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Technical Committee on Well-being Information Technology (WIT)  (Searched in: 2020)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2020-06-12 to:2020-06-12'

[Go to Official WIT Homepage (Japanese)] 
Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 4 of 4  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
WIT 2020-06-12
Online Online Improving the pronounce clarity of dysarthric speech using CycleGAN
Shuhei Imai, Takashi Nose, Aoi Kanagaki (Tohoku Univ.), Satoshi Watanabe (HTS), Akinori Ito (Tohoku Univ.) WIT2020-1
Several voice conversion systems have been developed that converts the dysarthric speech into healthy speech.The convent... [more] WIT2020-1
WIT 2020-06-12
Online Online Development of nursery school support system with kintone and IC cardre ader
Toru Takahashi, Koji Yamada (OSU), Sakiko Kasuya (GSG) WIT2020-2
The improvement of operational efficiency at nursery schools/kindergartens has become an urgent issue to be solved. In the... [more] WIT2020-2
WIT 2020-06-12
Online Online Can be designed and implemented by early childhood facility faculty Issues and Considerations in the Demonstration Process of Business Support Systems
Koji Yamada, Toru Takahashi (Osaka Sangyo Univ.), Sakiko Kasuya (Gifu Shotoku Junior College) WIT2020-3
We conceived of a system that can be designed, implemented, and revised by the faculty members of a preschool facility w... [more] WIT2020-3
WIT 2020-06-12
Online Online Study of Plantar Tactile Sensory Threshold for Older Person
Manabu Chikai (AIST), Daisuke Nishio, Tetsumi Honda (Hannou-seiwa Hospital), Shuichi Ino (AIST) WIT2020-4
The purpose of this study is to develop a tactile sensory measurement system, consisted by a small precision automatic s... [more] WIT2020-4
 Results 1 - 4 of 4  /   
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