Chair |
Junichi Takada (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
Vice Chair |
Yukitoshi Sanada (Keio Univ.), Kazuhiro Uehara (NTT) |
Secretary |
Kei Sakaguchi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Takeo Fujii (Univ. of Electro-Comm.) |
Assistant |
Kenta Umebayashi (Tokyo Univ. of Agric. and Tech.), Tsuguhide Aoki (Toshiba) |
Conference Date |
Mon, Nov 26, 2007 13:00 - 20:30
Tue, Nov 27, 2007 09:00 - 16:30 |
Topics |
Cognitive radio session. panel session and general session |
Conference Place |
Kure Campus, Hiroshima international university, 2nd floor of the 1st building: Chair of the conference; Prof. Norihiko Morinaga (Hiroshima Int'l Univ.) |
Address |
5-1-1, Hirokoshingai, Kuré City, Hiroshima Prefecture, 737-0112, Japan |
Transportation Guide |
7 minutes on foot from JR-Shin-Hiroshima st. to the North, or 5 minutes on foot from Hiro-shiyakusyo bus stop. http://www.hirokoku-u.ac.jp/english/ |
Contact Person |
Department of information technology, Masaaki Yamanaka
0823-73-8258 |
Sponsors |
This conference is co-sponsored by the E2RII
Announcement |
We'll have a bunquet after the session on 26th.
- Kure Hankyu Hotel
- 1-1-1 Kure city Chuou
- +81-823-20-1111
- URL: http://www.kurehankyu.co.jp/ |
Copyright and reproduction |
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034) |
Mon, Nov 26 PM General session 13:00 - 13:50 |
(1) |
13:00-13:25 |
Cognitive Interference Mitigation Techniques for Pulsed-Multiband DS-UWB System SR2007-46 |
Chin-Sean Sum, Hiroshi Harada, Shuzo Kato (NICT) |
(2) |
13:25-13:50 |
A Study on Distributed Architecture of Cognitive Network Manager for Cognitive Wireless Clouds SR2007-47 |
Ha Nguyen Tran, Homare Murakami, Goh Miyamoto, Kentaro Ishizu, Stanislav Filin, Hiroshi Harada, Shuzo Kato (NICT), Mikio Hasegawa (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Yoshitoshi Murata (Iwate Pref. Univ.) |
13:50-14:00 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Mon, Nov 26 PM E2RI Workshop http://e2r2.motlabs.com 14:00 - 20:30 |
(3) |
14:00-14:30 |
Recent Progress on SDR and Cognitive Radio in Japan - Review of Presentations in IEICE TCSR
○Jun-ichi Takada, (Tokyo Institute of Technology) |
(4) |
14:30-15:00 |
A Study of Radio Resource Management on Cognitive Radio System
○Seishi Hanaoka (Hitachi) |
(5) |
15:00-15:30 |
Cognitive Wireless Clouds -- Network Architecture for Cognitive Radio Technology --
○Homare Murakami, Goh Miyamoto, Kentaro Ishizu, Ha Nguyen Tran, Stanislav, Filin, Hiroshi Harada, Shuzo Kato (NICT), Mikio Hasegawa (Tokyo University of Science), Yoshia Saito, Yoshitoshi Murata (Iwate Prefectural Univ.) |
(6) |
15:30-16:00 |
Routing Management for Cognitive Radio Access Network
○Akira Yamaguchi (ATR) |
16:00-16:15 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
(7) |
16:15-16:45 |
E2R Programme Achievements - Towards Cognitive Radio Systems
○Dr. Didier Bourse (Motorola) |
(8) |
16:45-17:15 |
E2R Flexible Spectrum Management and Cognitive Pilot Channel
○Dr. Klaus Moessner (University of Surrey ) |
(9) |
17:15-17:45 |
E2R Reconfigurable Equipment Architecture
○Dr. Gary Clemo (Toshiba Research Europe Ltd) |
17:45-18:30 |
Move to banquet place ( 45 min. ) |
(10) |
18:30-20:30 |
Memorial ceremony for the association with E2RII |
Tue, Nov 27 AM General session 09:00 - 10:30 |
(11) |
09:00-09:25 |
Spectrum Sharing by Adaptive Transmit Power Contorl for Low Priority Systems and its Achievable Capacity SR2007-48 |
Hiromasa Fujii, Hitoshi Yoshino (NTT DoCoMo) |
(12) |
09:25-09:50 |
Performance of frequency sharing system with transmit power control utilizing cooperative sensing in spatially correlated shadowing environment SR2007-49 |
Takuto Ohno, Yu Younjin, Hidekazu Murata, Koji Yamamoto, Susumu Yoshida (Kyoto Univ.) |
(13) |
09:50-10:15 |
Sampling Frequency Selection Scheme based on System-Clock in Multi-signal Reception Simultaneously SR2007-50 |
Kazuki Kimura (Chuo Univ.), Toru Kitayabu, Toshiyuki Maeyama (KDDI Lab.), Hiroshi Shirai (Chuo Univ.) |
10:15-10:30 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Tue, Nov 27 AM Poster session 10:30 - 12:00 |
(14) |
10:30-12:00 |
[Poster Presentation]
Experimental Verification of the Relation between the Transition of Radio Resource Availability and its Prediction Possibility in Cognitive Radio SR2007-51 |
Shoji Kaneko, Shinichi Nomoto, Tetsuro Ueda, Shingo Nomura, Kazunori Takeuchi (KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc.) |
(15) |
10:30-12:00 |
[Poster Presentation]
Experimental Study of Energy Detector Prototype for Cognitive Radio System SR2007-52 |
Sabita Maharjan, Kimtho Po, Jun-ichi Takada (Tokyo Insti.of Tech.) |
(16) |
10:30-12:00 |
[Poster Presentation]
Performance Evaluation of Cyclic Detector in Cognitive Radio SR2007-53 |
Kimtho Po, Jun-ichi Takada, Minseok Kim (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
(17) |
10:30-12:00 |
[Poster Presentation]
IQ Imbalance Estimation Scheme in the Presence of DC offset and Frequency Offset for OFDM Direct Conversion Receivers SR2007-54 |
Mamiko Inamori, Anas Muhamad Bostamam, Yukitoshi Sanada (Keio Univ.), Hideki Minami (Sony) |
(18) |
10:30-12:00 |
[Poster Presentation]
High Contribution Node Selection for Cognitive Radio Networks SR2007-55 |
Hiroto Yasuda, Takeo Fujii (Univ. of Electro-Comm.) |
(19) |
10:30-12:00 |
[Poster Presentation]
A study on soft decision based cooperative sensing in consideration of interference with primary users SR2007-56 |
Hiromasa Uchiyama, Kenta Umebayashi, Yukihiro Kamiya, Yasuo Suzuki (TAT) |
(20) |
10:30-12:00 |
[Poster Presentation]
A study of interference suppression technique using Adaptive Array Antenna for indoor short range areas SR2007-57 |
Masayuki Enomoto, Masaaki Yamanaka, Norihiko Morinaga (Hiroshima International Univ.) |
12:00-13:00 |
Lunch Break ( 60 min. ) |
Tue, Nov 27 PM Special lecture and special invited lecture 13:00 - 14:15 |
(21) |
13:00-13:35 |
[Invited Talk]
Introduction of IEEE P1900.4 and Activities of NICT SR2007-58 |
Kentaro Ishizu, Homare Murakami, Stanislav Filin, Hiroshi Harada, Goh Miyamoto, Ha Nguyen Tran, Shuzo Kato (NICT) |
(22) |
13:35-13:55 |
[Special Talk]
A Brief Report of 2007 SDR Technical Conference |
Hiroyuki Shiba (NTT) |
(23) |
13:55-14:15 |
[Special Talk]
Report of the 2007 International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) SR2007-59 |
Kenta Umebayashi (TUAT) |
14:15-14:25 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Tue, Nov 27 PM General session 14:25 - 16:30 |
(24) |
14:25-14:50 |
Basic Characteristics of Propagation Status Monitoring Based on Software Defined Radio SR2007-60 |
Takashi Fujimoto, Kanshiro Kashiki, Mitsuo Nohara, Kazunori Takeuchi (KDDI lab.), Takashi Matsumura (Toyota Info Technology Center, Co.,Ltd.) |
(25) |
14:50-15:15 |
Field Trial of Inter-Base Station Network using Experimental Cognitive Radio Communication Equipment SR2007-61 |
Kanshiro Kashiki, Kazunori Takeuchi, Mitsuo Nohara (KDDI Labs.) |
(26) |
15:15-15:40 |
Study on Inter-Base Station Beam Switching Considering Asymmetric Broadband Transmission in Cognitive Radio SR2007-62 |
Satoshi Imata, Kanshiro Kashiki, Mitsuo Nohara (KDDI R&D) |
(27) |
15:40-16:05 |
A Reduction Method of Information Overhead for QoS Route Control and Throughput Evaluation in Cognitive Wireless Access Networks SR2007-63 |
Toshiaki Yamamoto, Jong-Ok Kim, Akira Yamaguchi, Sadao Obana (ATR) |
(28) |
16:05-16:30 |
Improving End-to-End QoS using Dynamic Spectrum Access Technology SR2007-64 |
Stanislav Filin, Kentaro Ishizu, Homare Murakami, Hiroshi Harada, Shuzo Kato (NICT), Mikio Hasegawa (Tokyo Univ. of Science) |
Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information |
SR |
Technical Committee on Software Radio (SR) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Tsuguhide Aoki (Toshiba)
TEL: 044-549-2283, FAX: 044-520-1806
E- : gu de ao   ba |
Announcement |
Latest information will be presented on the WEB site.
http://www.ieice.org/cs/sr/jpn/index-e.html |
Last modified: 2010-10-12 19:18:26