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講演論文 詳細
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講演名 2018-07-30 11:15
Analysis of commercial cloud workload and study on how to apply cache methods
Kazuichi OeKazutaka OgiharaFLABO)・Takeo HondaFSTCPSY2018-14
抄録 (和) (まだ登録されていません) 
(英) We analyzed some storage workloads of the FUJITSU K5 cloud service, which was built using the
OpenStack platform, to clarify how to handle these workloads effectively. We retrieved these storage workloads and
analyzed them from the viwe point of both temporal and spatial access locality. For temporal access locality, we
classified these workloads as two input/output (IO) access patterns. One was that the number of IO accesses was
high only for a specific time and the other was that the number of IO accesses was almost stable. For both temporal
and spatial access locality, we found that almost all workloads included IO concentrations. Such concentrations
are aggregations of IO accesses and appear in narrow regions of a storage volume and continue for periods of up
to an hour. Therefore, we studied how to apply cache methods by using a cache simulator. The cache hit ratios
varied with workload, but almost half of the workloads had low cache hit ratios because they included few page-level
regularities. Automated tiered storage with fast memory and slow flash storage (ATSMF), which was we proposed
in our previous study, can handle IO concentration effectively because its migration algorithm found the entire area
of IO concentration and migrated it from slow storage to fast storage if the migration improves user’s performance.
We predict that the cache hit ratios of ATSMF will be much higher than the half workloads of the Least Recently
Used and Adaptive Replacement Cache algorithms. Therefore, we should develop a technique that combines ATSMF
and traditional caching. From the results of temporal access locality, we can a share fast storage area among several
workloads when these workloads have different times when the number of IO accesses is high. Moreover, we should
preferentially allocate a fast storage area to IO concentrated workloads, which accounts for only 1.2% of the total
workloads, because these workloads include more than half of all IO accesses.
キーワード (和) / / / / / / /  
(英) Cloud workload / analysis / caching / LRU / ARC / IO concentration / ATSMF /  
文献情報 信学技報, vol. 118, no. 165, CPSY2018-14, pp. 7-12, 2018年7月.
資料番号 CPSY2018-14 
発行日 2018-07-23 (CPSY) 
ISSN Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
PDFダウンロード CPSY2018-14

開催期間 2018-07-30 - 2018-08-01 
開催地(和) 熊本市国際交流会館 
開催地(英) Kumamoto City International Center 
テーマ(和) 並列/分散/協調システムとディペンダブルコンピューティングおよび一般 
テーマ(英) Parallel, Distributed and Cooperative Processing Systems and Dependable Computing 
申込み研究会 CPSY 
会議コード 2018-07-CPSY-DC-ARC 
本文の言語 英語 
タイトル(英) Analysis of commercial cloud workload and study on how to apply cache methods 
キーワード(1)(和/英) / Cloud workload  
キーワード(2)(和/英) / analysis  
キーワード(3)(和/英) / caching  
キーワード(4)(和/英) / LRU  
キーワード(5)(和/英) / ARC  
キーワード(6)(和/英) / IO concentration  
キーワード(7)(和/英) / ATSMF  
キーワード(8)(和/英) /  
第1著者 氏名(和/英/ヨミ) 大江 和一 / Kazuichi Oe / オオエ カズイチ
第1著者 所属(和/英) 富士通研究所 (略称: 富士通研)
Fujitsu Laboratories LTD. (略称: FLABO)
第2著者 氏名(和/英/ヨミ) 荻原 一隆 / Kazutaka Ogihara / オギハラ カスタカ
第2著者 所属(和/英) 富士通研究所 (略称: 富士通研)
Fujitsu Laboratories LTD. (略称: FLABO)
第3著者 氏名(和/英/ヨミ) 本田 岳史 / Takeo Honda / ホンダ タケオ
第3著者 所属(和/英) 富士通ソフトウェアテクノロジーズ (略称: 富士通ソフトウェアテクノロジーズ)
FST (略称: FST)
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講演者 第1著者 
発表日時 2018-07-30 11:15:00 
発表時間 30分 
申込先研究会 CPSY 
資料番号 CPSY2018-14 
巻番号(vol) vol.118 
号番号(no) no.165 
ページ範囲 pp.7-12 
発行日 2018-07-23 (CPSY) 



IEICE / 電子情報通信学会