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講演名 2021-11-12 10:10
[招待講演]Applications of Electromagnetic Array-Factor for Radar Engineering
Hirokazu KobayashiElectromagnetic Wave System Lab.SANE2021-54
抄録 (和) Array-factor (AF) theory is the widely and commonly method used to calculate and design array antenna pattern. Assuming that each element of array is a small point source, the combined electromagnetic field created due to these sources in far-region is obtained by AF. In this paper, we will make a explanation and tutorial discussion for some specific radar applications concentrated on AF, which has both simplicity and versatility. The practical four topics are prepared: First is an application to near-field to far-field transformation for evaluating antenna and RCS. Second, it is shown that radar image can be obtained by repeating transmitting and receiving from each element of array. This is considered an imaging method based on Fourier theory as same the so-called SAR, but the resolution in short-range target is more excellent than SAR. Furthermore, as a third topic, we explain the electronic beam scanning method for 3-dimensional conformal array. Finally, we discus the mechanism of MIMO virtual array as a fundamental study to combine to the conformal technology. 
(英) Array-factor (AF) theory is the widely and commonly method used to calculate and design array antenna pattern. Assuming that each element of array is a small point source, the combined electromagnetic field created due to these sources in far-region is obtained by AF. In this paper, we will make a explanation and tutorial discussion for some specific radar applications concentrated on AF, which has both simplicity and versatility. The practical four topics are prepared: First is an application to near-field to far-field transformation for evaluating antenna and RCS. Second, it is shown that radar image can be obtained by repeating transmitting and receiving from each element of array. This is considered an imaging method based on Fourier theory as same the so-called SAR, but the resolution in short-range target is more excellent than SAR. Furthermore, as a third topic, we explain the electronic beam scanning method for 3-dimensional conformal array. Finally, we discus the mechanism of MIMO virtual array as a fundamental study to combine to the conformal technology.
キーワード (和) array-factor / phased array / near-field to far-field transformation / radar imaging / permittivity evaluation / conformal array / MIMO radar /  
(英) array-factor / phased array / near-field to far-field transformation / near-field to far-field transformation / permittivity evaluation / conformal array / MIMO radar /  
文献情報 信学技報, vol. 121, no. 236, SANE2021-54, pp. 114-123, 2021年11月.
資料番号 SANE2021-54 
発行日 2021-11-04 (SANE) 
ISSN Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
PDFダウンロード SANE2021-54

研究会 SANE  
開催期間 2021-11-11 - 2021-11-12 
開催地(和) オンライン開催 
開催地(英) Online 
テーマ(和) ICSANE2021/地下電磁計測ワークショップ 
テーマ(英) ICSANE2021/Workshop on subsurface electromagnetic measurement 
申込み研究会 SANE 
会議コード 2021-11-SANE 
本文の言語 英語 
タイトル(英) Applications of Electromagnetic Array-Factor for Radar Engineering 
キーワード(1)(和/英) array-factor / array-factor  
キーワード(2)(和/英) phased array / phased array  
キーワード(3)(和/英) near-field to far-field transformation / near-field to far-field transformation  
キーワード(4)(和/英) radar imaging / near-field to far-field transformation  
キーワード(5)(和/英) permittivity evaluation / permittivity evaluation  
キーワード(6)(和/英) conformal array / conformal array  
キーワード(7)(和/英) MIMO radar / MIMO radar  
キーワード(8)(和/英) /  
第1著者 氏名(和/英/ヨミ) 小林 弘一 / Hirokazu Kobayashi / コバヤシ ヒロカズ
第1著者 所属(和/英) 波動システム研究所 (略称: 波動シス研)
Electromagnetic Wave System Laboratories (略称: Electromagnetic Wave System Lab.)
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講演者 第1著者 
発表日時 2021-11-12 10:10:00 
発表時間 40分 
申込先研究会 SANE 
資料番号 SANE2021-54 
巻番号(vol) vol.121 
号番号(no) no.236 
ページ範囲 pp.114-123 
ページ数 10 
発行日 2021-11-04 (SANE) 



IEICE / 電子情報通信学会