講演抄録/キーワード |
講演名 |
2024-03-14 13:20
例外に基づく非機能要求の記述法 ○山本修一郎(名工科) KBSE2023-71 |
抄録 |
(和) |
本稿では, 機能例外に基づく非機能要求の抽出法を提案する。また、提案手法をインスリンポンプ制御ソフトウェアに適用することで、機能要求を非機能要求と統合できることを例証する. |
(英) |
In order to prevent information system failures, it is not enough to simply define functional requirements; it is necessary to clearly describe non-functional requirements such as reliability and availability.
Many modeling methods for non-functional requirements have been proposed. In these methods, the functional requirements and non-functional requirements of the system are described independently and associated, and the relationship between functional exceptions and non-functional requirements is not clear.
In this paper, we propose a method for extracting non-functional requirements based on functional exceptions. We also demonstrate that functional requirements can be integrated with non-functional requirements by applying the proposed method to an insulin pump control software. |
キーワード |
(和) |
要求仕様 / 非機能要求 / 例外 / / / / / |
(英) |
Requirements Specification / Non-Functional Requirements / Exception / / / / / |
文献情報 |
信学技報, vol. 123, no. 443, KBSE2023-71, pp. 37-42, 2024年3月. |
資料番号 |
KBSE2023-71 |
発行日 |
2024-03-07 (KBSE) |
Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380 |
著作権に ついて |
技術研究報告に掲載された論文の著作権は電子情報通信学会に帰属します.(許諾番号:10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034) |
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KBSE2023-71 |