講演抄録/キーワード |
講演名 |
2023-10-31 13:00
[ポスター講演]ミリ波通信における両側角度電力プロファイルを用いた物体位置予測 ○米村 樹(京大)・山本高至(京都工繊大)・林 和則(京大)・新井拓人・和井秀樹・岩國辰彦・内田大誠・北 直樹(NTT) |
抄録 |
(和) |
6Gに向けたミリ波ネットワークにおいて,両側APP(Angular Power Profile)を利用した位置推定実験の結果を報告する.
実験により,両側APPを用いた座標位置推定が片側APPを用いた予測に対して,全体で12%,センシングデッドゾーンでは42%高い精度を示すことが確認された. |
(英) |
This study experimentally demonstrates a novel position prediction leveraging both-side angular power profiles (APPs) scan in millimeter-wave (mmWave) networks toward 6G.
MmWave communications are susceptible to blockage due to the pedestrian and other obstacles, and rapid attenuation of received power is a challenge.
To address this challenge, proactive control can be achieved by predicting the position of moving obstacles that will block line-of-sight (LOS) path in advance.
Conventional methods using one-side beam search have the problems of sensing dead zone and difficulty in detecting movement in the beam direction.
In contrast, this study leverages both-side APPs to make predictions.
The time series of both-side APPs is informative with respect to the position and velocity of the object.
Thus, it might be possible to predict future object position.
The mapping from the both-side APPs to future object position is predicted with machine learning.
Experiment confirmed that coordinate position prediction using both-side APPs was 12% more accurate overall and 42% more accurate in the sensing dead zone than prediction using one-side APPs. |
キーワード |
(和) |
ミリ波通信 / デバイスフリーセンシング / 機械学習 / ISAC(Integrated sensing and communication) / / / / |
(英) |
mmWave / device free sensing / machine learning / integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) / / / / |
文献情報 |
信学技報 |
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