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Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMCJ) [schedule] [select]
Chair Kimihiro Tajima (NTT-AT)
Vice Chair Yoshitaka Toyota (Okayama Univ.)
Secretary Kaoru Gotoh (NICT), Hiroshi Suenaga (Panasonic Industry)
Assistant Osamu Yosjhimoto (Rohde&Schwarz Japan), Taiki Nishimoto (Panasonic Industry), Tadatoshi Sekine (Shizuoka Univ.), Wu Ifong (NICT)

Conference Date Thu, Nov 14, 2024
Fri, Nov 15, 2024 09:00 - 18:25
Topics EMC Joint Workshop 2024, Bangkok 
Conference Place Kumwell Academy 
Address 358 Liang Muang Nonthaburi Rd, Bang Krasaw, Mueang Nonthaburi District, Nonthaburi 11000, Thailand [Google Map]
Transportation Guide
Sponsors This conference is technical co-sponsored by IEEE EMC Society Sendai Chapter and IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint Chapter and hosted and supported by Kumwell Academy
Registration Fee This workshop will be held as the IEICE workshop in fully electronic publishing. Registration fee will be necessary except the speakers and participants other than the participants to workshop(s) in non-electronic publishing. See the registration fee page. We request the registration fee or presentation fee to participants who will attend the workshop(s) on EMCJ.
Due for Registration Please proceed the payment of registration fee by 3 days before the workshop date.

Fri, Nov 15 AM  Regular Session 1
09:00 - 10:50
  09:00-09:05 Opening Address ( 5 min. )
(1) 09:05-09:25 Fundamental Study on Self-Interference Wave Suppression in Echo TEMPEST Focusing on Nonlinear Circuit Element Ryo Nagoshi, Shugo Kaji, Daisuke Fujimoto, Yuichi Hayashi (NAIST)
(2) 09:25-09:45 Analysis of Lossy Side-Channel Waveform in Electromagnetic Information Leakage Hideaki Sone (Tohoku Univ.), Yuichi Hayashi (NAIST)
(3) 09:45-10:05 SNR Measurement Using Plaintexts Selected for Fast Calculation of Side-channel Attack Success Rate Masaki Himuro, Kengo Iokibe, Yoshitaka Toyota (Okayama Univ.)
(4) 10:05-10:25 Study on evaluation and analysis method of electromagnetic noise reduction effect of IC chip by magnetic materials Sosuke Ashida (Kobe Univ.), Koh Watanabe (NICT), Hiraku Uehara, Satoshi Tanaka, Makoto Nagata (Kobe Univ.), Masahiro Yamaguchi (Tohoku Univ.)
(5) 10:25-10:45 Measurement of magnetic field shielding effectiveness of multi-layered plate shielding by Using Two Coaxially-Aligned Loops and Analysis of Multilayering Influence Yamato Nakamukai (Tokyo Tech)
  10:45-10:50 Break ( 5 min. )
Fri, Nov 15 AM  Regular Session 2
10:50 - 13:10
(6) 10:50-11:10 Numerical Estimation of Temperature Increase Due to Implanted Metal Plate Exposed to Intermediate-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Shuhei Waki, Funa Tsumura, Takashi Hikage (Hokkaido Univ.), Tomoaki Nagaoka (NICT)
(7) 11:10-11:30 Numerical Estimations of Specific Absorption Rates for 5G Smartphones Using Child Phantom Models Minori Kagohashi, Takashi Hikage, Toshihiko Nishimura (Hokkaido Univ.), Tatsuya Kashiwa (KIT), Keiko Yamazaki, Naomi Tamura, Reiko Kishi (Hokkaido Univ.)
(8) 11:30-11:50 Electromagnetic Field Exposure Monitoring on Commercial 5G FR2 Base Stations in the Urban Area of Tokyo Sen Liu, Kazuhiro Tobita, Teruo Onishi, Masao Taki, Soichi Watanabe (NICT)
(9) 11:50-12:10 Electromagnetic Interference Issues of Aircraft Radio Altimeters Due to Adjacent Sub-6 band 5G Mobile Systems in Japan Shunichi Futatsumori (ENRI)
  12:10-13:10 Lunch Break ( 60 min. )
Fri, Nov 15 PM  Invited Talk
13:10 - 14:55
(10) 13:10-14:00 [Invited Talk]
Research About EMC Design
Yoshitaka Toyota (Okayama Univ.)
(11) 14:00-14:50 [Invited Talk]
EMC activities & Trend in Thailand and ASEAN
Werachet Khanngern (Kumwell Corporation Public Company Limited)
  14:50-14:55 Break ( 5 min. )
Fri, Nov 15 PM  Regular Session 3
14:55 - 16:40
(12) 14:55-15:15 Development of guidance for in situ testing methods for ISM equipment in compliance with CISPR 37 Kimihiro Tajima (NTT-AT), Nobuyuki Mitsuduka (TELEC), Masashi Takabe, Eichi Kobayashi (NTT-AT)
(13) 15:15-15:35 2-D Poynting vector measurement of a PCB with noise issues using an electromagnetic field probe and RF Transceiver Yuhei Takeshita, Makoto Tanaka, Isao Iwase, Takanori Uno (DENSO)
(14) 15:35-15:55 Calibration of Millimeter-Wave Broadband Antenna Using Optical Modulator Jerdvisanop Chakarothai, Katsumi Fujii, Maya Mizuno (NICT)
(15) 15:55-16:15 The Correlation between Electromagnetic Noise Characteristics and the Increase of GPS Misoperation 2 Hiraku Uehara (Kobe Univ.), Koh Watanabe (NICT), Sosuke Ashida, Yushi Mitsuya, Satoshi Tanaka, Makoto Nagata (Kobe Univ.)
(16) 16:15-16:35 Analysis of Impact on High-speed Mobile Communication by Electromagnetic Noise from Industrial Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Koh Watanabe (NICT), Hiraku Uehara, Satoshi Tanaka, Makoto Nagata (Kobe Univ.), Ifong Wu, Yasushi Matsumoto, Kaoru Gotoh (NICT)
  16:35-16:40 Break ( 5 min. )
Fri, Nov 15 PM  Regular Session 4
16:40 - 18:25
(17) 16:40-17:00 Group Delay Optimal Design of Noncommensurate Transmission Line With a Degree of Freedom in Gaps Between C-sections Wakana Kashima, Yoshiki Kayano, Taiki Yamagiwa, Fengchao Xiao (UEC)
(18) 17:00-17:20 Design of Bend Differential-Paired Lines With Both Enhancement of Signal Integrity and Suppression of Common-Mode Noise Using Topology Optimization Hayato Komatsu, Yoshiki Kayano, Fengchao Xiao (UEC)
(19) 17:20-17:40 Study on Dependency of Crosstalk on Distance between Two Pairs of Differential-Paired Lines with Common Mode Choke Coil Hayato Komiya, Yoshiki Kayano, Yoshio Kami, Fengchao Xiao (UEC), Sayaka Sekiguchi, Hiroya Ueyama, Naoki Iida (Murata Manufacturing Co.,Ltd)
(20) 17:40-18:00 Common-mode Noise Canceller for GaN Traction Inverter Takashi Sawada, Satoshi Ogasawara, Hiroshi Tadano, Koji Shiozaki (Nagoya Univ.)
(21) 18:00-18:20 Correlation between Number of Characteristic Modes of Stirrers and Field Uniformity of Reverberation Chambers Kodai Yaguchi, Takahiro Aoyagi (Tokyo Tech)
  18:20-18:25 Closing Address ( 5 min. )

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Invited TalkEach speech will have 50 minutes for presentation.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
EMCJ Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMCJ)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Tadatoshi Sekine (Shizuoka University)

Last modified: 2024-09-21 00:34:55

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