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Technical Committee on Theoretical Foundations of Computing (COMP)  (Searched in: 2013)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2013-09-03 to:2013-09-03'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
COMP 2013-09-03
Tottori   An O(n log n) Algorithm for the Minimax Regret Sink Location Problem in Dynamic Path Networks with the Uniform Capacity
Yuya Higashikawa (Kyoto Univ.), Mordecai J. Golin (HKUST), Naoki Katoh (Kyoto Univ.) COMP2013-25
This paper considers minimax regret 1-sink location problems in {it dynamic path networks}.
In our model, a dynamic pat... [more]
COMP 2013-09-03
Tottori   A New UCB-based Algorithm for the Matching-Selection Multi-armed Bandit Problem
Ryo Watanabe, Atsuyoshi Nakamura, Mineichi Kudo (Hokkaido Univ.) COMP2013-26
Permutation bandit problem is a kind of combinatorial multi-armed bandit problem in which an $M$-permutation of $N$ elem... [more] COMP2013-26
COMP 2013-09-03
Tottori   Oracle Pushdown Automata, Nondeterministic Reducibilities, and the Hierarchy over the Family of Context-Free Languages -- (Preliminary Version) --
Tomoyuki Yamakami (Univ. of Fukui) COMP2013-27
We impose various oracle mechanisms on nondeterministic pushdown automata, which naturally induce nondeterministic reduc... [more] COMP2013-27
COMP 2013-09-03
Tottori   A Pseudo-Polynomial Algorithm for Mean Payoff Stochastic Games with Perfect Information and a Few Random Positions
Endre Boros (Rutgers Univ.), Khaled Elbassioni (MPI), Vladimir Gurvich (Rutgers Univ.), Kazuhisa Makino (Kyoto Univ.) COMP2013-28
We consider two-person zero-sum stochastic mean payoff games with perfect information, or BWR-games, given by a digraph ... [more] COMP2013-28
COMP 2013-09-03
Tottori   Hardness of Classically Simulating Quantum Circuits with Unbounded Toffoli and Fan-Out Gates
Yasuhiro Takahashi (NTT), Takeshi Yamazaki, Kazuyuki Tanaka (Tohoku Univ.) COMP2013-29
We study the classical simulatability of constant-depth polynomial-size quantum circuits followed by only one single-qub... [more] COMP2013-29
COMP 2013-09-03
Tottori   Approximation Algorithms for Bandwidth Consective Multicolorings
Yuji Obata, Takao Nishizeki (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) COMP2013-30
 [more] COMP2013-30
COMP 2013-09-03
Tottori   Finding Maximum Regular Induced Subgraphs with Prescribed Degree
Yuichi Asahiro (Kyushu Sangyo Univ.), Takehiro Ito (Tohoku Univ.), Hiroshi Eto, Eiji Miyano (Kyushu Inst. of Tech.) COMP2013-31
We study the problem of finding a maximum vertex-subset $S$ of a given graph $G$ such that the subgraph $G[S]$ induced b... [more] COMP2013-31
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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