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Technical Committee on Thought and Language (TL) [schedule] [select]
Chair Kenji Itoh
Vice Chair Hiroyuki Kameda
Secretary Satoko Marumoto, Tadahisa Kondo
Assistant Masashi Saraki, Yuki Hirose

Technical Committee on Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding (PRMU) [schedule] [select]
Chair Hiroshi Murase
Vice Chair Yuichi Nakamura, Shin-ichi Satoh
Secretary Yoichi Sato, Yoshito Mekada
Assistant Koichi Kise

Conference Date Thu, Feb 23, 2006 09:30 - 17:50
Fri, Feb 24, 2006 09:00 - 17:30
Conference Place  
Transportation Guide
Dr. Takio Kurita

Thu, Feb 23 AM 
09:30 - 12:00
(1) 09:30-10:00 Form layout analysis using size invariant features Tomohisa Suzuki, Akihiro Uda, Hiroyuki Mizutani (Toshiba Solutions)
(2) 10:00-10:30 A Cell Extraction Method for Form Documents using Intersection Features Hiroshi Tanaka, Hiroaki Takebe, Katsuhito Fujimoto (Fujitsu Labs.)
(3) 10:30-11:00 Recognition of Character Strings Printed with Large Alignment Error Minenobu Seki, Takeshi Nagasaki, Katsumi Marukawa (Hitachi)
(4) 11:00-11:30 A Coupon Classification Method Based on Adaptive Image Vector Mathing Takeshi Nagasaki, Katsumi Marukawa, Tatsuhiko Kagehiro, Hiroshi Sako (Hitachi CRL)
(5) 11:30-12:00 Use of Affine Invariants and Similarity Invariants in Fast Camera-based Document Image Retrieval Tomohiro Nakai, Koichi Kise, Masakazu Iwamura (Osaka Pref. Univ.)
Thu, Feb 23 AM 
09:30 - 12:00
(6) 09:30-10:00 Electric Network Classifier for Semi-supervised Learning on Graphs Masaki Rikitoku (Justsystem), Hiroshi Hirai (RIMS), Kazuo Murota (Tokyo Univ.)
(7) 10:00-10:30 A Web Page Splitting Method with DP for Adaptive Browsing on Small Screen Devices Kouichi Karasawa, Masayuki Okamoto (Shinshu Univ.)
(8) 10:30-11:00 Analytical DP matching and its application to pattern recognition Seiichi Uchida, Hiroaki Sakoe (Kyushu Univ.)
(9) 11:00-11:30 Support Vector Machines for Mathematical Symbol Recognition Christopher Malon (MIT), Masakazu Suzuki, Seiichi Uchida (Kyushu Univ.)
(10) 11:30-12:00 Online similarcharacter recognition for mathematical expressions with SVM Yuji Kasuya (Waseda Univ.), Hayato Yamana (Waseda Univ/NII)
Thu, Feb 23 AM 
09:30 - 12:00
(11) 09:30-10:00 Content-based Image Retrieval with Selective Attention Jun Saito (Waseda Univ.), Hayato Yamana (Waseda Univ./NII)
(12) 10:00-10:30 An Analysis of Wearable-Camera Images Using Local Features Hironori Sugino, Takeshi Nagasaki (Future Univ. Hakodate)
(13) 10:30-11:00 Virtual Recovery of the Depleted Art Object based on AR Technology Ryo Suzuki, Toshiyuki Amano (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
(14) 11:00-11:30 Document Interface Using Augumented Reality Satoshi Kunda, Toshiyuki Amano (NIT)
(15) 11:30-12:00 Path Planning using Potential Field for 3D Reconstruction by a Mobile Robot Katsuya Kawai, Atsushi Nakazawa, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Haruo Takemura (Osaka Univ.)
  12:00-13:00 Lunch Break ( 60 min. )
Thu, Feb 23 PM 
13:00 - 15:00
(16) 13:00-14:00 [Special Talk]
A Study of Intelligent Office Enabler with Unified System of Document Recognition, Classification and Workflow Handler
-- a Case Study of "VOF" ("Virtual Office of the Future") in Germany --
Naoyuki Nomura (Hosei Univ.)
(17) 14:00-15:00 [Special Talk]
The Rewritable Image Media:The Blackest Prining Imge and the Best Erasing Ability RECO-View Sheet 630BF
Tadafumi Tatewaki (Ricoh)
  15:00-15:15 Break ( 15 min. )
Thu, Feb 23 PM 
15:15 - 16:35
(18) 15:15-16:35  
  16:35-16:50 Break ( 15 min. )
Thu, Feb 23 PM 
16:50 - 17:50
(19) 16:50-17:50 [Fellow Memorial Lecture]
Norihiro Hagita (ATR)
Fri, Feb 24 AM 
09:00 - 10:30
(20) 09:00-09:30 Mosaicing-by-Recognition of Text with Frame Matching Hiromitsu Miyazaki, Seiichi Uchida, Hiroaki Sakoe (Kyushu Univ.)
(21) 09:30-10:00 Video Mosaicing for Curved Surface based on Structure from Motion Tomokazu Sato (NAIST, NEC), Akihiko Iketani (NEC), Sei Ikeda (NAIST), Masayuki Kanbara (NAIST, NEC), Noboru Nakajima (NEC), Naokazu Yokoya (NAIST, NEC)
(22) 10:00-10:30 Extraction of character strings on a curved surface and correction of their distortion Takeshi Shinba, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Tetsuya Matsumoto, Hiroaki Kudo, Noboru Ohnishi (Nagoya Univ)
Fri, Feb 24 AM 
09:00 - 10:30
(23) 09:00-09:30 A Method for Canonical Facial Range Image Generation Hirokuni Kobayashi, Yukio Sato (Keio Univ.)
(24) 09:30-10:00 Fast Learning Approach Using Self Organizing Map Alaa Sagheer (Kyushu University), Naoyuki Tsuruta (Fukuoka University), Rin-Ichiro Taniguchi, Daisaku Arita (Kyushu University), Sakashi Maeda (Fukuoka University)
(25) 10:00-10:30 Data Cleansing for EEG based Brain Computer Interface Kenji Tanaka (Univ. Tsukuba), Takio Kurita, Friedrich Meyer, Luc Berthouze (AIST), Tohru Kawabe (Univ. Tsukuba)
Fri, Feb 24 AM 
09:00 - 10:30
(26) 09:00-09:30 Optical Flow Computation in nD Space and on Manifolds Atsushi Imiya, Yusuke Kameda, Yoshihiko Mochizuki (Chiba Univ.)
(27) 09:30-10:00 Polygonalisation in the Hexagonal Grid System Troung Kieu Linh, Atsushi Imiya (Chiba Univ.)
(28) 10:00-10:30 Restoring Motion-blur using complex-sinusoidally modulated imaging Dabi Wei, Toru Kurihara, Shigeru Ando (Tokyo Univ.)
  10:30-10:45 Break ( 15 min. )
Fri, Feb 24 AM 
10:45 - 12:15
(29) 10:45-11:15 Proposal and Experiment of Feature Integration Method for Low-resolution Character Recognition Makoto Nomura, Kazuhiko Yamamoto, Hirotaka Ohta, Kunihito Kato (Gifu Univ.)
(30) 11:15-11:45 Stroke recovery for data embedment and extraction into handwriting pattern Kazuhiro Tanaka, Seiichi Uchida (Kyushu Univ.), Masakazu Iwamura (Osaka Prefecture Univ.), Shinichiro Omachi (Tohoku Univ.), Koichi Kise (Osaka Prefecture Univ.)
(31) 11:45-12:15 Area Ratio as Supplementary Information for Camera-Based Character Recognition Shinichiro Omachi (Tohoku Univ.), Masakazu Iwamura (Osaka Prefecture Univ.), Seiichi Uchida (Kyushu Univ.), Koichi Kise (Osaka Prefecture Univ.)
Fri, Feb 24 AM 
10:45 - 12:15
(32) 10:45-11:15 A Method to Extract Strokes from Japanese Cursive Character Images using Computational Geometry Kota Abe (Osaka City Univ.), Mamoru Shibayama (Kyoto Univ.)
(33) 11:15-11:45 Transcript Mapping for Historical Brush-written Document Images Takahiro Konishi, Kengo Terasawa, Toshio Kawashima (Future Univ-Hakodate)
(34) 11:45-12:15 Damaged character pattern recognition on wooden tablets excavated from the Heijo palace site Kei Saito, Akihito Kitadai, Kazu Nishijima, Masaki Nakagawa (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Hajime Baba, Akihiro Watanabe (Nara Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Nara)
Fri, Feb 24 AM 
10:45 - 12:15
(35) 10:45-11:15 High Precision Gait Recognition Using Large Scale PC Cluster Satoshi Ito, Yuuki Horita, Kenji Kaneda, Takuya Nanri, Yasuyuki Shimohata, Kenjiro Taura, Mihoko Otake, Tomomasa Sato (Univ. of Tokyo), Nobuyuki Otsu (AIST)
(36) 11:15-11:45 Realtime Motion Recognition by using CHLAC feature and Grid Computing Takayoshi Shiraki, Katsuhiko Ishiguro, Ryo Fukano, Yoshikazu Kamoshida, Tatsuya Shirai, Hideo Saito, Kenjiro Taura, Mihoko Otake, Tomomasa Sato (Univ. of Tokyo), Nobuyuki Otsu (AIST)
(37) 11:45-12:15 Lane detection by Hough transform that considers posture of car Eisuke Adachi, Terutaka Nabeshima, Takio Kurita (AIST)
  12:15-13:45 Lunch Break ( 90 min. )
Fri, Feb 24 PM 
13:45 - 14:45
(38) 13:45-14:45 [Invited Talk]
Semantic Computing
Koiti Hasida (AIST)
  14:45-15:00 Break ( 15 min. )
Fri, Feb 24 PM 
15:00 - 17:30
(39) 15:00-15:30 Stroke-Based Stochastic Context-Free Grammar for On-line Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition Ryo Yamamoto, Shinji Sako, Takuya Nishimoto, Shigeki Sagayama (Tokyo Univ.)
(40) 15:30-16:00 The Stochastic Modeling of Pen-Coordinate Information by Structured Character Pattern Representation based HMM for On-line Japanese Handwriting Recognition Junko Tokuno, Yang Yiping, Gleidson Pegoretti da Silva, Akihito Kitadai, Masaki Nakagawa (TUAT)
(41) 16:00-16:30 Online Character Recognition Based on Subspace Method and DP Matching Hiroto Mitoma, Seiichi Uchida, Hiroaki Sakoe (Kyushu Univ.)
(42) 16:30-17:00 A Weighted Voting Method to accelerate Writer Adaptation for On-line Handwriting Recognition Akira Nakamura (SANYO Electric)
(43) 17:00-17:30 Implementation and evaluation of a scalable recognition system Hideto Oda, Akihito Kitadai, Motoki Onuma, Bilan Zhu, Masaki Nakagawa (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech.)
Fri, Feb 24 PM 
15:00 - 16:30
(44) 15:00-15:30 An Estimation on View-point and View-field of Visual Model by Square Error Rate Junji Kawasaki, Takuma Kawai, Sho Nishimura, Kosuke Takeda, Kyoko Kato (KTC), Makoto Sato, Taizo Iijima (TIT)
(45) 15:30-16:00 Factorization Method Considering Missing Data Shinobu Amikura, Yohei Itoh, Hiroyuki Kudo (Univ. of Tsukuba)
(46) 16:00-16:30 Shape reconstruction from rotated object images Takuya Minagawa, Hisamoto Hiyoshi, Naoya Ohta (Gunma Univ.)
Fri, Feb 24 PM 
15:00 - 17:30
(47) 15:00-15:30 Automatic Conversion Method from Japanese Specifications to Class Diagrams of UML Ryuichi Saita, Yuki Matsunaga, Kazuki Takano, Nobusuke Takai, Hiroyuki Kameda (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.)
(48) 15:30-16:00 An Evaluation Method of a Younger's Word Processing System with use of Blog Articles Chiaki Kubomura (Yamano College of Aesthetics), Toshinobu Harada (NEEC of Hachiouji), Yousuke Sasaki, Yoshihito Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Kameda (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.)
(49) 16:00-16:30 A Knowledge Processing Model "Hanfeizi" to Tolerate Inconsistency
-- An Application to an Interactive English-Japanese Translation System --
(without presentation)
Yousuke Sasaki, Hiroyuki Kameda (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.)
(50) 16:30-17:00 Healing Robot PDDIN2005
-- Speech and Action of a Robot with ablities of Considering its Situations and Interlocutor's Feelings --
Tomoyuki Ozawa (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.), Toshinobu Harada (NEEC of Hachiouji), Kazuhito Yamaguchi, Yousuke Sasaki, Nobusuke Takai, Takuma Obata, Hiroyuki Kameda (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.)
(51) 17:00-17:30 A Proposal of a Reinforcement Learning Method with accumulation and use of Examples as Experience Takuma Obata, Yousuke Sasaki (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.), Chiaki Kubomura (Yamano College of Aesthetics), Hiroyuki Kameda (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.)

Announcement for Speakers
General Talk (30)Each speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Special Talk (60)Each speech will have 50 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Invited Talk (60)Each speech will have 50 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Fellow Memorial Lecture (60)Each speech will have 50 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
TL Technical Committee on Thought and Language (TL)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address  
PRMU Technical Committee on Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding (PRMU)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address  

Last modified: 2005-12-19 23:16:27

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