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Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation (AP) [schedule] [select]
Chair Kunio Sakakibara (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)
Vice Chair YUAN Qiaowei (Tohoku Inst. of Tech.)
Secretary Naoki Honma (Iwate Univ.), Wataru Yamada (NTT)
Assistant Takashi Tomura (Tokyo Tech)

Conference Date Thu, Jun 13, 2024 13:30 - 17:00
Topics Antennas and Propagation 
Conference Place 6D-1, 2, 3, 6F, Kikaishinko-kaikan 
Address 3-5-8, Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Transportation Guide
Wataru Yamada
Sponsors This conference is co-sponsored by IEEE AP-S Tokyo Chapter.
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034)
Registration Fee This workshop will be held as the IEICE workshop in fully electronic publishing. Registration fee will be necessary except the speakers and participants other than the participants to workshop(s) in non-electronic publishing. See the registration fee page. We request the registration fee or presentation fee to participants who will attend the workshop(s) on AP.

Thu, Jun 13 PM  AP
13:30 - 14:20
(1) 13:30-13:55 Estimate of the Delay Profile and Angular Profile Prediction for Between Base Station in the Sky and Mobile Station on the Road AP2024-17 Shinichi Ichitsubo
(2) 13:55-14:20 Generation of Virtual City 3D Model and Analysis of Pathloss Distribution AP2024-18 Rento Hagiwara, Koichi Ichige (Yokohama National Univ), Tatsuya Nagao, Takahiro Hayashi (KDDI Research)
  14:20-14:30 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Jun 13 PM  AP
Chair: Naoki Kita (Tokyo Denki University)
14:30 - 15:20
(3) 14:30-14:55 Development of FDTD simulator using Python AP2024-19 Akio Oga
(4) 14:55-15:20 A Consideration on Reducing the Influence of Array Errors in DOA Estimation Using Compressed Sensing AP2024-20 Nobuyoshi Kikuma, Kokoa Nakano, Kunio Sakakibara, Yoshiki Sugimoto (NITech)
  15:20-15:30 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Jun 13 PM  IEEE AP-S Tokyo Chapter Special Talk
Chair: Ryo Yamaguchi (SoftBank)
15:30 - 16:20
(5) 15:30-16:20 [Special Talk] Application of quantum technology to antennas and propagation fields
Masayuki Miyashita (SoftBank Corp.)
  16:20-16:30 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Jun 13 PM  AP Technical Committee Award Ceremony
Chair: Koshiro Kitao (NTT DOCOMO)
16:30 - 17:00
(6) 16:30-17:00 AP Technical Committee Award Ceremony
Propagation Modeling Competition 5 (PMC5) Award Ceremony

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
AP Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation (AP)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Wataru Yamada (NTT)
E--mail: _-cry 

Last modified: 2024-05-22 17:02:48

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