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Technical Committee on Superconductive Electronics (SCE)  (Searched in: 2024)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2024-08-09 to:2024-08-09'

[Go to Official SCE Homepage (Japanese)] 
Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 3 of 3  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SCE 2024-08-09
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Development of Split-type RF coil with High-Temperature Superconductor for NMR
Takanori Fujita (Yamanashi Univ./JEOL Ltd.), Keita Sakuma (Yamanashi Univ.), Ryoji Tanaka, Katsuyuki Toshima (JEOL Ltd.), Naoto Sekiya (Yamanashi Univ.)
SCE 2024-08-09
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Design of Single Flux Quantum circuit with ReLU function output characteristics for neurons with superconducting devices
Yuto Ueno, Yuki Hironaka, Nobuyuki Yoshikawa, Yuki Yamanashi (YNU)
SCE 2024-08-09
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Analysis of Phase Behavior and Operating Margin Expansion in Low-Power Half-Flux Quantum Circuits
Soma Deguchi, Taichi Sato, Hiroki Hori, Kai Nishizaki, Feng Li, Masamitsu Tanaka, Akira Fujimaki (Nagoya Univ.)
 Results 1 - 3 of 3  /   
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