data. Second is to compute the potential risk of soil loss in Cianjur using LS, land use coefficient (C) and soil coefficient (K). C and K factors are given from empirical constants. And the high risk areas are found in the parts of northwest and southeast. |
キーワード |
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(英) |
ASTER GDEM / GIS / Soil loss / USLE / LS / / / |
文献情報 |
信学技報, vol. 111, no. 239, SANE2011-98, pp. 191-194, 2011年10月. |
資料番号 |
SANE2011-98 |
発行日 |
2011-10-10 (SANE) |
Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380 |
著作権に ついて |
技術研究報告に掲載された論文の著作権は電子情報通信学会に帰属します.(許諾番号:10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034) |
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SANE2011-98 |