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Technical Committee on Computer Systems (CPSY)  (Searched in: 2010)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2010-04-13 to:2010-04-13'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
DC, CPSY 2010-04-13
Tokyo   [Invited Talk] Increasing Dependability based on Asynchronous Computation
Tomohiro Yoneda (NII/Tokyo Tech.) CPSY2010-1 DC2010-1
As semiconductor process technology scales and device dimensions shrink, new types of faults, such as slow transistors d... [more] CPSY2010-1 DC2010-1
DC, CPSY 2010-04-13
Tokyo   Dual Quorum System Adopting the Probabilistic Consistency
Satoshi Fukumoto, Kota Ishikawa, Masayuki Arai (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.) CPSY2010-2 DC2010-2
This paper studies properties of our dual quorum system which is adopting the probabilistic consistency. First, a more a... [more] CPSY2010-2 DC2010-2
DC, CPSY 2010-04-13
Tokyo   Accurate Asynchronous Network-on-Chip Simulation Based on Reactive Delay Model
Tomoyoshi Funazaki, Naoya Onizawa, Atsushi Matsumoto, Takahiro Hanyu (RIEC, Tohoku Univ.) CPSY2010-3 DC2010-3
 [more] CPSY2010-3 DC2010-3
DC, CPSY 2010-04-13
Tokyo   BILBO FF with soft error correcting capability
Kazuteru Namba, Hideo Ito (Chiba Univ.) CPSY2010-4 DC2010-4
This paper presents a construction of a flip-flop (FF) that works as a soft error correcting FF in system operations and... [more] CPSY2010-4 DC2010-4
DC, CPSY 2010-04-13
Tokyo   Improvement of Transient-Fault-Tolerant Scheme for Out-of-Order Superscalar Processors
Satoshi Arima, Takashi Okada, Takanobu Kita, Ryota Shioya, Masahiro Goshima, Shuichi Sakai (The Univ. of Tokyo) CPSY2010-5 DC2010-5
The feature size of LSI is getting smaller year by year, increasing random variation between the elements. To overcome t... [more] CPSY2010-5 DC2010-5
DC, CPSY 2010-04-13
Tokyo   Proposal of Thread Virtualization Environment on Cell Broadband Engine
Masahiro Yamada, Yuri Nishikawa (Keio Univ), Masato Yoshimi (Doshisha Univ), Hideharu Amano (Keio Univ) CPSY2010-6 DC2010-6
In this report, we design and propose the thread virtualization environment for parallel and distributed processing envi... [more] CPSY2010-6 DC2010-6
DC, CPSY 2010-04-13
Tokyo   Fault-tolerant FPGA Architecture
Takashi Okada, Takanobu Kita, Ryota Shioya, Masahiro Goshima, Shuichi Sakai (Tokyo Univ.) CPSY2010-7 DC2010-7
Since electric devices for space applications are likely to experience radiation induced errors, such as the Single Even... [more] CPSY2010-7 DC2010-7
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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